Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
But now in Christ Jesus, you who were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
—Ephesians 2:13
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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22 thoughts on "Grace Day"
SEARCHING – your answer to my question about sin helps me so much!I loved the example of the parental relationship. It is such a wonderful privilege to call Him, “Father.” I also love your example of finally getting to the point of labeling it as sin, “don’t I feel sorry and apologetic and ask for help to get rid of it in my life.”
I love being part of this community where we can confess our struggles and receive such well-thought out and researched answers. You are a blessing in my life.
KRISTEN – Thank you for your research into my question regarding sin. It is truly wonderful to know that even though I sin, I “have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous (1 John 2:1). I appreciate the work and thought you put into your answer, and it has uplifted me today.
e. There is strength in the covenant of grace for us. Sin shall not have dominion. God’s promises to us are more powerful and effectual for mortifying sin, than our promises to God.
@Kristen praying for your moms prayer requests.
Happy Saturday dear she’s
I had a rough and long week at work, but opening the Bible with you and reading from you all have been such a replenishing strength for me. I thank God for each one of you.
@KRISTEN: joining you and your mom praying for Jan and heart transplant recovery and ease for gaining weight. Baby Sawyer’s complex healing situation, and healing from lung cancer for Tom Clark. For your family and yourself, your mom with more strength, grace, victory through the power of Christ. Loved what you shared regards to TERESA’s question. I love it when we all can dissect matters together to get better understanding & revelations.
@RHONDA: loved that you boldly asked HIM and what an immediate answer. I would be so shaky after that if I were you. Wow. God is ever so present (but hidden), and when He manifests in such personal way, it is very special.
@CEE GEE: you were right, GRAMSIESUE has shared that, I went back and oops…however your dear name was clearly on my mind for some sweet reason lol. God bless your heart! Thank you GRAMSIESUE and CEEGEE.
@SEARCHING and KELLY (NEO): amen, praying along your always detailed prayer lists, thankful for your dedication on follow up questions on past requests.
@ASHLEY WHITE: praying for the fear of driving would be removed, and any past PTSD from your accident would be healed, so you feel safe.
@MARI V: hope you and your kids had good times today traveling and at your own gatherings. Praying for your Monday’s job interview (calmness and good preparation).
Be blessed dear sisters. “O the happiness of the man who hath made Jehovah his trust,
And hath not turned unto the proud, and those turning aside to lies”- Psalm 40:4.
Grammie Sue your note yesterday was so on point “I never see sin until I see it roll off my tongue” I will add or review my actions in hindsight. So hard to stay vigilant the devil is everywhere.
“When we repent and turn back to Him, He forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). Repentance is not optional if we want to have a relationship with God. In fact, it is the very first step in coming to faith in Jesus Christ (Acts 2:38).”Even if you are “saved” you must repent your sins. Jesus forgives your sin but you must not continue in sin. Now we all repeat a sin from time to time but my prayer is always to thank God for forgiving my known and unknown sin and to help me listen to the Holy Spirit guide me to not repeat a sin. It is essential to repent & review sin to draw into a closer relationship with God. Many good Bible Studies on this. Pricilla Shire (my personal favorite) has one called Fervent that is excellent. Rebecca Lyons, Beth Moore, Kay Arthur, Lisa Harper, Lysa Terkeurst all have excellent studies. Some of these women are controversial to many so you will need to discern for yourself. Last but not least is the book She Reads Truth: Holding Tight to Permanent in a World That’s Passing Away by Raechel Meyers & Amanda Bible Williams. Happy weekend Shes.
