Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord. Use the pages that follow to express any stirred longings, letting this week’s Scripture guide your reflection.
For God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of God’s glory in the face of Jesus Christ.
—2 Corinthians 4:6
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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53 thoughts on "Grace Day"
After reading all of this week’s scripture, I’m really feeling stirred to finally let go of all my anxieties, knowing that Christ died so that I could be forgiven and stainless again. I want to start living from a place of gratitude and hope, and be brave enough to put away my old ways. In His name.
Shine Jesus Shine!
Thank you God for shining your light into my heart.
Thank you, Jesus, for giving us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory
Praying for you and your children, Tara.
That is such beautiful scripture. It feels so appropriate for me this morning. I am the liturgist at my church this morning. I am both nervous and excited to share God’s words and scripture with our Congregation. This is my first time sharing here. I love reading everyone’s thoughts and prayers and they give me strength! Amen
I am praying this scripture now for my family. My husband moved out last Saturday and I know each of my kids are affected in different ways. I am praying for them to share their feelings, concerns and fears and that they will hold tight to their faith. I want to show them Light through this dark time.
Praying for you and your family!
Night in shining armor: As I was finishing up my study yesterday It was impressed upon my heart that Jesus is our “shining” armor in the night
Light it up, shine bright for me and through me for all to see there is no fear when you are near and in the night your in plain sight. Thank you Jesus in the night and the morning through out the day your the Light that stays
Thank you Jesus! ❤️
I pray that my life would shine with the light of Christ through my actions, words, thoughts, and decisions.
Welcome new sisters and those who are back posting. The last 24 hrs have been heavy for me, a friend went home to the Lord yesterday after a long battle with several cancer diagnosis. She was always smiling, strong and when you asked how she was doing, always said good! She is now free of pain! Today I learned of another friend who died unexpectedly yesterday also. He will be missed by so many children and adults in our community. He was the social worker for the town and worked with the kids with social and drug issues. He was there for them during Covid shut-down and led youth activities to enrich their lives and to help them become role models for others. I really don’t know how he will be replaced. He was so much more too! Please pray for the families. Thank you.
”Speaking Forth the Word: Declaring Spiritual Realities and Activating Supernatural Power in this Hour”…
…The Lord is our Light and our Salvation, and in the Name of Jesus, we are kept by His word and lifted by His grace. Our path shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.
…In the name of Jesus, everything we lay our hands to do is blessed. When men say there is a casting down, we declare in Jesus’ name that there is a lifting up and a rising up.
*Premature death will never have a hold on our lives.
..We declare the fullness of our days and the fulfillment of our destinies.
..We refuse to be victims of the arrows that fly by day, the noise of pestilence, and the destruction that wasted a new day.
..By the power of God, we are fortified and refuse to be victims.
*Every tree that has not been planted by God is uprooted from our lives and destinies.
*Every dream that is not the planting of God is uprooted and torn down.
…We reject failure in the name of Jesus Christ and declare that our lives are full of victory.
…We reject failure by the power of the Holy Ghost. The word of God is lifting us in the name of Jesus Christ.
*Everything we do is blessed.
…We are blessed in the city and blessed in the country.
-The word of God is working for us and producing supernatural results in our lives.
…We are signs and wonders by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We speak forth these spiritual realities over our children, our families, our jobs, our businesses, our ministries, and our finances.
…We declare the wisdom of Jesus and supernatural ideas.
*Everything we lay our hands on is blessed, and we prosper in our souls.
…We are growing in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, growing in the word, growing in power, growing in wisdom, and growing in leaps and bounds.
#We decree these spiritual realities and command them to be made manifest in our lives today.
…We refuse to remain silent, for silence is the doorway to destruction.
…A closed mouth is a closed destiny, and a silent mouth leads to a stagnant life.
…So we speak forth the word over our destiny, decreeing a thing and establishing it according to Deuteronomy 28….
