Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift—not from works, so that no one can boast.
—Ephesians 2:8–9
Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
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21 thoughts on "Grace Day"
What a beautiful study! I’ve so enjoyed the connections of the different books in the Bible!
I don’t have to strive to be who God has called me to be. All I have to do is remain in home, and he will remain in me.❤️
I’m so glad that I can rest in God’s salvation, and I don’t have to try and earn his favor.
@Rhonda J. So sorry to hear about your dad! Praying he feels relief even though I’m sure it seems like a laundry list of things he has going on. @Mari V. Praying for your son. Dating is a really tough thing and I pray he can feel the ease of the pain he probably feeling right now.
Rest is for our peace. Peace heals. Peace restores. Peace belongs to us. If only you had known. “If thou hadst known, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes”(Luke 19:42 KJV). We could be blind to the things which belong to our peace. Why are they hidden from our eyes? Perhaps because of a disposition that has never been yielded. At least in this our day, may our eyes see the things which belong to OUR peace. Be blessed dear sisters.
So I was going back and reading the extras in my book and the quotes, there are a few I would like to share because I know some of you don’t get the books and some of you may not have had the time to read them. In one of the extras titled “Spiritual Disciplines and the Sabbath” this “caught my eye” as I was reading, “Sabbath, as a Spiritual discipline, is the weekly practice of abstaining from from work and activity to intentionally worship God and rest in Him.” I really like this because it doesn’t give a specific day and being a nurse I’m not always able to have my Sabbath on Saturday or Sunday.
Another item that I read that I wanted to pass on was a quote from Ruth Haley Barton — “Sabbath keeping helps us to live within our limits, because on the Sabbath, in many different ways, we allow ourselves to be the creature in the presence of our Creator.” And another quote which I found worth passing on, especially the last sentence, to you my sisters is by Abraham Joshua Herschel, “Six days a week we wrestle with the world, wringing profit from the earth; on the Sabbath we especially care for the seed of eternity planted in the soul. The world has our hands, but our soul belongs to Someone Else.” My SOUL belongs ONLY to MY LORD GOD, CHRIST JESUS AND THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Father God Almighty Creator of ALL things I give to You my soul. I know I don’t always follow Your laws and commandments and for that I AM TRULY sorry BUT GOD You are a loving, caring and compassionate God who I know forgives. You sent Your Son, You One and Only Son to die for me and all my sisters and brothers for forgiveness of our sins yet we continue to sin. Please, PLEASE Lord show us Your ways. Our time of Sabbath — rest and peace that can only come from You — needs to be spent with You and please, PLEASE remind us of this. BUT GOD, we SHOULD NEVER be too busy to spend time with You and in Your Word. In Christ’s name, Amen.
Sorry about rambling but I did want to share those items with you.
Be blessed and always, ALWAYS rest knowing God, Christ and the Holy Spirit are with you.
Andrea Irwin if you are here today see my post from yesterday re: church staff Sabbath.
✓ I am so grateful to be able to spend time in the Word with all of you She’s from around the world. You have helped me in so many ways by your comments and just knowing that we are gathered as one in the Lord. I pray for all of the requests both spoken and silent. May you all be blessed with rest in your lives.
Praising Jesus for His grace and sacrifice. All glory to God.
Rhonda, thank you for that prayer this morning and lifting your father in my prayers.
What an amazing, jaw-dropping, God! It is just so overwhelming the love he has for us although we are like the Israelites- stiff-necked, going our own way, turning to idols, putting ourselves up on pedestals that we know what is best. Lord Heavenly Father, I come humbly to you this morning asking for forgiveness for my stubborn ways, how I fall short everyday, But you God, you love us enough to forgive our failures, and you gave us a way. Thank you for Jesus, sending him for the ultimate sacrifice, that we no longer have to keep trying to be enough, we are enough when we receive him. We love you Jesus, we die to you, given our lives over to live for you, in your light, in your love. We are made anew. Amen and amen..amen.
@Kelly- thank you for asking about my dad still and praying for him…unfortunately he still suffers from chronic pain and problems that keep him down. It seems it is always something on top of copd, emphysema, RA that already keep him laying on the couch most of his days (79 yrs old) He now can’t hardly swallow, and he needs test, looks like build up in his lower esophagus, that could turn to cancer. It is hard to get him to go to get tests and stuff (which I don’t blame him at this point). He also has pneumonia they can’t seem to rid of as well for a couple of months.
Hoping all our She’s have a good Sat and Sunday! I look so forward to Sundays worshipping with our Brothers and Sisters, in our own church and around the world!!
Thank you for praying for my friend Shes! I agree @Mercy– truly I hope she is led to wisdom.
Mari, how is the car situation? Are you still getting around ok? May God continue to grow you and hold you through this process.
Amen. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ…King of endless Mercy!
ERB – thank you for checking in yesterday ♥️
LEHUA K – praying things are going well at work for you
RHONDA J – how is your dad doing?
ASH H – how are Milo and Tori doing?
SEARCHING – did the stints help stablize Shannon’s mom?
And because we are saved through no work of our own, we can rest in what Jesus has already done for us. We can pause and remember how He sustains and keeps us firmly secure in His love. And we can make ample space to marvel at the depths of His goodness and love.
Lord Jesus, thank You for who You are and for loving us so fiercely ❤️
May we all today drink from the Living Water that always satisfies (John 4:14)
A fountain of eternal life
A quenching of the soul’s thirst, for He is enough
A filling of His Holy Spirit that overflows to others
What a gift we can freely choose to accept today ❤️
Amen and Thank you Lord God, Thank you.
Praying His grace and love be the banner over you and yours today my dears..
Much love, Tina. ❤