Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 2:13

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ. 
—Ephesians 2:13

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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22 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Teresa Donley says:

    SEARCHING – your answer to my question about sin helps me so much!I loved the example of the parental relationship. It is such a wonderful privilege to call Him, “Father.” I also love your example of finally getting to the point of labeling it as sin, “don’t I feel sorry and apologetic and ask for help to get rid of it in my life.”
    I love being part of this community where we can confess our struggles and receive such well-thought out and researched answers. You are a blessing in my life.

  2. Teresa Donley says:

    KRISTEN – Thank you for your research into my question regarding sin. It is truly wonderful to know that even though I sin, I “have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous (1 John 2:1). I appreciate the work and thought you put into your answer, and it has uplifted me today.

  3. Terri Baldwin says:

    e. There is strength in the covenant of grace for us. Sin shall not have dominion. God’s promises to us are more powerful and effectual for mortifying sin, than our promises to God.

  4. Kimberly Z says:

    @Kristen praying for your moms prayer requests.

  5. Mercy says:

    Happy Saturday dear she’s
    I had a rough and long week at work, but opening the Bible with you and reading from you all have been such a replenishing strength for me. I thank God for each one of you.

    @KRISTEN: joining you and your mom praying for Jan and heart transplant recovery and ease for gaining weight. Baby Sawyer’s complex healing situation, and healing from lung cancer for Tom Clark. For your family and yourself, your mom with more strength, grace, victory through the power of Christ. Loved what you shared regards to TERESA’s question. I love it when we all can dissect matters together to get better understanding & revelations.

    @RHONDA: loved that you boldly asked HIM and what an immediate answer. I would be so shaky after that if I were you. Wow. God is ever so present (but hidden), and when He manifests in such personal way, it is very special.
    @CEE GEE: you were right, GRAMSIESUE has shared that, I went back and oops…however your dear name was clearly on my mind for some sweet reason lol. God bless your heart! Thank you GRAMSIESUE and CEEGEE.
    @SEARCHING and KELLY (NEO): amen, praying along your always detailed prayer lists, thankful for your dedication on follow up questions on past requests.
    @ASHLEY WHITE: praying for the fear of driving would be removed, and any past PTSD from your accident would be healed, so you feel safe.
    @MARI V: hope you and your kids had good times today traveling and at your own gatherings. Praying for your Monday’s job interview (calmness and good preparation).

    Be blessed dear sisters. “O the happiness of the man who hath made Jehovah his trust,
    And hath not turned unto the proud, and those turning aside to lies”- Psalm 40:4.

  6. Claire B says:

    Grammie Sue your note yesterday was so on point “I never see sin until I see it roll off my tongue” I will add or review my actions in hindsight. So hard to stay vigilant the devil is everywhere.