…Our words have power, and as we speak, things align with the will of God; Let us speak forth the word over our lives with boldness and confidence, knowing that our words have the power to create and shape our reality.
Friends,…We must proclaim and declare the promises of God over our circumstances, knowing that His word does not return void.
As we speak forth the word, we are aligning ourselves with God’s truth and inviting His power to work in and through us. We are activating the supernatural Life of Christ within us which empowers us to step into the abundant life that Jesus promised.
With each declaration, we are building a foundation of faith and confidence in God’s power and ability to bring about breakthrough and transformation. We are speaking life and vitality into every area of our existence….
..Our words carry authority and have the power to shift atmospheres and break down strongholds and shatter chains of darkness.
In our declarations, we are tapping into the unlimited resources of heaven.
…By faith we are accessing the wisdom and understanding of the Holy Spirit, who leads and guides us in all things. We are inviting divine ideas and strategies to flow through us, bringing success and prosperity into every area of our lives.
No longer will we stay silent and allow the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy.
…We must refuse to accept anything less than God’s best for our lives. We speak forth restoration, healing, and breakthrough. We declare that every setback will be turned into a setup for a comeback.
…We proclaim that what was meant for our harm will be turned around for our good and to the Glory of God.
In the name of Jesus, we command every obstacle and hindrance to be removed from our path. We declare open doors, divine connections, and supernatural favor.
…We decree that we are walking in divine alignment with God’s purposes and plans.
Our declarations are not just empty words, but they carry the weight of heaven. We speak forth with faith and expectation, knowing that God is faithful to fulfill His promises. We are confident that as we align our words with His will, we will see His kingdom come and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So let us continue to speak forth the word over our lives, our families, and our circumstances. Let us declare God’s goodness, faithfulness, and provision. Let us speak into existence the abundant life that God has prepared for us. And let us do so with boldness, confidence, and unwavering faith in the name of Jesus.
By Veronica West
Amen! ❤️
Happy Saturday she’s. Thank you so much ladies for your prayers. I held each of you in my heart. There was temptation to have a pity party for myself and praise God, He sent words of transformation. I came across this post from a wonderful lady in Ireland and I spoke them over myself. I feel that I need to share. I saved it on my note app on my phone as well that the Lord sent this prophet and her words in my low moments that I will speak words of life over bad situations. I apologize it’s long and I will post on the next post. Be blessed dear sisters.❤️
Grateful for Grace
Amen, LAURA DIANNE… I wish we could share photos… I would have posted this quote from Archbishop William Temple. He said, “All is of God; the only thing of my very own which I can contribute to my own redemption is the sin from which I need to be redeemed.”
Joining all my sisters in praying for all the requests.❤️
So many to mention but as I lie in bed sick while Baby sleeps too, I’ll just mention:
@ TERESA DONLEY — Holding you up dear sister; praying you always feel that He is holding most of the weight of this challenging diagnosis. ❤️
@ ECS – Such a beautiful testimony.
Welcome @ MONIQUE DISARIO and thank you for sharing!
@ TINA – When will your book be released?! ;) I’d like an autographed copy, even if it means I need to cross “the pond” to get it. ❤️
Praying and longing for biblical community and friendships for myself and my marriage. I’m reminded today that God is a generous provider and will bless me with those relationships in His perfect timing.
My 96 year old Gran is in her final days. I went to visit her today and thank God that she is heading towards the light in these dark days. I could share this passage with her and pray with her and it seemed to bring her peace. Thank you Lord. I cannot do much but i can remind her of your light! Thank you Lord!
My family was in a similar situation last Christmas, I know how tough it can be. Praying for you and your family ❤️
@Monique Disario, First, Wecome to SRT, so glad you joined us, also you’re not sapping, we are here for one another, thank you for sharing. We are praying for you and glad your here with us.
Praying I will be a reflection of the light of God shining in a dark world!