Hi She’s! I can’t believe it is SO late in the day! I had my Starved group this morning and it is just such an amazing blessing! We discussed hearing from God, and all the ways he lets us know he hears our prayers! On the way to group I asked him to show me a person that might want to sit in with our group (we meet outside Panera), and sure enough there was a girl I know from church sitting there, and when we said Hi, and I told her I was with my group outside, she shyly asked to sit in!!! Wow. Ask and you will receive! And I say that a little cheeky…because of course he doesn’t always answer like that, but I am glad I am stepping out in faith to ASK in prayer things that will be for his glory! We had so many more testimonies of how we hear from God, and how our Identity is changed BECAUSE of HIM, the old is gone, and we our new creations! Yes, we still sin and mess up, BUT GOD..will let the Holy Spirit correct us! I think you explained that perfectly @KRISTEN!! Thank you!
You all are such a blessing as well! I can’t believe SRT has been my go to every morning for over 8 or so years!! The beautiful connection we share is a gift!! And to be in God’s word every day is life changing, literally! He fills us up, and he uses other believers to share, build each other up, and to pray for each other! We are his hands and feet to reach the world! Imagine just sharing this website with others could be just what they need!! And we can share with a click of a button. If we don’t fill comfortable professing Jesus personally, we can do it many ways!
Be blessed sisters…
@Teresa Donnelly, I saw your forgiveness question. I wasn’t looking for this, but I found this in my Study Bible. I thought this was very good and related to your question.
The question in the notes asks: Why do I still sin? Then it says: Sin is one of the most heartbreaking realities we ever experience as Christians. The apostle Paul narrated what this struggle feels like for believers in Romans7:14-25, and even he had to fight against sin in his own life.
We still sin because we have not been glorified yet, and we still live in a fallen world. God has given us new hearts of faith, but we still feel the effects of the fall. Jesus Christ has made a decisive victory over sin, but the fullness of this victory will not be seen until He returns. So the power of sin is broken for the believer, but it’s presence still remains. Until then, we are called to repent of our sins in the full confidence that the Spirit has set us free from sin(see Romans 8:1-11; John 1:8-10). We do this by seeking a more intimate relationship with Christ through worship and fellowship with Him in the Word and in prayer. As we do this in dependence on the Holy Spirit, we become stronger in our fight against temptation and sin.
While our sin can be discouraging, the reason that it is so painful for us Christians is because we love our Savior and want to please Him. Our sorrow over sin reminds us our faith is genuine. We must remember that when we sin, we have “an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous.” (1John 2:1)
** I was still a little confused, so I looked this up.
1 John 9 says: iIf we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. The note says: God’s forgiveness is given as soon as we admit our need of it, not because of any act we have done to earn it, but solely because of His grace. The free gift of forgiveness carries with it a cleansing from unrighteousness. God accepts us as righteous because He imputes or counts to us the righteousnesses of Christ. That is the very righteousness of Christ-His perfect fulfillment of the Lord’s requirements-its imputed or counted to us when we rest in Jesus alone for salvation. Nevertheless, until we are glorified, we will sin, and our sin hurts our experience or fellowship with God. Thus, we must confess, them to the Lord. He will not refuse to pardon those who trust in Him, because He is faithful to His promise to forgive people, and He cannot refuse to pardon those who trust Him because it would be unjust for them to make them pay the penalty when Christ already paid it for them.
I love what Searching wrote in response to your question. Her explanation may be more concrete than this.
KELLY (NEO): Thank you! I appreciate this so much!
KRISTEN—I just prayed for all the needs you mentioned and for you and your family as well.
I went through my prayer journal and prayed for all the needs that have been mentioned in the past couple of weeks. I love you sweet sisters!
SAVED by the blood of Jesus! THANK YOU JESUS! I am free! Good morning beautiful She’s! Heading out here soon to the bay area all by myself to visit a sweet friend. Prayers are appreciated for her. Please pray as I’ve never done this before. I’m going read the comments and pray for you all. Also, please pray for my children as they are off to a different location to visit their cousins who they haven’t seen in over six years. Pray for their safety and pray that it will go well.
