Grace Day

Open Your Bible

1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

Text: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18

Grace days are for catching up, being still, and praying Scripture back to God. Use the passage below to pray for yourself or someone else.

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the believers who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. So encourage each other with these words.
-1 Thessalonians 4:15-18, NLT


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28 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Nikravesous says:

    Praying this for my dear sister in Christ who has been in a dry season since moving away from our church and all of her friends. Praying that the Lord reveals himself to her in new ways as she copes with loneliness and that He comforts her with the reassurance that one day none of us will be lonely or disconnected. We will all be caught up together and with our Father forever in perfect communion with Him and one another as never will be possible on this earth. Hallelujah!

  2. Amy says:

    Amen and Amen and Amen!

  3. Jackie says:

    This world sucks and is so painful but we will not be here forever. Such an awesome reminder of where our home truly is. Awesome!!

  4. Amen! Can’t wait for this day!!

  5. Grace says:

    I’ve been struggling with God and I’m not sure why, but I’ve been feeling like our relationship together is dry. There is no passion. This “Grace Day” I feel is like God saying that He’s still watching me (because as you can see, my name is Grace). I’m just a teenager and I hope I can encounter God more.

    1. Sarah says:

      Praying for you Grace. I have had seasons like this too.

    2. Lesley says:

      I too go through times like this. Stepping out of your comfort zones and into the lives and situations of those in need will often reveal God to you in ways that everyday routines and lifestyles don’t. It provides new ways for you to hear from God and see Him at work in the lives of others. I pray that he reveals some new ways to meet Him and experience all that He has for you.

      1. Amen to that. Prayer is so important also. Speak to him. Every moment of every day in any situation just speak to Him.

    3. Nicole says:

      Hi Grace,
      I wanted to write to you, because I want you to know that someone hears you and knows what you’re feeling. Many times I have questioned my relationship with God, especially when it feels like I am in a drought season – no passion, no motivation to pray or read my Bible. The good news is that it always rains after a drought – it will come to an end! Keep up your routines around going to church and doing activities with sisters/brothers in Christ. I love Lesley’s suggestion to try volunteering your time to help those in need. Even if all you can pray is “Jesus,” one day the rains will begin to fall and you will be refreshed like the earth in Spring! The best part is that God will never stop pursuing you, even when you can’t tell He’s there. Cling to your hope in Him. Praying for you, beautiful girl!

    4. Anastasia Young says:

      For me, dry seasons seem to be an indication I need to move on to the next thing and not stay still. I get very comfortable where I am and suck as much as I can from that season but it dries up eventually and there’s nothing for me anymore. God has something for me elsewhere.

  6. Megan says:

    I really struggle with thoughts about the end times. I want to be with the Lord and am so grateful that one day I will be with him eternally, but the second coming terrified me for the sake of those who do not and will not believe. Once the trumpets sound, times up for those people. While I feel confident as a believer that I will be spared, the bible’s description of that day is frankly something I hope happens after I’ve gone to be with Jesus. Does anyone else struggle with this? Because this stuff terrifies me to my core

    1. AmyQ says:

      Yes, you are not alone. I pray for hearts to be softened and accept Him. Then, I have to admit, I try to not think about it. And I remind myself that God is a good God. He is good. Because we know His character, we know He would not send anyone to hell that has not at least heard of Him and had a chance to accept Him.

      1. Megan says:

        thank you. God’s goodness and control are definitely something to keep in mind. thank you for the comfort, sister.

    2. Daniella says:

      This very thought plagued me for my entire four years of college. It threw me down into a deep depression, and Satan use that time to scare me and whisper lies about who God. After many years of counseling and growth, I am finally in a new place – seeing God in the light of who he truly is. He daily teaches me more about himself, and I’m grateful for the grace he has shown me. But it never came from my own doing – God used my willingness to seek help to shed light on Satan’s schemes. And just like Amy2 said, we must remember that God is a good God. He promised to “never leave us nor forsake us” and that he is “with us always to the end of the age”. Dousing the flaming arrows of Satan can truly only be done by refuting him with TRUTH. I don’t have the answers for your questions directly, but I would strongly encourage you to bring them to God, or bring them to a person who you trust that could guide you during this time. Don’t struggle with these questions alone!