Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Matthew 21:21

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Jesus answered them, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you tell this mountain, ‘Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ it will be done.”
—Matthew 21:21

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan. Click the image below to listen to this week’s episode.

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32 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Hallelujah! Our God is greater stronger higher than any other!

  2. trina beckwith says:

    I pray that my faith stands strong even on the darkest of days

  3. courtney graham says:


  4. Terri Baldwin says:

    May my faith stand stronger than the evil in this world.

  5. Susan Lincks says:


  6. Regina Clinton says:

  7. Jeanie Mclellan says:

    Praise the Lord

  8. Kimberly Z says:

    @Emily praying for your fertility! Praying God will open that door for you soon and his divine timing will all make sense. @Rhonda J. I loved that you phrased it as a church! Amen.

  9. Claire B says:


  10. PamC says:

    Such beauty & love shared here today. I love attending church here every morning with all y’all. I’m grateful to have the privilege of being in this church family, getting to pray for you and prayed for by you. Rhonda J & Churchmouse your words, as usual, spoke right to my heart. Thank you. Tina, my back too, is taking me on new adventures in pain. I’ll be praying for you, as well as all the other requests as I come upon them.
    Have a blessed & restful weekend Sisters.

  11. Dawn Enns says:

    Hallelujah ❤️

  12. lily robillard says:


  13. Mercy says:

    Amen Churchmouse. Praise God for that day. I never told you this, but since a long time ago when I was so new to SRT, just quietly reading along, I always saw your name faithfully day after day, for 3 or 4 years straight. You sowed the seed within me. And I was a witness watching you. Thank you CHURCHMOUSE for teaching me the faithfulness in showing up for God and His Word <3 I thank God for you. I pray He blesses you and your family each day!

  14. Mary says:

    Praying for you and may His will be done

  15. Sue Dalos says:

    I am so thankful to be part of this SRT church family of women. I am blessed every day by staying in the Word and by each and every one of you Sisters. May we all have faith that runs deep.

  16. Alexis Rose says:

    Praying my faith to move mountains and open my womb dear God. Thank you for always hearing me, and healing me in your might name Jesus i will be a mother. Amen.

  17. Holly Shelton says:

    Prayers for you Emily for grace and peace while you wait.

  18. Churchmouse says:

    Today’s verse was pivotal in my salvation. I had been raised by religious parents (Catholic) but as I became a young adult I had a crisis of faith. My boyfriend’s brother asked me if I would type his college essays. Through reading his theological treatises (he was going into pastoral ministry) and seeing his calm yet confident expression of his faith, I decided I would attempt to read the Bible through in one year just to “see what all the hoopla is about.” I started reading at the very beginning, Genesis 1:1 and kept on reading. When I got to this verse in Matthew it just hit me, a light bulb moment, that Jesus was exactly who He said He was. Not the typical salvation verse but Jesus’ outrageous claim about what He and His disciples would do by faith seemed statements only a truthful man would claim. So, on December 28, 1978 I confessed my sins and decided to follow Jesus. Best. Day. Ever.

  19. Tina says:

    Praying my faith will move the mountain that is this back pain that still lingers after 1 week.

    God is good and I know in His time He WILL make my, at the moment ‘skewiff’ back right..

    In the meantime..

    BUT GOD..


  20. Donna Wolcott says:

    Dear Rhonda, thank you for what you wrote about “our” church. It is indeed a special place to gather each day. I have learned so much from the sharing and understanding of the Word. It’s a privilege to be able to lift each other in prayer. Love you all.

  21. Kristen says:

    @Sharon, Jersey Girl Thank you so much for praying for my friend the other day. I’m grateful. Praying for you and all the SHES today.

  22. Jeanie Mclellan says:

    I pray that I will use my faith in all I do.

  23. Jeanie Mclellan says:


  24. Esther George says:

    It’s beautiful to be “here” with you girls and having the community of faith to lift one another up. Dorthy, wow! This is such strength.

  25. Kristen says:

    Seeing the needs and praying for those shared and for those that aren’t.

  26. Rhonda J. says:

    Good morning She’s and Happy Saturday!

    It is a cold morning here in SWF! Although you all would probably find it warm compared to your weather and snow! Thank you Dorthy for your testimony of strong faith preparing you for the death of your son. I really can’t imagine a loss of a child, and you that are able to carry on and not deteriorate yourself are truly a testimony. I do know people that have lost significant people in their lives that can’t handle it and you see their down-slide, the palpable sadness that end up making their life a shell, and empty. Nothing can be such a testimony when people talk in faith of knowing their love one is in a greater place with our heavenly Father and see Jesus Christ! How God was right there through it all, during the tears and sadness.

    Dear She’s we make up our own body of Christ, we are like a church here, made up of women, with different gifts to contribute. Some our prayer warriors, some are story-tellers, some are bold, some are soft, some have testimonies, some are baby Christians growing their faith, others have experiences and testimonies to share, some have biblical wisdom, some are deep empathizers, some are learning, some are teaching….I love our little church with SRT staffers and writers making it possible! Each of you are a blessing! Have a good Saturday and wkd, and remember you are loved and important to the body of Christ!

  27. emily says:

    Hi.. read this this morning while praying for fertility. Have been infertile for several years but praying with all faith that Jesus can move mountains

  28. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen amen!

  29. Kelly (NEO) says:

    I don’t move the mountians. It is the Lord who moves them as I place my trust in His plan.

    ADB – Praying for your nanny’s needed heart

    KIM STUTTS – praying for your husband’s needed liver transplant too

    HEIDI -praying for your school life. Any updates on your niece?

    JENNIFER FICKLYN – how are things with your son and his girlfriend?

  30. Karen Elizabeth says:

    Thank you for sharing, Dorothy ❤️

  31. Searching says:

    DOROTHY – thank you for sharing your powerful testimony that drives home our need to stand firm in our faith.
    CAROL M – praying for those grieving Brittany, especially her children as they begin and go through the school years seeing the involvement of other kids’ moms, and that they will feel the love of those stepping up for Brittany. And praying for physical and spiritual healing for your DIL, that she and your son would feel the love and prayers for them from you and from your sisters around the world.
    ADB – praying for your former nanny’s health


  32. Dorothy says:

    Faith enough to mountains is a great deal of faith. I’m sure I’ve told this before but I have a story my father told that I will always remember about faith — my faith. It was when my older son died, he and my mom were in Chicago with my eldest brother and his ex-wife and their sons. It was the Labor Day weekend. Apparently my brother asked my father how I would handle it and my father told him I would handle it well because “my faith ran deep”. My faith did run deep I believe that was due in part to my upbringing — my parents and both sets of grandparents were devote Christians. It also though had to do with my friends I chose and the church I went to. None of which I would change to this day. My faith has gotten me through many a hard time and will continue to get through the hard times as long as I call and rely on God, Christ and the Holy Spirit first and foremost, and then family and friends — of which you my SRT sisters I consider part of.

    Be blessed and have “faith enough to move mountains” sisters.