Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Psalm 32:1

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

How joyful is the one
whose transgression is forgiven,
whose sin is covered!
—Psalm 32:1

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29 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Mari V says:

    Dorothy, I’m joining the rest of our SRT sisters and praying for you.

  2. Linnea Constant says:

    I remember a song i learned as a child…. “There’s a wonderful way to spell JOY….. J is for Jesus for He has first place, O is for others we meet face to face, Y is for you in whatever you do, Put yourself third and spell JOY!” I often struggle with a self reliant and self justification attitude after asking God to forgive me. It creeps in quietly but instead of JOY it causes me to repeat the same sin!!! Bottom line is that I think of myself first way too often! I’m committing psalm 32:1 to memory and going to sing that little song all the time!

  3. Rae LynnPhillips says:

    Dorothy, I prayed just now for Gods wisdom and peace for you. It’s so hard to know what to do sometimes.

  4. Rae LynnPhillips says:

    I’ve been praying for a young teenage boy who is really going through a hard time with mental health, bad choices, feelings of not being wanted by either parent. I’ve been his teacher then mentor/parent figure for several years but he’s pushed me away lately. Please pray for him. I don’t even know what specifically except for Jesus to intercede in his life, put people in his life to help and give him a desire to seek help and a way out of his darkness. Prayer is powerful and I would so much appreciate as many for him as I can get. His name is Julian.

  5. Elizabeth Streets says:

    This was a great verse

  6. Yazmin Chavarria says:

    Im in full time ministry and this week has been rough. This Bible study has been so encouraging to me and God’s Word has definitely carried me this week. Thank you Lord for paying the price for my sins.

  7. Peggy Hoffman says:

    Dorothy, As I offer you up in prayer this morning, I also pray that you are having this same conversation with God. Ask what HE wants you to do and continue to pray about it. The answer may come in a scripture verse, a commentary, advice from someone close to you, but when you think you know the answer, and have a peace about it…even though it may seem scary or not what you were initially planning, go for it. God does care for you. He always holds you in the palm of His hand. He will be walking with you.

  8. Michelle Patire says:

    Wow, just catching up on yesterday’s reading. How relevant to my life. I have never heard of the word asceticism – but when I gave my heart to new age culture within veganism (not knocking veganism, but often it is tied to the new age) I became severely obsessive with abstaining from foods. Also, that can apply to disordered eating habits. A confirmation these things are the devil’s devices.

    Oh, how I pray we would fear the Lord and turn from evil, it being health to our flesh and strength to our bones. I see the Lord reminding me of His desire for holistic health, not just spirit, but body, too. Not too put too much emphasis on either, but have a balance of the physical and the spiritual exercises. The word did say exercise is profitable, too.

    Wow. I would love to write a devotional on that, eventually. God cares for both physical and spiritual. a Christian should be well balanced. I pray this for myself and for all you who read.