Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Psalm 46:1

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

God is our refuge and strength,
a helper who is always found
in times of trouble.
—Psalm 46:1 

(19) Comments

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19 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Kristie Paradis says:


  2. Olivia Mills says:


  3. Holland Snyder says:

    Because He is present he will always give help. His help is that of strength, courage, peace, and forgiveness. He gives is this as an act of his love and faithfulness. He promises to be there for us at all times. We can use times of trouble to draw nearer to him. For his glory all we be made new, all will get better. He is our refuge, our safe place where no evil can evade and now harm can come. Lord, may you be with Ukraine and anyone who may need you during this time. May they find refuge in you and may you lead them out this trouble. May we come together as children of God as servants of God to help them and anyone in need right now. In, your name Lord, Amen.

  4. Kristen Lowery says:

    Pray for the Ukrainian people!! Please Heavenly Father convict Putins heart! And put a stop to this war.

    1. Erica Chiarelli says:


  5. Lori Lackey says:


  6. Lori Lackey says:

    Sarah, I love this system! I am seeking some type of journal pages. I have a planner but haven’t found pages that I love and that work for me

  7. Victoria E says:

    Dorothy praise God for Finley’s return home. Wanted to share that my father in law continues to do extremely well after his surgery thank you for all who prayed. Joining you all and Christians around the world in prayer for Ukraine.

  8. Mari V says:

    Sharon Gustovich, i’m praying along with you. I just heard about it this morning and went back to yesterday‘s comments. I’m actually going to type it out and put it on my bathroom mirror.

  9. Sarah Adams says:

    I started a new prayer system this week. There is a daily spot, odd/even, day of the week, and day of the month. So daily are things that are just heavy on my heart. Odd/even are a few close people in my life that I want to specifically cover in prayer multiple times a week. Day of the week are some bigger things (my work, my future husband, world leaders, my church), and then the day of the month I have 31 women in my life (family, friends, gals in my Bible studies) that I’ll cover in prayer intentionally once a month. All that to say, Saturday is my “She’s” day, to pray over this sweet community. So since today is the 26th I’ll do the daily, even, Saturday, and 26 cards. This community is so special and while I don’t post very often, I always read through your insights, vulnerabilities, hurts, and prayers. And every Saturday, on our Grace Days, I’ll spend some extra time covering us in prayer. ❤️

  10. Dorothy says:

    All I have to say is AMEN, AMEN, AMEN and what I wrote next to the verse in my Bible: PRAISE THE LORD, I am sooo happy He is my refuge and strength. Another verse to put on the mirror.
    Sisters thank you for all your prayers for Finley and family, they came home yesterday. She was only on Pedialyte — an electrolyte, mineral and vitamin fluid/drink similar to Gatorade — and we are slowly advancing her back to her normal feed, we hope. I will know more today when I go to work.
    Be blessed and turn to the Lord for your refuge and your strength in hard times, sisters.

  11. Nancy Singleton says:

    Praying in agreement with Sharon Gustovich (yesterday) for God’s protection over the people & nation of Ukraine.

  12. Susie H says:

    I can’t wait until God is the government. He is the only one who can do it right

  13. Morgan Latham says:

    Praying for you all as well as the world. Have a wonderful weekend, ladies!

  14. Churchmouse says:

    Grateful for this Grace Day so that I can use it as a day of prolonged prayer for the requests of my SRT sisters as well as for the people of Ukraine. The photos and videos coming from there are heartbreaking. Lord, give them courage and strength to endure. Expose the Russian weaknesses. Rise up the global community to act in righteous indignation and respond in solidarity to keep Ukrainia free. May all believers around the world intercede on their knees for protection and peace. Lord God, help. Have mercy. Amen.

  15. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Psalm 46:7–11 (LEB): Yahweh of hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our high stronghold. Selah
    8 Come, see the works of Yahweh,
    who has placed desolations on the earth.
    9 He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth;
    he breaks the bow and cuts off the spear.
    The wagons of war he burns with fire.
    10 “Be still, and know that I am God.
    I will be exalted among the nations;
    I will be exalted in the earth.”
    11 Yahweh of Hosts is with us;
    the God of Jacob is our high stronghold. Selah

  16. Ally says:

    JOSIE SMITH, I empathize with your desire for God to strengthen your faith and take away your doubts! I like to pray Mark 9:24- “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!” (NIV).

    And SHARON GUSTOVICH, thank you for sharing your prayer. I prayed it too this morning. Let’s allow continue to “pray without ceasing” as Paul taught us in 1 Thessalonian 5:17 for peace, wisdom for world leaders, and that the Lord’s will be done.

  17. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Prayers being lifted for wisdom and courage of world leaders to move on behalf of those in Ukraine. Praying for those flooding into Poland, that they would find refuge. Praying that the Ukrainian military will show themselves strong to restrain the invasion. Lord, hear the prayers of you people. Humble Putin as you did Nebuchadnezzar.

  18. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Prayers being lifted for wisdom and courage of world leaders to move on behalf of those in Ukraine. Praying for those flooding into Poland, that they would find refuge. Praying that the Ukrainian military will show themselves strong to restrain the invasion. Lord, hear the prayers of you people. Humble the Putin as you did Nebuchadnezzar.