Good morning! My mom called and wanted prayers for some people. Would you all please pray for the too? Her friend, Jan, had a heart transplant a while back and was doing well. In the past year or so, she has lost lots of weight, and struggles to eat. My mom said they don’t exactly know everything going on with her health, but she has to get dialysis for her kidneys multiple times a week. She is now hospitalized. I’m not sure that she is saved! The other is a little baby named, Sawyer. He was born without his stomach being connected to his esophagus. He has spent more of his life in the hospital, than at home. He needs surgery but they had to wait until he is bigger and stronger! This is taking a toll on the family of course! Tom Clark has lung cancer. I’m not sure if he is saved either. I don’t know about you ladies, but I hear people joke about Hell. People don’t think they need Jesus. Some think that they will go to Heaven because they didn’t do anything like kill someone. They don’t get that we all sin and fall short, and none of us could enter if Jesus didn’t die and drink the cup of God’s wrath. Also, I’ve been more aware of people blinded by or in new age or even witchcraft. It’s so disturbing. May they have encounter with Jesus, even today, so that their eyes are open. May they repent and be delivered and set free to serve and live the Lord! Amen!
I also need prayer for myself and my family, but I won’t get into all of it!
I truly appreciate anyone that will pray! Thank you!
v. 12 -You lived in this world without God and without hope. 13 But NOW you have been united with Christ Jesus. Once you were far away from God, but NOW you have been brought near to him through the blood of Christ. (emphasis mine)
SEARCHING – Thanks for sharing that song! I love hearing it on the radio and didn’t realize it was Jason Crabb. As I listened to it I heard another song of his which I had not heard before – “He Won’t Leave You There”. I want to share that chorus, but the full lyrics are so good for the end of the week we’ve experienced.
PRECIOUS SISTERS who are struggling, this is for you. Please look up the full lyrics or listen.
“He Won’t Leave You There” –
When the darkness overwhelms you and the fear just won’t subside
When your questions outweigh answers on those long and lonely nights
Friend, you’ve gotta keep on moving
He is with you in the valley of despair and He won’t leave you there.
Jason Crabb
Praying for each need. ❤
MERCY – Bless you, sister! I think it was Gramiesue/Mari V who said that, but it fits me at times, too, even when I am trying my best to obey.
So thankful for the blood of Christ! That cover has protected my family through the years. The gift of salvation brought me near to Christ when I did not deserve to be near. Help me never take His gift for granted!
I missed yesterday, so I am posting today…
Colossians 3:2
Colossians 3:9-10
**SUCH important reminders!! Be honest. Don’t hide things. In our weakness God is made strong. Let us set our hearts and minds on heavenly things. For we are in this world, not of it!! Amen.
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
**Reconciliation and restoration!! Ambassadors for Christ!! “So that in Him we might become the righteousness of God.” Wow!! Such responsibility and accountability we are called to!! Again, this really puts things into perspective!! Who and what are we choosing? We cannot do it on our own, but with God… ALL things are possible!! Amen.
Roman’s 6:1-13
**AMEN!!!! Thank You Jesus for ALL that You have done!!! I love that these verses point out that we shouldn’t use grace as a justification for/to sin. There is only ONE way and it’s God’s Way!! I also love how these verses join together Jesus and man.. Jesus is God’s Son, but He was also a man. It’s a GOOD reminder that it IS possible for us to choose God over our flesh, if we make it our priority!! Let us make choosing You a priority Lord. Thank You Father! I also love the reminder that crucifixion leads to resurrection! Victory over death & sin!! Yes!! May we choose to die to ourselves and live wholeheartedly and devotedly for only You, God. Thank You Lord! Verses 12-13 also really stood out to me!! Do not let sin reign.. sins are weapons for unrighteousness!! Wow!! Just let that sink in… then it says, offering ALL of ourselves to God are weapons for righteousness!! Whoa!! POWER-PACKED truths right here!!! Definitely puts things into perspective!! We are either choosing God or we aren’t. There is no in-between!! We either choose to represent God or we choose to represent the enemy… God please help us!! Help us to choose You and follow Your Son’s example!! It isn’t an easy path…but it is SO worth it!! Reminds me of an old song “Road to Zion” by Petra (take a listen if you can) and Mathew 7:13-14 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it.” May we find, choose and follow the narrow way!! Amen.
