Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Philippians 4:6-7

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
—Philippians 4:6–7

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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34 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Lily Hunter says:


  2. Terri Baldwin says:


  3. Kezia Dahl says:

    This is exactly what my husband and I were talking about this morning. Both of my devotionals today had the same message with different texts saying that God is faithful to provide and we just have to have faith and trust that he always does. My husband struggles with faith. We were raised very differently in this way. I have blind faith because I’ve seen so many miracles happen. He has little faith because he is guarded and scared to step out in faith most of the time. Please pray that he can begin to trust more that God will be faithful, no matter the season, and he will provide our every need. Pray that I can help show faith and devotion even when it’s not easy. God always provides for us but we sometimes have to realize he provides our NEEDS and he provides in the right timing, HIS.

  4. Claire B says:


  5. Char Hight says:

    I worry about a lot. An I have to remember who is in control. Because it’s not me. Never has been and never will be. God is in control and I have to stop. And be still. He causes all things to come together for good.

  6. Ramona says:

    Happy Sunday She’s,
    Jennifer A. Love the statement if you know how to worry, you know how to praise. So true!! Have a blessed and safe Labor Day.

  7. Kimberly Z says:

    Happy Saturday from the Grand Teton National Park! Spending the long weekend here with friends. This has been a tradition for us since we were 10 years old! If you have never been to the Tetons before they’re breathtaking. @RHONDA J – praying for your grandson that he enjoys his time with you guys. Praying he’ll feel the warmth of Jesus being around you guys!

  8. Jennifer Anapol says:


  9. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love this passage, since I am prone to worry . I love that Paul gives me an antidote to my worry; praying and thanking God. My pastor used to say if you know how to worry, you know how to praise. So true!!

  10. Kim says:

    Aw, this is my favorite piece of scripture, and it popped up at just the right time. I’m a special educator, and it has been wild at work lately. Lots of behavior this year and not enough people. Not sure how I’m going to do it all, but God had a plan. Happy Saturday everyone!

  11. Mari V says:

    Good morning and happy Saturday from Placerville, CA. So thankful that we can get into God’s word through She Reads Truth anywhere at any time. My nieces wedding was intimate and sweet. We stayed at a cute little cottage and it’s cool and overcast, but yet breathtaking. When I was going to celebrate recovery, and will reach out to my sponsor, often with worries and unknowns, and she would always say: “Let’s ask God in prayer. Send me your request in a text message and I will agree with your prayer. He will let us know“ So thankful that we can always approach God, and in one way or another, he always answers us.

  12. Stacey Trochelman says:

    Hey all! First time posting. I have so loved this study! It did wonders for my soul…and, admittedly, this was the first study I started and didn’t stop and not complete. I’m so thankful God meets me where I’m at and celebrates my small victories! And I’m so thankful for this study! Gave me new perspective on so much!

  13. Heather O'Malley says:

    @Sherry, praise God! I know we shouldn’t be surprised by it, but it’s always so amazing to me when God shows up in such personal ways. Continuing to pray for peace as you wait for the results. God is so good!

  14. Traci Gendron says:

    CT – I’m so very sorry for your loss. Lean into God and the healing will come.

  15. Dee Dee Gilmore says:

    Amen to this
    Happy Saturday to you all

  16. Rhonda J. says:

    Is this the end of the Psalms study? What’s next?
    For whoever was asking as far as the study books, I personally have never used them (for money sake, I would love to they look nice with extras!), but I just go to the website each morning, click on the scripture (or read in my bible), read the devotional, then the comments. It is the first thing I do when I open my laptop, and has become the habit after grabbing my coffee!

    My son and I went to a “last fling” with a few Christian artist last night! It was great to be able to lift my hands and sing along with “Graves into Gardens!” She had a wonderful voice, her name is Brennley Brown if you want to look her up on youtube! Tonight my grandson Brayden (15) is coming to spend the night! So many have of you have prayed for him (MERCY..thank you my dear friend!), and I hope to have some good time with him, and we will go to church in the morning along with my son! I don’t think anything can make me more happy!! I pray it is a pertinent message that will resonate with both of them! Holy Spirit grab them both and bring to you in a MIGHTY way!!

    Prayers for all of you, and thanks for sharing Daily!!
    Praise for your car @Michelle Patire, and praying in agreement that the Lord will provide!

  17. June Pimpo says:


  18. Cee Gee says:

    MANDI T – Agreed! Your comment came in while I was writing mine!

    ADRIENNE – Please see my previous comment re: subscribing.

  19. Cee Gee says:

    “Paul envisions God’s peace as a soldier who protects the hearts and minds of believers from anxiety, fear, and doubt.” (From Explain Verse below the reading)

    I like the list of alternatives to worry in v. 8. If we can just replace our worrisome thoughts with anything in the ‘whatever is good’ list, we are winners!

    LYNNE FROM AL – Thank you for the update! Thanking God for successful surgery and praying for a smooth recovery and that Jack’s body will know what to do. Praying you can relax a little during his hospital stay. ❤

    CT – So sorry for that heartbreaking loss, but so glad you came here and I pray you find comfort and peace as you continue with us through His Word. ❤

    MICHELLE – Yay!!!

    TAYLOR – I remember that friend and pray she and her husband will seek God in this struggle. We can’t “fix” our marriage without Him.

    Thank you all again for your wonderful words of wisdom and sharing through this study! I have never subscribed or used a book in a study and I am still so blessed by this community! Hugs to all you sisters!

