Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Ezekiel 36:23

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“The nations will know that I am the LORD—this is the declaration of the Lord GOD—when I demonstrate my holiness through you in their sight.”
—Ezekiel 36:23

(15) Comments

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15 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Sydney Scott says:

    Lord God, as your people, please use us to make your name known. We are weak, but your strength is perfected in us. Please use us, Lord. Help us kill our fear by your Holy Spirit and give us wisdom

  2. Susan Lincks says:


  3. Claire B says:


  4. Emily Graebner says:

    What a verse to think on today!

  5. Traci Gendron says:

    Welcome Sharon Jones!

    Susan what a beautiful post yesterday. To see the fruits of your prayer life over Andy.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes Rhonda!

    Hebrews has been a great study. I needed this. I have struggled with my stepdaughter for years. As I was praying today, I realized my husband and I need to show her a different way to live. Her mom is very liberal in her thinking and beliefs which in turn Kara has. She is not very happy. I think God is calling us to take her under our wings. It will be tough going. She won’t really want it. But with God’s help and perfect timing I’m praying she may see there is a much better life to be had with God.

    For some reason I cannot post my comment. It keeps saying it is a duplicate, but it is nowhere. I really hope there isn’t 5 repeat comments of mine!

  6. Traci Gendron says:

    Welcome Sharon Jones!

    Susan what a beautiful post yesterday. To see the fruits of your prayer life over Andy.

    Thank you for the birthday wishes Rhonda!

    Hebrews has been a great study. I needed this. I have struggled with my stepdaughter for years. As I was praying today, I realized my husband and I need to show her a different way to live. Her mom is very liberal in her thinking and beliefs which in turn Kara has. She is not very happy. I think God is calling us to take her under our wings. It will be tough going. She won’t really want it. But with God’s help and perfect timing I’m praying she may see there is a much better life to be had with God.

  7. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Happy Birthday Taylor!! I too am sorry about your breakup, and as hard as it is, you will see in the future it was a good thing, especially if you are following God’s leading!

    Happy Birthday to you as well Tracy Gendron tomorrow!! Hope you have a good one even though it is heavy!

    @Mercy…so, so good- your comment yesterday! Thank you for always having such wisdom! ‘

  8. AZ Walker says:

    Praying that I can be salt and light to others. Right there with you Kelly Neo and Sharon Jersey Girl! Praying for everyone here – Margaret praying for your arthritis pain and that you can be with your daughter on Thanksgiving. Praying that Taylor is having a wonderful birthday weekend and praying for many more of your requests. Peace to all of you and your loved ones.

  9. Carol Crossman says:


  10. Mari says:

    Good morning ☀️ and HAPPY Saturday! I’m actually still waiting for the sun to come up but I don’t think it’s going to today. It’s cloudy, but thankfully it’s not freezing, at least not yet. BUT cold enough!
    I just wanted to wish everyone a great weekend. This was an amazing study as always. I’m so thankful for all of you I’m so blessed God led me to this beautiful community.

  11. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    @Kelly Neo – thank you for your comment! It caused me to re-read the verse and see it in a whole different light! I too have failed many times to demonstrate God’s holiness in my life. I pray along with you, forgiveness for failing to do so, and that I may display His holiness so others may see it and glorify Him.

    A blessed Saturday to all my SRT sisters!

  12. Kelly (NEO) says:

    TAYLOR – Happy 27th Birthday!

    This was a humbling verse: “The nations will know that I am the Lord—this is the declaration of the Lord God—when I demonstrate my holiness through you in their sight.”

    Oh my goodness – Lord, forgive me for the times Your holiness was not displayed through me and thus a missed opportunity for someone to know You.

  13. Beverly Watley says:

    Our Sovereign Lord

  14. searching says:

    what a great study! I may flag it and come back from time to time as it was pretty fast paced for me.

    Thank you SHARON JERSEY GIRL, KELLY (NEO) and others who are praying for Shannon’s mom. She is very weak and her heart is only working at about 20%. Continuing to pray that she gains strength and can have the surgery needed.

    Welcome SHARON JONES! praying for your family and especially your middle daughter, praising the chemo is finished. Great news about her sight!

    ANGELA FLOWERS – praying for your friend to focus on God’s truth and not the evil one’s lies. To see the sneakiness for what it is.

    SUSAN – thank you for sharing that. So true that many/most times we cannot see the completion. Praying for your family.

    TAYLOR – Happy Birthday!

    JOHNNA MCCOWEN – praying for your job search

    MICHELLE – praying

    MERCY – great post yesterday, thank you!

    CHURCHMOUSE – praying for you through the instability
    ARINA – hang on, His anchor always holds. praying!
    KRISTEN Q – praying

  15. Aimee D-R says:

    Amen. God show Your glory through my life. In Jesus name, Amen