Day 6

Grace Day

from the This Is the Church reading plan

Leviticus 20:26

BY She Reads Truth

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be mine.”
—Leviticus 20:26

Post Comments (33)

33 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Stephanie Mann says:


  2. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I am holy and set apart because God says I am. This isn’t a feeling, but a reality of who I am in him. ❤️

  3. Mercy says:

    Praise the Lord for His Holiness. And we are the extension of Him, the clay vessels that carry the treasure (GOD). Thank you Rhonda for the update. I will continue to pray for your grandkids. I want to encourage to share your faith through your stories. My grandmother was the ONLY one who planted the seed of faith in me when I was around 12 or so. About the same age with your grand son (May God bless his heart). I too was staying with grandma a week at a time during summer break. And she would share stories of her struggling, during war, raising a family of 7 kids (my mom was one of them), living through lack, and she mentioned this ….faith in God rescued her. She was of Catholic faith and nobody else on both my mom and my dad’s sides ever told me about faith. None. But one grandma. And she advised me then if I have problems that no one would hear, write it down in a diary and address it to God. I was into diaries at that age. She told me to write letters to God (kinda like Santa letter idea) and it was intriguing to me. None of my parents were Christians but that very seed of my Grandma’s faith was a firm foundation. A light to a kid’s loneliness and emotions bottled up. To this day I still write letters to God on notebooks and record His conversations (answers, directions) on papers ❤️. I read them ofren. I cherish those notebooks. It records His faithfulness and my shaky moments.
    The weather today was hot for us too but praise God we just got some rain and thunders suddenly. I love the rain which is so rare in Alberta Canada. My garden and flower containers were nicely watered. Praising God for sending rain to the earth, and just like His Word, none will return void but fulfil that which He is pleased. Hallelujah. Have a blessed weekend everyone.❤️

  4. Denise says:


  5. Marlo Larson says:

    Reflecting on the idea that while God had set His people apart , that we should be separate from the world , (in the world not of it), that it dies not mean that we should be isolated, but yet connected to others who have been “set apart” I think that the last couple of years had created a disconnected both in our world as well as within the church. We can thank Covid restrictions and social media for that I think…and, it can often feel lonely as we align our lives to live as God has called us to live, finding that we have less in common with our friends that are not pursuing the same path . I was encouraged to be reminded that we are not set apart to be alone, but set apart to realign our lives with Gods church … like all you lovely ladies !

  6. Beverly Watley says:

    Amen ❤️

  7. Jean says:


  8. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Holiness. Being called to holiness is being called to God. Sifted and separated. Undeserving, yet standing before Jesus who made me holy. By His blood, washed clean by the sacrifice of His atonement. There is holiness here, in my home this morning as I worship, study the holy Scriptures, and praise my King. Reading Leviticus this morning brought a new kind of beauty and revelation to my heart. I see the cleansing rituals differently now. These descriptive, difficult to imagine ways to be made clean for God are defining God’s people by how to live set apart (holy). It was hard. Then Jesus changed the rules. He opened the way for us to encounter God. God now makes His people holy through Jesus Christ. We are His sacred space, His holy temple. No building or little “c” church should define how we speak or act. We are His Church. Jesus has transformed us into new creatures, reflecting His holiness no matter where we are. We are His messengers. We are His. No other blood sacrifices required to approach our Father for direction, forgiveness, comfort, or joy. “It is finished” (Jesus’ final words on the cross). We are set apart (holy) and separated from the darkness of evil, and the Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom and knowledge of how to live and love well now until He returns. Selah. Maranatha. Amen.

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