Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Romans 12:1

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.
—Romans 12:1

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20 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Terri Baldwin says:

    May the Holy Spirit guide me in all things and bless me with His grace & compassion!

  2. Kenna McFall says:

    Thank you for sharing, Mercy. That was very powerful and thought provoking to see his humility as a well known preacher.

  3. Kimberly Z says:

    @Kacie Harlan and Sarah D. Just wanted you both to know I am praying for you girls and hope your anxieties have lessened and you have can feel Gods spirit surrounding you both.

  4. Angie Mills says:

    @CAROL M

    I am in church denomination that doesn’t always observe Lent or Advent. I, personally, like to observe these seasons because I find that they prepare my heart for Easter and Christmas. As I was looking online for something to follow for Lent one year, I came across She Reads Truth’s Lent study on Isaiah. I think they had already started, so I had to play catch-up, but it was so good. I thank God for this community of ladies and for the studies they produce.

  5. Melissa Mcronney says:


  6. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Afternoon She’s!

    Love what you wrote JLJ! Beautiful! I always enjoy everyone’s comments, it gives us a little piece of each of you and we connect a little more as friends and better- Sisters in Christ!! Praise God! I long to live more like we were created to be every day! It is the knowing, that the Holy Spirit grows us, and matures us. Like the verse the other day, we go from baby food in Christ to meaty, substance, solid food, and in that, we are gaining discipline, wisdom, and holiness. But it doesn’t happen at once, you have to ask the Holy Spirit to be with your every day. I am just gnawing on this in the most recent years. Even though I was raised as a Christian, we talked of God mainly, and the Son he sent to save us- Jesus Christ, then there was the Holy Ghost mentioned on the side. But the Spirit was more of a “thing,” a mystical fog around me. But No, the Holy Ghost is part of God, the Trinity, that is given to us when we first believe and He is IN us to guide, direct us, and grow us. At church, I am in a small group studying “Jesus Calling,” by Anne It is really good so far. It gives good instruction on how to study the bible, verse by verse. And how to let the Holy Spirit work in you.

  7. Mercy says:

    “As for myself, I am compelled to say with solemn truthfulness that I am not content with anything I have ever done. I have half wished to live my life over again, but now I regret that my proud heart allowed me so to wish, since the probabilities are that I should do worse the second time. Whatever grace has done for me I acknowledge with deep gratitude; but so far as I have done anything myself I beg pardon for it. I pray God to forgive my prayers, for they have been full of fault; I beseech Him to forgive even this confession, for it is not as humble as it ought to be; I beseech Him to wash my tears and purge my devotions, and to baptize me into a true burial with my Saviour, that I may be quite forgotten in myself, and only remembered in Him”. C.H.S.
    (i am reposting this one, as there were some auto corrections that changed the meaning somewhat). From the book: C. H. Spurgeon Autobiography Volume 2 the Full Harvest.

  8. Mercy says:

    Yesterday I came across an old book of a famous English preacher C.H. Spurgeon, and I was deeply touched by what he wrote. It just could be just as fresh for us even though it was from the 1800s, like it could have been any of the comments I would have read from any of you dear she’s.
    “As long as there is breath in our bodies, let us serve Christ; as long as we can think, as long as we can speak, as long as we can work, let us serve Him, let us even serve Him with our last gasp; and, if it be possible, let us try to set some work going that will glorify him when we are dead and gone. Let us scatter some seed that may spring up when we are sleeping beneath the hillock in the cemetery.” C.H.S.
    “As for myself, I am compelled to say with solemn truthfulness that I am not content with anything I have ever done. I have half wished to love my life over again, but now I regret that my proud heart allowed me so to wish, since the probabilities are that I should do worse the second time. Whatever grace has done for me I acknowledge with deep gratitude; but so far as I have done anything myself I beg pardon for it. I pray God to forgive my prayers, for they have been full of fault; I beseech Him to forgiven even this confession, for it is not as humble as it ought to be; I beseech Him to wash my tears and purge my devotions, and to baptize me into a true burial with my Saviour, that I may be quite forgotten in myself, and only remembered in Him”. C.H.S.
    To God be the all the glory, praise and honor. Be blessed dear sisters.

  9. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Father God, conform me to You. Transform me by renewing my mind. Renew my heart, strengthen my faith, and deepen my humility. Help me heed Your call to present myself as a living sacrifice. Show me how to worship You in all truth and wisdom. Have mercy on me O Lord. Have mercy. Have mercy. Open my eyes of understanding, open my ears to receive Your words, teach me Your commandments. Help me to do Your will, to sing to You, to confess You from my heart, and to praise Your All-Holy Name: of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, unto ages of ages, Amen… Walking outside this morning in the quiet stillness, before the rains came, I was reminded of my love of Fall in South Louisiana. Camellias. As I looked upon the showy flowers I thought of what it means to worship God. First, for God. Because He created me, my response is to be what He made me, for Him. By His hands He created all things. Blooming at the right season when called to adorn the place where I am planted. And second, to be obedient. Out of the freedom He came to give me, willfully choosing to give Him honor and praise. Just for the sake of who He is, I bow in reverence to Him in my spirit. If only God’s eyes see the camellias in bloom, they are no less beautiful. What God sees is what matters. What is at the core of my heart should be pure, and that matters. What He thinks of me is what I am most concerned with. When called to bloom, I will bloom. When no flowers are present, roots stay planted in the earth, soaking up the rain as He gives it. Being what I am called to be in each season of life is determined by Him. Honoring Him with my life always because I am His. Now and forever. Unto ages of ages. Amen.

