Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 3:5

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own understanding.
—Proverbs 3:5

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29 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. MARTHA HIX says:

    Thank you for your insights and prayers sister friends! I will be going to Colorado to be with my adult children and grandchildren for Thanksgiving. This will be our 2nd Thanksgiving after my husband’s passing away suddenly last year at 71. I’m grateful for your continued prayers and pray for you all during this holiday season as well. ❤️

  2. Rebecca W says:

    @ Mari- Glad God provided some help with your car bill! Will pray for continued favor so you can bless your girls.
    @ GrammieSue- Grands are such a blessing, especially during trying times. They cause us to give thanks! Prayers for your hubby’s health and your well being.

  3. Rebecca W says:

    I read, while doing our study yesterday using the Enduring Word app, a quote that said, “A good man is never less alone, than when he is alone”. How beautiful is that!?? Many times while I am alone with God is when I feel closest to Him. Just the comfort to know He is here with me. Always. Prayer of any kind, is so beautiful and our personal way into the arms of Jesus.
    As I read all the comments I have started to write down requests to help me focus and remember, since there are so many women on this
    @ Sharon Jersey Girl- I will lift up Nicholas and Jonathan and I feel your pain longing to have them love Jesus again. Please pray for my five adults children as well, who are so deceived by this culture and far from the God they loved as children. But I have full trust that God hears our prayers and will work on our children’s hearts and minds.
    @ Heidi- prayers for peace and trust and God’s provision as you wait. ❤️
    @Susan- Wonderful news of your dil’s health report!
    @ all sister- lifting your requests.

  4. Mari says:

    Good Morning sweet SRT sisters and Happy Saturday☀️. It’s starting to feel like fall is moving into winter. 36° this morning, BUT The Sun is UP. Thank you for praying for something so small as my right toes and foot. I am much better. Still hurts a little bit, but not like it did last week. With compression socks, here I go, attempting an 8 mile walk. My running partner, and I decided that we would walk instead of run walk.
    I am so thankful for this morning Grace Day verse. It seems like lately that’s what I’ve been trying to do is, TRUST. Forgive me if I’m repeating myself, I’m not sure or remember if I shared here recently but I had two major car maintenance repairs I had to put on the credit card. Nothing was wrong with my car. They were just upkeep repairs that sprung up on me. God provided! Because of that one college course that I’m taking, I somehow qualified for some kind of fund and I can use it wherever I need it to. I was able to pay the car repair debt. God is so good! He is Jehovah Jireh, my provider. I will keep trusting even when it’s hard. With that said, I am asking for prayer as I still have some debt that I really want to pay off and even though my kids are grown, (young adult, and a high schooler) I still want to have some sort of Christmas gift for them.

  5. GramsieSue says:

    Sisters, I thank you for your prayers.
    I wanted to share that we received the blessing of a new granddaughter this week. She was almost 10 pounds! Just precious and her 2.5 year old big sister loves “baby sister”. Grands are such a blessing and I love each one of them. We have 8 now and another due in December.

    So even in this valley, there are blessings.
    God is so good.
    Hugs to all ❤️

  6. Heidi says:

    KELLY (NEO)- thank you. I can’t tell you what seeing my name being remembered did for me today. Literally have had a friend praying because my heart has felt so unseen and “left behind” by God (and I KNOW that’s not true, but… feelings…) School is a challenge for sure but compounded by work has made it even more so and closed my practice, I saw my patients for the last time this past week and now I’m in a holding pattern to see if/how God comes through financially for us. If He doesn’t? We don’t meet bills at this point.
    It’s hard. We are stepping out in obedience and faith He will carry us but at the moment we don’t see it coming through. So I’m unbelievably grateful for the kindness of your prayers. Thank you so so much, sister I’ve yet to meet! :) :) ❤️

  7. Susan says:

    I have a praise for answered prayers. My daughter in laws biopsy report said three were negative and one for pre cancer cells, which are treatable. Thank you for praying!

  8. Molly Rohrer says:

    Sharon Jones, I love how you put that: “Prayer is so intimate.” Of course, I agree, but it’s something about how you said it there, including the tears you try to avoid when praying. I get that way more and more, and I, too, try to avoid it – mostly cause I don’t want to make someone else feel awkward. But the truth is, the more I learn and lean into prayer as it is meant to be, as it is, I can’t help but cry at the power, the connection, the joining God in his work in that moment! Powerfully intimate! Reminds me of how marriage is supposed to be, and can be in moments. I love that Christ is our bridegroom and we are His bride.