Grace Day

Open Your Bible

1 Chronicles 29:11-13

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Yours, O LORD, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.
—1 Chronicles 29:11–13

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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31 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Adrienne says:

    Apparently I typed SUE after GRAMSIESUE… duh!

  2. Adrienne says:

    GRAMSIESUE SUE… your SRT sisters are praying for you both!

  3. Katie Nordgren says:


  4. Alayna P. says:

    Happy Saturday! I spent today getting caught up as, due to life circumstances, I had fallen way behind. I’m really enjoying this study. ❤️

  5. Mercy says:

    Good morning she’s
    Always a pleasure for me to see your names. If only you know what a comfort that has been for me throughout the years.
    KELLY (NEO): thank you dear for checking up. I did not end up taking the offer as they wanted me full time in office and it’s quite a commute, so my current company offered to review a match this coming February, so i am waiting. My uncle’s cancer is spreading and with chemo treatment, I heard from my mom that he is weak and has a live in caregiver for that. His wife and him has grown so bitter against each other. It was getting ugly. So sad. Thank you so much for checking on us.❤
    Ladies, i am asking for your prayers about a side business I am doing. I will be launching a small shop and some products. The ideas keep on changing. I have been so paralyzed with fear. Could you please pray for courage, devine solutions and success for this side venture? We struggle financially at times and God has put this in my heart to pursue. The fear and the steep learning curve has caused much delay and minimal progress :((
    I just want to cry some day. I am very new to this and will be doing it by myself. I am scared.
    Thank you she’s for your beautiful hearts and faithfulness.
    May God bless you and families with a lovely weekend.❤

  6. Catherine McVey says:

    What a wonderful study. Loved it so much. Praying for each of you this morning and your requests. Lord help remember that in this crazy world and with everything that each of us has going on, that you are in control. Love to all you precious ladies.❤️

  7. Mari V says:

    Happy Saturday sweet She’s! It was a chilly 37° when I woke up. It looks like the weather is now caught up to what it normally is here in Northern California. Thank you for those who have been praying for my sweet friend, who is struggling, mentally, and emotionally. We are going for a long walk in about an hour. It should be a little bit warmer by then. @ Searching, thank you so much for praying for finances. I’m trusting and believing. @Kelly (NEO) thank you so much for praying. It’s my youngest, brother, and wife (my SIL) they have not found jobs, but they have some leads. I know this is hard on them as my brother is living here, my SIL is with her daughter, and my nephew with his auntie. I know this is hard on all of them. Having my brother, here has been a blessing, even when he accidentally opens the sliding glass door and sits off the LOUD alarm. I’m going to be transparent here again as I feel this is a safe place. Please pray for MY attitude towards my mom. I struggle being nagged at. Please trust me when I say that I do MY BEST not to nag my own kids. Asking for prayer for my heart, my mind, my mouth, and especially my attitude. I had a written out a long message here, but decided that God knows the details and I’m just asking for prayer from my sweet She’s.

  8. GramsieSue says:

    I’m so wrapped up in what’s going on with Steve…MRI showed a stroke, and blood clots in his lungs. They are running a TEE test on his heart Monday to see if the Staph infection is in his heart valve. Something is “showering” the infection into other parts of his body. If it’s in his heart valve he will have to have surgery to remove the valve and replace it. I’m scared. He’s only 60.

    But we are in one of the best hospitals in the country. Thankful for that.
    Our youngest daughter came and gave him a beard trim yesterday. Thankful for that.
    He’s finally eating again. Thankful for that.
    He’s regaining strength. Thankful for that.
    I have friends all over the world praying. Thankful for that.
    God is in control. Thankful for that.

    Prayers for so many of you this beautiful morning.
    Hugs ❤️