Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
—1 John 1:9

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21 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Thank you Jesus for still loving, wanting, and pursing me when I constantly fall short. Thank you for your sacrifice so I can live with You and experience what you have for me. I am so thankful and I want to walk into all you’ve created me to be. I love you
What a loving God we have. We are not deserving of this kind of love or forgiveness but he still seeks us anyways. I am beyond thankful for your Grace Lord.
I am beyond grateful for the faithfulness of God to forgive me of my sins and trespasses against Him. I do not deserve His gentle love and kindness toward me. I fall short of grace everyday but God chooses to pick me up every time. Thank you Lord for forgiving me. For choosing me. And for calling me by name, I am Yours.
@Searching Thanks so much for the sweet message! What wonderful thing that we can all come together and just pray for one another. @Gwineth I loved your post tonight. It brings me alot of comfort knowing God is listening no matter what we have going on.
Happy Saturday❤️
Dear ladies, I am asking for prayer for healing and recovery for our family. We got hit with a prolonged cold/flu. My 9 month baby girl is suffering the worst of all, from high fever, vomit and lots of sleepless nights. We appreciate your prayers. I am so exhausted. Be blessed dear sisters.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Mercy is God’s love in action. I need it constantly, and He gives it without end. I ask and I receive. I pray with adoration of Who God is in light of who I am. I need His light to see my way out of the darkness that is in the world and in me. This is precisely why the Jesus Prayer has come to be like breathing for me, life giving and foundational, a grounding place of unceasing prayer. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner”. I didn’t understand how repeating a simple, liturgical prayer could be so powerful. Until I began to experience it myself. It isn’t the words so much, but rather a position of my heart patterned into a string of words in utter reverence to God. I have prayed it up to 100 times in one sitting, I pray it on my hikes through the woods, I am practicing this prayer more and more. Better than any song that gets stuck in my head, by cleansing my thoughts this way, the silent rhythms are becoming part of my constant experience of the world lit up with God’s light. And guess what? I experience more of His peace. An amazing, undeserved gift that just keeps giving. From here my prayer life has grown. From a place of surrender I gain more clarity and strength. I pray more for others. The cleansing power of God’s forgiveness overpowers my sins and silences my erratic and anxious thoughts. Thanks be to God! So, I know what it means to “walk in the light as He is in the light” and “have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). ALL sin is cleansed and cleared away, all darkness removed, and there is peace. “The strongest of all weapons is our love for God, and a strong, vibrant relationship with Him.” (OSB notes on v. 5). Out of this relational position flows the blessed life I desire. Because I love Jesus, I want “to walk just as He walked… because the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining” (vv. 6-8). Lord, help me to love and live in the light with You. Have mercy on me. Every hour, every moment, I need Thee… Selah. Maranatha. Amen.
Hello Shes…just before we leave our study on prayer in scripture…and just to know our God is listening & responding even in our messiness & incoherence…and perhaps even so, I believe, when we are light & silly; off base or off loading …To which I recommend, “Prayers for the People: Things We Didn’t Know We Could Say to God”, written by Terry J. Stokes, associate pastor of youth & community engagement at the Reformed Church of Highland Park in New Jersey. A collection of short-form prayers on things we thought too trivial to pray about that God finds tender. Like , for, “one’s celebrity crush”; “before going to a wedding while single”;or on a road trip”. But also, when feeling down & tongue-tied. Like, for, “cancellation of student debt”; “when plans are suspended or lost”; or “when one has said something foolish”. The collection covers major themes from friendship to vocation to the church. Moving, entertaining, heartfelt. Reminding us God is perfectly fine in the small talk & the petty & the personal foibles. We’re His humans after all! Bless His Holy Name! AND, before closing this chapter, I carry always in my wallet these lines from my dead mother, nearly nine years ago, when I was distraught & downcast in trying to sell my house: “Be calm. Be confident. Be prayerful”. She was right.
Thank You Lord for Your forgiveness and being with us whenever we call on You. Guide us as we start this season of Advent and remind of the true reason we celebrate — the birth of Your Son, Jesus Christ. Watch over us in the coming weeks. Lord thank You for my family and my friends. In Christ’s name amen.
Be blessed and know God speaks to you even in the most unusual ways.
Good morning sweet sisters! Its SATURDAY!! Hope all of you are well. THANK you all for praying regarding my, foot. It’s called Metatarsal. It’s nothing series and no x-ray was needed. My doctor said I just need to make sure to wear athletic shoes as much as possible even around the house. I’m off on my run walk Have a wonderful day everyone!
JAMIE TRICE – THANK YOU for sharing John 17:20-26! As we head into Advent, that verse is a reminder of why Jesus came to earth/to us. THANK YOU, Jesus!
Thank you, SRT, for this powerful study!
Praise God for 1John 1:9! Amen!!
Thanks be to God for providing the way for forgiveness!
MANDI – continuing to pray for your daughter. Is the latest treatment working for her?
COURTNEY ERIN – continuing to pray for your dad and peace for you and the rest of your family
LEHUH K – has your B-I-L found a job?
HANNAH STORAY – how is your F-I-L recovering from the concussion?
Thank you Jesus for loving US enough to die on the cross to save us from our terrible sins. Thank you for thinking of me when you prayed in John 17:20-26.
KIMBERLY Z – praying for you in this difficult season of life, for your heart and spirit to be lifted by Christ’s love for you, and for faith and patience in the waiting – God is always working things out on our behalf even when we can’t see it, even when we mess things up trying to “help” Him. I can look back over the years and see His hands at work, especially at those times when I felt far from Him. love you, sister!
This is one of my favorite scriptures… Amen