Grace Day

Open Your Bible

John 1:14

Advent is a season to intentionally slow our pace, contemplating and celebrating the first coming of Christ while also anticipating His promised return. Take time today to pause from the busyness of the season to catch up on your reading, make space for prayer, and rest in the presence of the Lord. 

Revisit “Advent Rhythms” on pages 18–19 to help reorient your rhythms of rest and celebration.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
—John 1:14

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56 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Kimberly Z says:

    @Rhonda J. I agree there is something very comforting being able to ask for prayers. When I started my first study a year ago with She Reads Truth during advent season I would never guessed the prayers I would be asking for. As I’ve said several times this season of life is hard for me and honestly might be one of the hardest I’ve endured. But clearly God knew what he was doing a year ago when I signed up for this study. It truly has changed my life as silly as it sounds but I am so grateful to be able to come on here and listen

  2. Alayna P. says:

    Only one week until Christmas now. I can’t believe how fast the time has flown. I am enjoying this study so much. This is the time of the month (this week specifically) where I really have to be intentional in slowing my pace and pausing to contemplate and celebrate Advent. Otherwise, I get to lost in the busyness and commotion. I hope you all have a nice weekend ♥️

  3. Julie Roberson says:

    Requesting prayers for a beloved daughter that is struggling with alcohol, depression and PTSD from military duty. Hanging in to this verse in Psalms “ the LORD preserves my children from all evil, the LORD preserves their soul”

  4. Jennifer Anapol says:

    Victoria congratulations! What a wonderful surprise! I can understand your concern about dividing your attention between two kids. I have a three year old and a three month old. It definitely is challenging at times, but not as hard as I thought. There really are just hard moments, that usually pass quickly. I would suggest that you get some help, if you can. I have been able to rely on my parents and mother in law. Th extra support has really helped. ❤️

  5. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I love this verse. This is basically the Christmas story! ❤️Let this truth be what my heart meditates on during this season.

  6. Victoria E says:

    Sisters thank you for your outpouring of love and prayers. First appointment is January 11. I am so humbled to have you all praying for me.

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    @Karrie! Hey, good to hear from you, and I will definitely be praying for you! I too find it comforting just writing and asking for prayers here in our SHE community!

    I have been in lots of small groups over the years and love them, but THIS group is the only one I have been with daily, non-stop for many, many years!! It is such a unique and amazing group of ladies! It is something so special! Each one of you, commenting or not, is truly a blessing to all of us!

    @Victoria E- Love that we have been with you through so much! Like CHURCHMOUSE, God knows what He is doing and knows that you got this!

    Hope all of you have a blessed Sunday and coming week preparing for your celebrations! I am with @ Dorthy, I feel like all of our old Christmas family gatherings have dwindled away. It’s kinda sad. ( BUT, it was my choice to move to SW Florida…and I do love it here). I did get to go to GA last week to spend 5 days with my sister, the nieces, and nephews, 2 new great-nieces, and my son!! That was fun, yet different.

    @Mercy0 where have you been? Hope all is good.

  8. Dorothy says:

    One week left before Christmas Eve ladies, and this year is so different than all my others.

    My son, Andrew, and d-i-l, Dani, no longer celebrate with his father’s side of the family and Dani’s mother died this last year. My brothers no longer come into town, so neither do my nieces and nephews. What once was a 30 person gathering has now dwindled down to each family in their own home. We do still keep in touch via email, social media, and weddings but it’s not the same.

    My brothers and I are going to do a zoom meeting on Christmas. Andrew and Dani have invited me to be with them one of the two days; depends on which day they do with Dani’s brother.

    BUT GOD…

    I look back at all the wonderful memories!!!
    I look forward to next year with my grandson, Baby George!!!

    BUT GOD…

    He has blessed me with a loving, caring, family-oriented, family — my parents instilled in my siblings and I how much family matters.

    Lord God, Creator of ALL THINGS, including and especially families reunite, reconnect, and rejoin those families who are torn apart, no matter the circumstances. Help them to put aside their differences and come together on this the celebration of Your Sons birth. Help us all to be kinder, gentler and more loving to one another. Remind us of the Christmas during World War I in 1916, when all troops stop their shooting and celebrated this special day in peace. Amen.

    Be blessed and do something nice or special for a stranger today, you’ll be surprised how it will make you feel sisters.