Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Leviticus 20:26

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“You are to be holy to me because I, the LORD, am holy, and I have set you apart from the nations to be mine.”
—Leviticus 20:26

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33 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Mornings She’s! Whew, Happy Saturday! Our grandkids were with us all week, and left last night, so it’s been good, but a tiring week! They did know that Roro reads her bible every morning which made me smile when they said as much! After all that’s how I came to read my bible every morning because my mother did and after she passed I knew I should! That was 8 years ago. Also they remembered that we say Grace before eating and I was kinda shocked (in a good way!) by the wonderful little prayer that came out of my 9-year-old! She even wanted to say it again over breakfast with her friend here! We had a talk about the Bible (they both really had no clue about it) and how it is God’s word.
    The 14-year-old, Brayden, still struggles with his parents but it helped him staying with us for the vacation time and them having their separate house, we had some good talks about him being able to talk to God when he feels like no one understands.

    I just wanted to share since the week’s study was about our faith and how we can share the gospel and encourage and inspire others. I find it most hard to bring up the topic with unbelievers, but trying to be bolder in the upside-down world. I know many of us fear for our children and grands to not be lost. I might have mentioned it last week, but there’s a song by Brandon Lake (with Maverick City and Elevation) “Talking to Jesus.” That song reminds me of the impact that we can have with our kids watching us. And also while we were reading about waiting on the Lord, the song “Wait On You” played which is another great song by Maverick City. “Don’t You Give Up On Me” is good as well for you who love music.

    It was so great to see so many comments this week and so many She’s from all over the world! So encouraging to me that there are so many women wanting to learn and be in God’s word daily! Let’s keep shining the light and changing the tide in our households, communities, friendships, and the world!!

  2. Rebecca Anconetani says:

    Good Morning- Thinking about what it means to be set apart and how I should view my children and husband in such a light. – such reassuring thoughts from our grace giving God.

  3. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Blessed to be set apart. Father God, help me to be holy as you are holy.

  4. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Thank You, Lord for setting me apart. May I remember that as one set apart, I have a mission and purpose.

    Shes I hope you are prayerfully considering contributing to the illumiNations drive to end the Bible famine in the world.

    HEIDI V – thanking God for your “wild hair” report :-)

    MARI V – may the Lord give you wisdom about your job.

    Have a blessed day ❤

  5. Pam Seipp says:

    Let me be all you desire!

  6. Melissa Mcronney says:


  7. Mary Ann Graves says:


  8. TIna says:

    Thank you God, that you, the Lord, have set me/us apart, that you love us beyond measure.. help me/us to be as holy as you are Holy, and call us to be..
    Lord in your mercy hear our pray..


    Have a blessed weekend dear ❤