Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Luke 2:14

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

 Glory to God in the highest heaven,
and peace on earth to people he favors!
—Luke 2:14

Weekly She Reads Truth podcast episodes correspond to the current community reading plan.
Click the image below to listen to this week’s episode. 

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37 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Each day I step past our western Christmas Day, I am keeping the Divine Light of Christ close. I am digging past our modern days and discovering the beauty of Ancient Christianity (from the east). I am learning what it means to read the scriptures in the original context they were written in and heard for the first time. And I embrace the wonder of it all. The wonder of grace. Of forgiveness. Of salvation. Messages from angels. The Angel of the Lord. An unusual, guiding light, the brightest star ever seen that shone upon the Messiah’s nativity. Theophany. The manifestation of God. First in the incarnation, and now in His Body the Church. Such wonders. We who possess the Spirit of God have been given the precious gift of grace. With this gift we are called to love God and others as ourselves. Let us learn to love well, Lord. Let us learn to be like You. We are Your image bearers, and we have all that we need to do what You have called us to do. May it be so, Lord, let it be so. Let us join the heavenly chorus singing, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God All-Powerful, the one who was and the one who is and the one who is coming!” (Revelation 4:8) Maranatha.

  2. Sophie Mitchum says:

    Peace to HIS people!

  3. Churchmouse says:

    God’s grace is like a warm blanket on a cold morning. I just want to snuggle in and be filled with gratitude in His presence. Even before I open my eyes I want to praise Him. Another day! He’s given me another day! What will unfold or what it holds, I do not know. I do not fear for He is with me. With whom can I share this joy, this peace, this contentment? Lord, bring me across their path. Give me Your words to speak. Let their hearts be open to the saving knowledge of Who You are. Thank You for this day, this grace day, to share Your grace with someone. Anyone. All to Your glory. Amen.

  4. Mari V says:

    Good morning and Happy Saturday. It’s dreary day ☁️ and I’m trying to get motivated to go on a run. My sweet running partner is out of state. I am so grateful for her! During these run walks, we talk, we cry, we lift each other up in prayer. I’m grateful for people like her. The day after our accident her daughter, who is also good friends with my daughter came over with their other good friend (I call them the threesome) brought coffee and breakfast for my daughter as a surprise. I am so grateful for these sweet special girls, that love Jesus and love my daughter. It’s been a week since our accident and as far as I know, my car is still at the tow yard. It’s messy. Please pray as I try to navigate rides for my daughter who goes back to school this week.

  5. Dorothy says:

    GOD, CHRIST AND THE HOLY SPIRIT are sooo glorious, sooo loving, sooo kind, sooo wonderful and sooo PRAISEWORTHY. Let us SHOUT this GREAT NEWS out wherever we go. Let us sing and shout their praises throughout the world and universe. How many times do I/we go to God or Christ in times of trouble or need or sorrow but I/we forget to go in the good times. We forget to thank God and Christ for the good things in life, to SING PRAISES, to SHOUT our JOY. REJOICE, REJOICE, HALLULIJAH, sing and dance for the Lord.

    Thank You Almighty, Omnipresent, Loving, Caring, Father God for all You have done for me/us and given to me/us. Thank You Son of God, Emmanuel, Christ for leaving Heaven and coming to earth and dying for my/our sins so eternal life can be achieved. Thank You Holy of holies, Holy Spirit for remaining with me/us and helping me/us have faith and become more like Christ. Amen.

    Be blessed and do something special for someone — maybe someone you don’t know.

  6. Donna Wolcott says:

    Dear Gramsisue, you did have something to say. You lifted your sister’s with prayer and those are very special words. Hugs! May we all be bearers of the “Good News”. Happy weekend.

  7. Leann Allen says:

    My app always crashes when I try to type up comments, but today I am thankful for the reminder to pray and rest, too.

  8. lily robillard says:

    ❤️ glory to God in the highest