Praying for you MONIQUE, and your family at this time. Holidays are tough when you have lost a loved one! God is our comfort. Praying He will surround you with His love and comfort!
I love the contrast of light and darkness. Remembering that Jesus is THE LIGHT comforts me so much when I get discouraged by the darkness of this world. At the gym yesterday, they had a sign with “You are enough” on it. That saying always yanks my chain, because it does so much damage to the way we think of ourselves. I really hate it. We are not enough. We will never be enough. But WITH Christ, we can be enough, because it is only through Him that we are whole.
SARAH D I was thinking about you the other day! First year of teaching can be so hard – glad you are loving it in spite of the stress and challenges. After 30+ years in this wonderful profession, I can say that I would never have wanted to do anything else, even though I was definitely burnt out at the end. So glad for young enthusiastic Christian teachers like yourself to pick up the baton and carry on!
I just had to share this from VINES EXPOSITORY BIBLE NOTES!
“The Soul-Winner’s Testimony (4:5, 6)
Paul gave his personal testimony. He was always doing that. He was basically saying two things in these verses: Jesus is the Lord of my life, and I am your servant for Jesus’ sake. We should live for Jesus’ sake.
Paul made salvation comparable to what God did in creation (2 Cor. 4:6; see Gen. 1:1, 2). He wrote that what happened when God created the world is similar to what happens when God saves a soul. Here is a lost sinner with darkness in his soul. His life is void of purpose, joy, and happiness. The Spirit of God begins to convict that soul of its need of the Savior. The gospel is preached and that soul responds, “O, Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins. Come into my heart and save me.”
And God says, “Let there be light.”
GREAT WAY TO SUM UP OUR FIRST WEEK, I thought! I got my study book yesterday so I plan to ‘catch up’ on the activities in it today and tomorrow.
LEANNA THOMPSON – Adding your prayer requests in my heart. May God show Himself in a mighty way in each of your lives. Leanna, I have always loved that name!
SARAH D – great to see that you are so blessed in your new job. About the guy – even if he just turns out to be a really good friend, that’s a blessing!
Prayers lifted for each of you and every need on your hearts!
I am happy to see your names, ERB, SARAH D.,and MICHELLE PATIRE. I had missed reading your posts.
And, yes, KELLY (NEO)… “But God” would be a great title for TINA’s book. Heeheehee!
I have been thinking this week (based on other comments about meetups and such). I don’t do Facebook but am part of a group to stay up on someone’s cancer journey, so I do have an account. (I stopped reading/posting with all the election and Covid nonsense a couple years ago. I’m glad I stopped… I would easily get “pulled in”. I didn’t need that!) It would be nice if we could post our names and “see” each other, so that we can put a face with a name. If you are on there, look for Adrienne Noles Kimball, and also post your account name, so we can “see” each other. I am having a hard time grasping that we will know each other in heaven. I know we will, but…
Good morning, sisters. This is my first Advent with SRT. My daughter introduced me to SRT, at the start of the study of Judges. I can’t begin to describe what this has meant to me. My husband had brought the Old Testament to life for me as it used to intimidate me and I had a hard time reconciling the two Testaments together. It made such a huge difference and impact in my understanding of God and in my relationship with Him. My husband went home to his Savior two years ago and I’ve struggled. But God. Brings to me what I need when I need it most. And I have really needed SRT. I’m loving the Old Testament weaved into the New Testament readings for Advent. I’ve only ever read the New Testament during Advent so this is deep and I LOVE it. This season is very emotional for me and my family. We miss him so much and all that the holidays were around our home and how much I really want to keep the focus the same as it was… but I really feel his absence and really need the Presence of Father God, and Jesus and Holy Spirit to pray when I can’t.
Enough of me sapping…. Merry Christmas, sisters.
Oh no! I hit a wrong button on my post… ever do that? ;-)
Ahhh… Grace day! I am.caught up on my reading, and the preschool program is behind me. I will rest in His presence today. I hope you will too, sweet sisters!
