Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Ephesians 6:18

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Pray at all times in the Spirit with every prayer and request, and stay alert with all perseverance and intercession for all the saints.
Ephesians 6:18

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34 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Danielle Relyea says:

    Lord God, I pray that lead me to strength in spreading your word and your love with those around me. I pray that my family finds their faith in You and I pray for Alyson who I know needs You like I did when I found your promise and steadfast love. I pray for Cameron to follow You so that I may follow him as he leads me to You. I pray for all of my loved ones to join me in salvation. I pray that all my loved ones be fulfilled with Your steadfast love. Lord God I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

  2. Meghan Fox says:

    Thank you Kelly. I will be praying for your daughter as well. I’m so tha fool that God heard all of our prayers and knows what we need even when we don’t.

  3. Jenna says:

    Hannah Storay praying for your father-in-law. Praying he makes a speedy and full recovery. Praying that he receives good care. Praying that your family senses God’s presence and peace until you are all together again.

  4. Victoria E says:

    Amen Angie Mills! I have a similar problem- I start and end my day in prayer but the middle usually goes without unless I find myself up against a task I know I cannot do on my own. Praying for the requests here. Martha Hix and Traci Gendron, praying for you in the upcoming holidays without your husband and son respectively

  5. Hannah Storay says:

    Praying for all of you ladies. ❤️ I ask for prayers as well, and prayers for my family. My father in law is a truck driver and flipped his 18 wheeler 2800 miles from home. Literally on the other side of the country. He is ok with minimal issues other than a concussion causing memory issues which are slowly resolving.

  6. Churchmouse says:

    Basking with joy for the faithfulness and compassion of all those who gather here and lift up every need in prayer. We are not alone. We have Jesus. We have powerful intercessors. Regardless how dark the night, these prayer warriors are bright beacons of His Light. The devil has no chance when Christians are on their knees.

  7. Victoria L says:

    @Jennifer Loves Jesus…thank you. Your words are beautiful! Amen!

  8. Cheryl Barton says:

    Jennifer loves Jesus. Love this!❤️