Link to song: https://youtu.be/fFHX55W6mSQ
THANK YOU to ALL who have so joyously welcomed me back!! It is such a blessing to be part of this group!!! God had me quiet and not commenting for awhile but all the while I have been thinking of and praying for each member of this precious and awesome community!!! Love how God joins and weaves things!! Very thankful for His voice and gifting in each of you!!! May His truth stand out and be made known! To Him be ALL the glory, honor & praise!!! Here’s to a beautiful, blessed, restorative, mustard seed, and mountain-moving weekend!! Xoxo ❤️
KELLY (NEO) – I echo your prayer list.
And thank you, I think they may go with a friend.
CHELSEA SEXTON – so glad you are here, and thankful you want to lay down (bury) those idols and grow closer in your relationship with the Lord. You CAN do it! If you have studied with us for very long, you have read many testimonies of how so many us turned our lives around after going (purposefully) in the wrong direction. As we should all do, take a Holy Spirit-guided look as you go through your day, seeking the Lord’s help to recognize what needs to change or go away.
Have you heard Jason Crabb’s song Good Morning, Mercy (written by him & Dylan Scott)? Here are the verses & chorus.
While I was sleeping
Lord You were working
On a mess I made like only I can do
When I start thinking I’m so far from You
I wake up and hear You whisper
That’s not true
Good morning mercy
You call me worthy
Feels like the sun shining on my face
Living’s good this side of grace
I feel it working
Goodbye to the hurting
You woke me up put me on my way
Hallelujah it’s a brand new day
Good morning mercy
Yeah I’m still learning
To trust and follow
I won’t worry what tomorrow’s gonna bring
Cause You hold it all there in Your hands
I’m lifting mine up now
Cause it makes me sing
TERESA DONLEY – thank you for raising the forgiveness question. And, thank you, MERCY, for expanding on it. Before I started this morning, I looked up “do we need to ask forgiveness after being saved” and gotquestions popped up in the search list. I didn’t agree with everything they said but will try to put what I did agree with in (mostly) my own words. They looked at overall forgiveness from 2 aspects, positional vs relational. Positional in that He has and does forgive our sins when we are saved by His sacrifice on the cross. Relational in that confessing our sins is saying we know we did wrong, we are sorry – acknowledging it was sin, turning away from it and turning toward God. They gave an example of a parental relationship – love for the child is always there, but the relationship isn’t what it could be until the child confesses and apologizes to the parent.
And that makes some sense when I think about it – if I don’t label what I did as sin, do I keep it in my life? And if I keep it in my life, at some point do I listen to the Holy Spirit convicting me that I am embracing this sin? And when I do finally listen and label it as sin, don’t I feel sorry & apologetic and ask for help to get rid of it in my life?
I’ve gone too long this morning – sorry!
LINDA DOUCHANT – thank you for emphasizing that our new life in Christ excels over the old life we bury
RHONDA J – beautiful prayer yesterday
GRAMSIESUE – yes, all those words that pour out :/ The book of James is such a great read on this.
CEE GEE – never ending grace – so true!
ERB – love having you back ❤️
LINDA IN NC – ❤️ beautiful state – are you east, central or west?
Thank you Lord for always drawing me near to you!
Thank You, Father, for this wonderful, gracious gift! Your kindness leads us to repentance. Help us to remember how much we need You every minute of every hour of every day.
I was the one far away, the wondering sheep. BUT God…
FOSTER MAMA – continued prayers for your goddaughter’s housing needs
MARTHA HIX – continued prayers for the clean-up process and working with insurance
B – the Lord sees you and loves you more than you can fathom
MARI V – prayers for traveling mercies for you and your children. Praying the Lord will bring you peace during the interview on Monday.
SEARCHING – praying your curious family member joins you for church tomorrow