Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Matthew 21:21

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Jesus answered them, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you tell this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ it will be done.”
—Matthew 21:21

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan. Click the image below to listen to this week’s episode.

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32 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Holly Shelton says:

    Prayers for you Emily for grace and peace while you wait.

  2. Churchmouse says:

    Today’s verse was pivotal in my salvation. I had been raised by religious parents (Catholic) but as I became a young adult I had a crisis of faith. My boyfriend’s brother asked me if I would type his college essays. Through reading his theological treatises (he was going into pastoral ministry) and seeing his calm yet confident expression of his faith, I decided I would attempt to read the Bible through in one year just to “see what all the hoopla is about.” I started reading at the very beginning, Genesis 1:1 and kept on reading. When I got to this verse in Matthew it just hit me, a light bulb moment, that Jesus was exactly who He said He was. Not the typical salvation verse but Jesus’ outrageous claim about what He and His disciples would do by faith seemed statements only a truthful man would claim. So, on December 28, 1978 I confessed my sins and decided to follow Jesus. Best. Day. Ever.

  3. Tina says:

    Praying my faith will move the mountain that is this back pain that still lingers after 1 week.

    God is good and I know in His time He WILL make my, at the moment ‘skewiff’ back right..

    In the meantime..

    BUT GOD..


  4. Donna Wolcott says:

    Dear Rhonda, thank you for what you wrote about “our” church. It is indeed a special place to gather each day. I have learned so much from the sharing and understanding of the Word. It’s a privilege to be able to lift each other in prayer. Love you all.

  5. Kristen says:

    @Sharon, Jersey Girl Thank you so much for praying for my friend the other day. I’m grateful. Praying for you and all the SHES today.

  6. Jeanie Mclellan says:

    I pray that I will use my faith in all I do.

  7. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  8. Esther George says:

    It’s beautiful to be “here” with you girls and having the community of faith to lift one another up. Dorthy, wow! This is such strength.