Good morning She’s. Today I come asking for prayer for our community. It has been a hard 2 weeks. You may have heard this week of the shooting at UNLV. Thankfully the officers were quick to respond. Then the week before 2 state troopers were run over as they were walking toward a car on the side of the freeway. Please pray for the students who will go back to campus on Monday. Pray for the families of the victims of the shooting and the troopers. As always thank you for your contributions and comments. I try to read them all every day and partner in prayer with you and your requests. May our Lord bless each and everyone of you.
Thank you, Lord, for getting me out of the darkness. I love you and praise you!
@Sarah D- hello :) good to see you here. praying God gives you and this guy wisdom! If this is a relationship the Lord desires, may this man have the courage to speak up and be bold with you… If it’s not God’s best, I pray the Lord would lead you both in a different direction with peace. The Lord’s will be done! ❤️
@Aimee D-R – the Lord give you peace and guide you step by step with whatever it is you are walking through. He knows the end before you’ve even started. God bless you and keep you! ❤️
@Rhonda J. And @Kelly Neo, thank you!! I’ve missed you all too!! My job is going well. It has been a challenge at times to work on managing different behaviors from two children in my class (very defiant and disrespectful) but it’s definitely a ministry and really a privilege to get to pour into these kids, so I’m really thankful for it. Definitely love it SO much more than my other job, and anxiety has not been prevalent in this job!! Stress yes, but not the anxiety felt with my previous job. Praying the Lord would guide me as I am still looking to finish my masters in elementary ed and need to find some answers with details in that…I took a break this semester to adjust to my job. But I am reminding myself to trust in his timing for everything. The Lord is so kind and is in control. He taught me so much the last two years. Even though it was so hard. Thankful to be on the other side and praying I would see his character in this season too.
I love that scripture! Shine with the light of God’s glory in Jesus Christ! In the darkness, Shine!! Just like all these beautiful Christmas lights, they don’t show up during the day, but when dark falls, they shine and create beauty!!
Sarah D- So good to see you, we have missed you! I often pray you are loving your job? And I am excited for you about this guy!
SARAH D – ha, how kind of you to beat me to the “post” Wish all my requests were met so fast❣️
Ah, but in verse 7, “Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us.”
It is Your Glory, Lord shining through this vessel made of dust.
TINA – agree with SEARCHING and MERCY, write a book. You know what the title will be, right? “But God…”
AIMEE D-R – may the Lord give you clear direction
MELANIE SMALLEY – praying you will visit a church tomorrow and it will feel like “home”
SARAH D – hope with school break coming up you will pop in to say hi.
TAYLOR – praying you are well.
GRAMSISUE, LYNN FROM AL, DIANE MOM, LINDA IN NC and any others caring for husbands – may the Lord encourage your hearts.
Oh Father how we need your light to shine out of the darkness!! Come, Lamb of God.
Good morning ladies! I’m joining you all for the Advent series, praying you all are well. ❤️
I would love your prayers today…there is a guy that I like at my church, and we have hung out several times in groups. He and I carpooled last weekend and yesterday to some events since we live in the same neighborhood. From what I can tell, it seems that he likes me too, so at this point I am just waiting to see if he will ask me out. It’s hard to wait :) and I’m hoping to get some clarity soon so I can move on if it’s not going to work out. Thank you for your prayers!!
Oh Father I’m at such a crossroads. Please guide me will peace and presence as You make my path straight. In Jesus name, Amen
Aimee, praying you hear Him so clearly. Step out and trust in Him x
Praying today for the unspoken requests of my SRT sisters – the healing, wisdom, comfort, guidance and strength that we all need in some way, for ourselves or for someone else.
DOROTHY – are you here? we miss you! And I forgot to list you yesterday, may the Lord continue to comfort you with sweet memories of your son George.
ERB – good to see you ❤️
SO thankful for Grace Day and the Light and Glory of God!! May we all be reflections of Him!! Amen.