  20. Cheryl Blow says:

    So thankful that we can bring everything to God and His peace will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. God always makes a way for His children.

  21. Mandi T says:

    As a chronic worrier, I have clung to and recited these verses frequently throughout my life. I have more recently included meditating on Philippians 4:8 in terms of the types of things I should direct my thoughts to instead of the worry. I have found that helpful.

  22. Taylor says:

    Made it back from VA safe and sound! @Michelle glad you got your car back! So thankful for you sisters who list all the prayer requests.

    If you ladies could please pray for my best friend’s marriage, I would appreciate it. She got married in October and they are going through a rough patch right now. This is the same best friend who lost her mom to cancer and both maternal grandparents in the same year. So much heartache and loss, my heart breaks that she is having marriage problems now. Thank you for praying for her <3

  23. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  24. Aimee D-R says:

    Oh Lord I need your peace. In Jesus name, amen

  25. Michelle Patire says:

    @Searching! Thank you, how timely! Praise report- I got my car back yesterday, praise God! I did have to charge the pretty hefty expense to my credit card, but I am believing God to do a miracle with all the repair expenses I have placed on it for work.
    I believe the Lord really wanted my to understand through this experience was that He cared more about WHO I am, rather than WHAT I do for Him. That my character and who He made me to be is way more important than all the “doing” I offer Him.

    Happy Labor Day weekend, US ladies!! May you find rest from your labor in Jesus!!

  26. Lynn Sokolowski says:


  27. Sharon Jersey Girl says:

    Amen! Be anxious cor nothing! Why do we spend so much time fretting when we know – God’s got this!!
    @Kelly Neo – thank you for asking & for praying. My sister Arian will be staying where she is. Even though it is quite a bit over her budget, there was nothing cheaper anywhere. So now we pray that God will provide the extra finances that are needed each month. Her neighbor, who is also a friend, has offered to mow the lawn when needed on bids riding mower – God is good! No I is out of rehab & going regularly to meetings, continued prayers for his salvation, and to stay clean. RI has been a really good trip – thank you Lord!
    @all my sisters, thank you for praying – continuing to pray for all your requests. A blessed Saturday to you all!

  28. Elaine Morgan says:


  29. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Guard my heart and mind Lord!

    CAROLYN – how are your grandson’s lungs?

    ERB – have you been able to talk with your friend with brain cancer about Jesus? Continuing to pray for him and his family.

    ALEIDA POLANCO – continued prayers for Victor

    SHARIN, JERSEY GIRL – how’s your sister? How’s Kobi? Hope your time in RI has been good.

    MARI V – how did “L”s procedure go?

    THERESA – hope your time away with your family went well

    CT – so sorry for your loss! Praying the Lord gives you strength for each day and speaks to your broken heart words of comfort from His Word.

    KATHY – praying for your friend’s father’s lung transplant.

  30. Dawn Prenatt says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear. My mind started wandering last night about what ifs, all about something completely out of my control. And BOOM, He meets me here with this today. Thank you, God, for knowing all corners of my heart and meeting me where I’m at. Your love is so good!

  31. Searching says:

    Great verse – give it to God (and leave it with Him)!
    I’m working in it …

    CT – so sorry for your loss, dear sister. Praying you will feel God’s love and continue to walk with Him as He continues to reveal His faithfulness through this incredible pain. ❤️

    DONNA WOLCOTT – I had the same question! From the website Home page, look on the Menu drop-down list and choose “Contacts + FAQ”, then click the “FAQ page” link. Info on using the SRT perks points is in the last section under “Miscellaneous”

    CHERYL BLOW – yes, we realize what the Lord has done when we focus on those blessings ❤️

    DEE DEE GILMORE – welcome!

    LAURA – the comparing gets us every time. I try to remember things are not always as they seem.

    KRIS – yes, so many “things” we long for and there’s always something else to put on that list. May we long for the Lord, He is the only One we need.

    CEE GEE – yes, the site is selective on permitted emoji’s! :) ❤️

    praying for:
    LYNNE FROM AL – praising the Lord for the successful surgery, and praying as the recovery moves forward. Especially praying for you both in living with the changes from his dementia. ❤️
    JUANITA MILLS – peace and protection
    KATHY – Stephen’s surgery and recovery, and especially for the donor family
    RHONDA J – pain relief, son & grands to know the Lord
    LAUREN GW – you and your family, healing for husband’s PTSD ❤️
    MICHELLE PATIRE – car!!!
    KATE K – restoration of son’s faith
    SHERRY – thankful for quick scheduling! Praying for continued peace in your waiting
    KARRIE – thank you for the update. Continuing to pray for your aunt as she goes through treatment

    DOROTHY – we miss you!

  32. Sherry says:

    Thank you so much for your prayers concerning my upcoming medical tests. Part of my anxiety was because I could not even get in for scans until October. Yesterday the hospital receptionist called and they had a cancellation and offered me the appointment. She knew I was anxious to get them scheduled sooner and she was so very kind on the phone. When I arrived at the hospital and searched out the receptionist to thank her, it was the mother of a former students. I know that God had his hand in that situation and used that kind mother. Now I wait for the results but my heart is calm. I know God is walking with me. Once again thank you for your prayers.

  33. Andrea P says:

    Lord. Thank you for the peace you provide when we come to you. When I put my mind on you, you give me perfect peace.

  34. Mary Ann Graves says:
