Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
Know that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps his gracious covenant loyalty for a thousand generations with those who love him and keep his commands.
—Deuteronomy 7:9
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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16 thoughts on "Grace Day"
He is faithful!
Hello She’s,
I’m coming in late today! I had my group this morning and it went so well! We are on our 3rd meeting, so kinda getting to know each other better. The session this week, from the book “Starved” was about letting our shame define us. We all have those shame stories that we carry around with us. But today, we changed that, because our God calls us His Beloved, made in His image, knit together from the womb, called for His purpose! Isn’t it amazing that the Almighty Lord DELIGHTS in us!? So, let’s not let anyone else, or ourselves, damper our Joy! My replacement word is “Enough.” I am actually More than enough! God can use everyone, and He is using me. He used Tamar, he used Bathsheba, Ruth and Naomi..and Mary! And so many more!! Let him us us all She’s!
Cee Gee- I am so glad your VBS was such a success and God used YOU to bless them! It is so hard for the kids to grow up today with the crazy..so VBS is such a blessing!!
Thanks for the prayers! You all are a blessing! :)
Lynne from Alabama** I keep putting the wrong last initials. My bad!! Sorry for the confusion to other people with similar names lol
Man, my week has been so spiritually intense. I am tired. Yesterday was my Sabbath but instead of resting I walked into some serious warfare attached to a friend in the new age. May the Lord deliver her and her husband, of whom is a huge source of these attacks. I so appreciate your prayers! Thank you @ Lynne K – I also had been keeping you in prayer. I accidently wrote Linda instead of Lynne the other day in my post. God had put you and Jack on my heart. His faithfulness is great. Thank you, Jesus! <3 God bless you Shes. May God show His face to us all.
Happy Saturday sweet She’s. I’ve been here, but mainly reading the scriptures and questions. I am so much loving this study, and how all panned out. I am taken by the fact that Tamar, Rahab,  and many other ordinary women and men partook in the genealogy of Jesus.. HE uses sinners just like us just like me. God is so good. Praying for you Aimee Rogers. I had to look back to see what’s going on. Praying that the judge would see through all this. In my experience, I had two amazing judges this all right through it. I was granted Complete custody of my children. They are older now, and only one is a minor.. I’m going to be praying for the judge who will hear this case.
I’m praying for you Lynne and Jack and Nancy and husband, court cases for Aimee Rogers and Katie L and praying for our loved ones, and that we have peace and rest. 11 hours of sleep – how wonderful Cee Gee. Also praying for those dealing with pain and and anxiety. I love quiet Saturday mornings and feel so blessed and grateful to be here with you all. ❤️
Thank you KELLY (NEO), SEARCHING, CEE GEE and all of you that continue to pray for Jack and I! Your prayers are felt!
NANCY S—I have not read 36 Hour Day but read Living in the Moment which I think is very similar. Jack’s dementia leaves him in a place where he cannot be left alone at all. I can barely leave the room to do laundry or take a shower. He is very aware but very needy and almost afraid to be alone. He says he can stay by himself but he doesn’t even remember how to use his phone. He couldn’t call for help if he needed to. He has sleep apnea too but his CPAP is broken and because of the recall has been hard to replace. We don’t get a lot of rest and what we do get is often interrupted.
RHONDA J, MICHELLE PATIRE, KATIE L, AIMEE ROGERS, MERCY, ALEIDA POLANCO, SHARON JERSEY GIRL and all others who have posted requests—your needs are being lifted up daily. May our awesome God give you peace in your needs!
Love you all!!!
Such a great reminder today. Happy Saturday she’s. I am in Whitefish Mt for the weekend seeing friends. Even though I’m happy be here I feel very run down from all the going I’ve been doing. @AIMEE ROGERS praying for your custody battle and that it all works out. @KATIE L. praying for you and your anxiety. I am a naturally anxious person so I understand your pain with that. Hang in there
AIMEE ROGERS – Joining in prayer with others for the custody hearing and for the financial load a win will incur. So glad to feel the confidence in your words!
Today’s verse is one I need to read over and over and memorize. It reminded me of this verse at the end of Solomon’s dedication of the temple. The whole prayer is so beautiful! 1 Kings 8:60-61.
“…that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God; there is no other. 61 Let your heart therefore be wholly true to the Lord our God, walking in his statutes and keeping his commandments, as at this day.”
Father, help my heart to be wholly true, obedient to Your Word, and sharing your love with others. Thanks again to all of you for lifting up our VBS and me this week. Praise God I slept almost 11 hours last night!
Remembering your prayer requests with special heart connection to LYNNE FROM AL and NANCY S (see my comment from yesterday evening.)
Have a blessed day SHES! ❤
So thankful for the Lord’s faithfulness! He is God and He is faithful to a thousand generations! If this is true for every believer, then his faithfulness goes on to infinity! What an amazing thought! So grateful for His love mercy, grace, faithfulness, kindness l’ll, and compassion! The list could go on for forever!
Thank you KELLY (NEO), SEARCHING, CEE GEE and all of you that continue to pray for Jack and I! Your prayers are felt!
NANCY S—I have not read 36 Hour Day but read Living in the Moment which I think is very similar. Jack’s dementia leaves him in a place where he cannot be left alone at all. I can barely leave the room to do laundry or take a shower. He is very aware but very needy and almost afraid to be alone. He says he can stay by himself but he doesn’t even remember how to use his phone. He couldn’t call for help if he needed to. He has sleep apnea too but his CPAP is broken and because of the recall has been hard to replace. We don’t get a lot of rest and what we do get is interrupted often. If you ever want to reach out to me, you can email me at [email protected] and I just got on Facebook (LynneJohnstonBurton). I don’t feel so isolated being on Facebook.
RHONDA J, MICHELLE PATIRE, KATIE L, AIMEE ROGERS, MERCY, ALEIDA POLANCO, SHARON JERSEY GIRL and all others who have posted requests—your needs are being lifted up daily. May our awesome God give you peace in your needs!
Love you all!!!
The faithful God… for a thousand generations.❤️ Praising God this morning for His faithfulness that goes on and on. Where would we be without our faithful, loving, heavenly Father. Thank you God for this new day, for life and breathe, and for sending your Son to die on the cross for my sins.
Have a blessed weekend sisters!
Faithful God, You have blessed me beyond measure! Your lovingkindness, mercy and grace are lavishly poured out despite my wondering heart. Thank You for sealing me with Your Spirit so that I will forever be a child of God
AIMEE ROGERS – praying the Lord guides you and your husband as you seek custody. May you have favor with the authorities.
LYNNE FROM AL & NANCY S – praying you will sense God’s presence with you as you honor your commitments to your husbands.
Lord, thank you for your faithfulness to your promises. Strengthen and guide us, please Lord, in our faith and on your path for us.
RHONDA J – continuing to pray for your grandson and parents, may the Lord speak to their hearts and may all crises be resolved in a positive manner. ❤️
AIMEE ROGERS – praying regarding custody case
MELANIE MAYER – praying for your daughter’s grad weekend, and your pain
NANCY S & LYNNE FROM AL – praying for each of you and your husbands. May the Lord strengthen you, comfort you and give you the wisdom needed as you care for your husbands.