Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 36:26

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.”
—Ezekiel 36:2

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.

Click here to listen to this week’s episode.

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22 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Donna Wolcott says:

    Thank you Lord for a new heart. Please open my eyes and ears also. On this Earth Day, may we look around and see the beauty of God’s creation and help neaten it up a little.

  2. Searching says:

    The old me was, as the saying goes, a train wreck :(. So thankful for the new me in Christ, and the Holy Spirit’s guidance in the challenges of life.

    AZ WALKER – praying for your daughter’s safety and the soundness of her car for this traveling. If there are times when the clinicals are multiple days in a row, is there a possibility of her staying overnight, or carpooling if there others are doing clinicals in same or nearby location?

    TAMI C – praying for relief’s of Chela’s anxiety and thankful for the encouraging news on Rich’s health. Throwing out my 2 cents on your pondering about our spiritual gifts – we know that the Holy Spirit lives inside each of us that are saved, and after many years as a Christian I am still a work in progress on realizing and uncovering just what my gifts are. Part of my growing up was in a fundamental nondenominational church where I do believe people sought the Lord sincerely – even if their beliefs were at times misguided. When I look back and as my own faith has matured, in my opinion they were overly focused on receiving the gift of speaking in tongues. I never received that gift and was straight out told that it meant I wasn’t saved – what a thing to tell a child/tween/teen. That being said, I can clearly remember times of someone speaking in tongues and the interpretation being delivered eloquently, confidently and boldly by someone without much education and no experience in public speaking.

    MERCY – likewise, and love you, sister! You got my attention with “joint heirs” – wow! I knew that but had not thought of my salvation in that context recently.

    MARY WALSH – welcome! Heads up that, ready or not, the app will post what you’ve written each time you click the return/enter. I usually start the day with Bible study by reading through the previous day’s comments, making note of prayer requests and then moving into the current day’s scriptures and devo. It’s a great community.

    RHONDA J – continuing to pray for your grandson and granddaughter

    MIA FAITH – my heart goes out to you, sister, and will be praying for your grandchild to feel your love and especially Christ’s love, and for you to all feel the strength, comfort and encouragement that comes from Jesus.

    KIMBERLY Z – praying for you this weekend

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – one thing I thought of when you talked about gift envy was the saying about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence. I love to see and hear people sing or play an instrument – I can’t do either one. But would I want to climb over that fence and give up a gift I have? When we see lush green lawns, they are typically that way because they have been watered, weeded, fertilized and well taken care of. Hmmm, I have just given myself a lot to think about in terms of how I’m handling what I do have …

    HEIDI – will join you in prayer as you and Ryan think through your options. It sounds exciting and if your family needed a breather at some point, the VRBO will be there.


  3. Mary Walsh says:

    Only by Your Spirit am I able to walk out the person You have created me to be. Strengthen me Lord.

  4. Mary Walsh says:

    Only by Your Spirit am I able to live out who’s You have called me to be Lord. Strengthen me.

  5. Mary Walsh says:

    Thank You, Lord. Help me by your Spirit to walk in the truth, that I am a new creation with a new heart, new thoughts, new words and new actions. Only by your

  6. Aimee D-R says:

    In Yours Lord . Sanctify me. Amen in Jesus name

  7. Elaine Morgan says:

    Change me Lord Jesus.

  8. Andrea P says:
