Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Philippians 2:10-11

On this final day of the year, reflect on the last five weeks of reading, remembering Jesus’s first coming and anticipating His promised return. Take time today to pause from the busyness of the season to catch up on your reading, make space for prayer, and rest in the presence of the Lord. 

So that at the name of Jesus
every knee will bow—
in heaven and on earth
and under the earth—
and every tongue will confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
—Philippians 2:10–11

(57) Comments

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57 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Terri Baldwin says:

    Awesome study!!!

  2. Annie says:

    Thank you Rebecca W!

  3. Rhonda J. says:

    @JM- It”s titled the Life of Jesus. The ones that get the books monthly are in the know. :) Glad to have you! Stick with us and you will continue study after study. That’s one thing I love, that you get in the habit to come to the website daily (or opening your book), but reading the comments is so valuable as well to become part of the community in sharing insights, wisdom, prayer requests, praises….it’s a virtual small group!

    @Victoria- How was your apt? Been thinking about you since Wed!
    @GramsieSue and @Lynn many prayers for your husband’s health, that would be so challenging worrisome.
    @Lehua So glad you are with us!
    @Kimberly Z- you kinda put mildy your year! I remember gasping at your first post about your dad, and to hear how far you all have come is so wonderful! You are such a strong lady, and I know good things are coming your way!

  4. Emily Vahle says:

    The Next Study is the Life of Jesus and starts January 2nd. Go to and sign up for the subscription box and you’ll get the study book in the mail every month. And then they’ll start one right after another. They’re phenomenal!

  5. Lehua K. says:

    As I reflect on the upcoming new year, I am so touched by reading your comments and stories! This community has become a lifeline, a prayer circle, part of my morning routine (most days… I’m still working on it! lol). I feel so much love, connection, and community as we gather together each day. ❤️

    This has been a really tough year but I rejoice in the highlights and thank God for them:
    -Left a really toxic job and started a new one
    -Started going to church again (thanks to a coworker friend who invited me to a Bible study her sister was doing, then she never showed up lol… but God still told me to go, to a group of strangers.. I’m so glad I obeyed ❤️)
    -My husband and I have grown closer in talking about God together and His Word (as we watch the Chosen, the Jesus Revolution special screening, The Bible Project, and attend church together)

    Looking forward to walking with God more and with all of you as we open His Word everyday. ❤️ Happy New Year!!

  6. J M says:

    How do I know what the next group study is?

  7. Alayna P. says:

    I didn’t get to finish my thought before accidentally sending it. I’m so very grateful for this community. Happy New Year ❤️

  8. Alayna P. says:

    I’ve felt quite melancholy this week. And finishing this study is bittersweet because I enjoyed it so much and I don’t want it to end but I’m excited for the next study and all the new studies for this coming year.