  10. AZ Walker says:

    Carol M, I am from Arizona and learned about SRT in a Ladies Bible study at church. I started reading the daily devotions and Bible plans teachings in March 2019. Sometimes I sneak away by myself at lunchtime, sometimes I read in the morning and sometimes before I go to bed but I rarely miss and always learn and pray for those here . Searching and Kelly NEO thank you for your gift of prayer. I love when you take the time to write out the prayer requests. Jennifer Loves Jesus and others have done this too . We still do not know where Brandon is. My sister visits James and His legal guardian mom often and he was asked to leave his preschool due to hitting. She is researching public school programs for special needs. Praying for all our loved ones.

  11. Rebecca says:

    Prayers for all my She sisters today. May we be blessed and held tight in His loving arms. Thank you Susan for sharing your son’s story. It is so full of life and love!!!

  12. Aimee D-R says:

    Help me with patience Lord. In Jesus name, Amen

  13. Susan Lincks says:


  14. Carol M says:

    Good Morning Inses… I have been noticing your comments, and the Holy Spirit is drawing me to lift you to Jesus, in prayer. I love the way you share your excitement, as you are discovering God’s love for you! May you continue to dig deep into the truth of God’s Word, and find rest for your soul, and direction for your life.

    I’m curious… How did you discover She Reads Truth? I’m an older woman from Pennsylvania, USA, and found SRT years ago when my niece posted some quotes on FB from a SRT devotional. I’m so thankful for that day!

  15. Michelle Patire says:

    Wow @Kelly thank you for thinking of my sister Bernadette. <3 that is so sweet!!

    @Susan – thank you for sharing your son's testimony. God is so kind to show you his sermon on Ezekiel 37! That's so amazing!! <3 God bless you!!

  16. Angie Mills says:

    Lord Jesus, You offered Yourself as the Perfect Sacrifice for our sin once for all time. You call us to be diligent in pursuing maturity and You send the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. He puts Your laws in our minds and writes Your law on our hearts enabling us to grow into maturity. You are our Eternal High Priest who lives to always make intercession for us. You are the Risen Christ; and because of Your death, You save completely those who come to Your Father, and because of Your resurrection, those who trust You will live forever. Thank You for all of the mercies You have shown us. Help me be faithful in presenting myself as a living sacrifice to You. Help me to die to my Self and to put on Christ. Help me to deny myself, take up the cross, and follow You. Lord, continue to make me holy and pleasing to You. Enable me to love You with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Help me to glorify You and to enjoy You forever. Amen!

  17. Searching says:

    I did a double-take this morning when I went to Bible Gateway to read today’s verse – their verse for today was also Romans 12:1, so of course I clicked to read the entire chapter which is all geared toward living our best Christian lives. Verse 2 starts things off with this reminder –
    “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” NKJV

    Praying through daily requests –
    LYNNE FROM AL – for you and Jack
    GRAMSIESUE – for you and Steve
    AMANDA NOBLE – housing guidance
    JENNY SOMERS – healing from illnesses and replacement of lost of income from show cancellations, good health going forward & guidance to be able to maintain
    SUSAN – your family. Thank you so much for sharing Andy’s testimony – what an impactful life for the family of God.
    DOROTHY – for guidance on your move and housing
    SARAH D – relief from anxiety and guidance on job opportunities
    JEN B – job guidance
    KACIE HARLAN – wisdom for location and job search

    TINA – thank you for showing us God’s hand and guidance through the years and times of waiting ❤️
    GWINETH52 – good to see you back

  18. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Thinking of loved ones who have not yet come to a saving faith or who have walked away. Praying for the Lord would turn their hearts to Him.
    VALENTINA (Victoria), AMBER R (husband), MICHELLE (Bernadette), LYNN PAINTER (daughter), SHARON SHEIBENPFLUG (children), LAURA (daughter), RHONDA J (Savanah, nephew), JIMIM LEE (Daniel), EMILY DAFO (Becky, Bill), SKY HILTON (Mom, sister, uncle), ANNETTE (Hunter), KRISTON (dad, Jan, Jim), MELANIE B (husband), LIZZY BUTTERFIELD (sister), POPPY WASKETT (Rosie, Amy), AZ WALKER (Brandon, James), JULIE ROBERSON (Ashley), TRICIA CAVANAUGH (children), EMALINE ONG (children), ANNE S (husband), SHARON, JERSEY GIRL (Nicholas), MARYA (daughter), CATHERINE FALCONER (daughter), NATASHA (husband)

  19. Inses De Braganca says:

    Thank you god for giving me life and allowing me to be a part of your plan. May you help me choose right from wrong and serve the purpose you have for me in the best way possible. Amen god.

  20. Inses De Braganca says:

    Thank you god fa