Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 33:22

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord. 

For the LORD is our Judge,
the LORD is our Lawgiver,
the LORD is our King.
He will save us.
–Isaiah 33:22

O Emmanuel, our king and our lawgiver,
the hope of the nations and their Saviour:
Come and save us, O Lord our God.

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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33 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Keli Miles says:

    Thank You Lord God! ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Lord for being our king, our hope and our Savior. Thinking of all of you, there are so many needs to pray for. I lift each as I read but would like to mention a few.

    Gayle C. may you find peace in your new treatment choice and healing. You are getting a very special gift for Christmas! Hope everyone is well.
    Lynne from Alabama and Linda NC may the Babe cover you with His love and peace this Christmas in what is a difficult season of your lives.
    Sharon Jersey Girl so glad you had a wonderful time, it is a beautiful time to walk the city.
    Rhonda, I hope your husband is able to be home part of the day and may you find some fun activity to do. Love the memories shared about your family activities.
    Thank you all for the prayers, we are doing ok with the Covid, the medicine is yucky! It will be a quiet day in our house too. Tomorrow we will Zoom are morning service and Christmas Eve one. Blessings dear sisters.

  3. Mari V says:

    @Linda IN NC, praying for strength as you care for your husband and thankful for your family and grand babies. @SEARCHING Thank you. Indeed it was such a blessing! @Kelly NEO, YES, I went to in-person church last week. I believe I mentioned I saw the ex. Thankful for those looking after me as I now know when I should attend.

  4. Brittany Taylor says:

    I have spent this study reading everyone’s comments realizing how deep in pain & despair I’ve been that I’m not experiencing the joy and connection of God that many of you are expressing. Catching up on readings this morning & the joy of meeting Jesus someday hit me in a full body chills way it never has before – thank you God for a small Christmas miracles! & thank you all for inspiring me to pray for deeper relationship with God.

  5. Mari V says:

    @Rachel, praying for Eden and her family. Praying for wisdom for the doctors!

  6. Mari V says:

    The Lord is OUR KING!! He will save us! Thank YOU JESUS! So thankful for Grace DAY! So much to do today since my break just started yesterday. I had a nightmare. VERY disturbing, and it felt so real. In my dream, it felt real and was asking myself “why” is this happening and “why” did I make such decision. THEN, I woke up. Thank you Jesus! Sometimes I feel its an attack from the enemy to bring me down, BUT I remind myself WHO I belong to! LOVE you all sweet She’s. Happy SATURDAY!

  7. Rachel says:

    Merry Christmas Eve Eve! So much here to pray for, so much to celebrate, so thankful that God is present with us in all of it.

    LYNNE, I pray for you and Jack so often – sorry that I don’t say it here where it can encourage your heart more. I will go look for you on FB
    HEIDI – HURRAY!!!!! My dad graduated from DTS when I was young. I know you are online not in person, but I have spent m.a.n.y. hours on that campus (also got caught playing in the fountain as a hot, precocious 4 year old, but that’s another story for another day ;))
    MARI – So happy for you that you get these 2 weeks off and for the kindness of the gift cards! So thankful with you for this new job!

    Praying for the rest of you as well, that God is near in your sorrows and your joys. If I could add to your prayer lists…the 15 yr old daughter of dear friends had a grand mal seizure Thurs out of nowhere and has been seizing almost unrelentingly since then. She is intubated in the ICU while the doctors scramble to find a cause. Please pray for Eden and her family.

  8. H Armour says:

    Save us now…Our King will save! Come, O King