Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.
The LORD is my light and my salvation—
whom should I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life—
whom should I dread?
—Psalm 27:1

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36 thoughts on "Grace Day"
You are my stronghold Lord.
Thank you for your grace Lord ❤️ Forever grateful
Hallelujah lord thank you for your grace!
“The Lord is my stronghold whom should I fear”
@Kelly (NEO) – it went well!! The counselor was nice. It was mainly just a getting to know my situation and explaining what I have been feeling, she didn’t give any coping mechanisms yet…so we’ll see! Debating if I should try the counseling my insurance offers. It is not outright Christian, but they may be helpful and should hopefully be professional enough to take into consideration my beliefs. It would definitely be less expensive too! But my next session with the Christian counselor is at the beginning of March (unfortunately didn’t have much sooner). Praying that God will guide me to find what I need, this past week was really hard. Very tired of feeling anxious every day at work, and I feel like I’m really trying my best to think positively and be confident in my abilities. I’m in the Word everyday, and yet still feeling this way. Just taking it one day at a time. Very thankful for all that I do have and I know the Lord will use this for good.
GramsieSue praise God! Growing faith I am praying for you.
Stephanie – I LOVE the story of the podcast helping you enjoy folding the laundry!! Isn’t that amazing how God can change things in the simplest ways making a huge difference for us! He Cares about it all. It is usually just our attitudes!! I always appreciate the fact that we have washers and dryers to make laundry so much easier than the old fashion way!! The problem today is we just have too many clothes!! lol Maybe I should listen to the podcast while I am doing my least favorite thing of making dinner! haha.
@KELLY (NEO) – coworker Tammy’s husband’s surgery has been delayed once again. He is experiencing residual effects from having COVID. Also learning that he is a smoker. Thank you for continued prayers…. There are many issues going on for this family.
Mari V- You can never mess up your own testimony! That’s the beautiful thing about it! Just saying how Jesus has worked in your life! Now the questions and debating is another thing, that’s where I feel like I’m not going to say the right thing! Your heart is huge just from knowing you on here Sister!!
Happy Birthday Dorthy!! Mine is Tuesday! Have a beautiful day with your Son, DIL, and the doggies! And, I love “It is Well With My Soul!” I like the version by Jars Of Clay!
Love what you wrote Jenifer Loves Jesus!
Searching- Thank you for continuing the prayers for our grandson Brayen. I think God is giving us a helping hand by Brayden now being able to use messenger, and can call and talk to us now!
Happy Saturday Sisters! I had a great morning participating in Serve Your City! It was a great opportunity to ask a non-going church friend and daughter to go with! We had lots of fun making bracelets to be delivered to some teachers in Africa.
Wait. Until when? Until He comes. Maranatha. Come Lord Jesus. Until He comes may I wait with joy in my heart. Joy that overflows. Joy of knowing Him cannot be driven out. Just as the darkness did not overcome the life that was our Light (John 1), Jesus’ light of joy will shine in me and from me until… Until He comes. “I am certain that I will see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living. Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart be courageous, Wait for the Lord.” (Psalm 27:13-14) In this land where we are living, I experience goodness. The way sunlight filters through the trees, the smell of the sweet olives blooming, tiny peeks of pink from the budding azaleas, a twinkle eye smile from a stranger. Good things are all around, may my heart stay with God so that I can see them. Happy grace day friends. May your hearts be aglow with the truth of knowing Jesus. He is the stronghold of our lives, our light and our salvation. (Psalm 27:1)
Erica, I don’t know if you will read this, I am finally getting time to go back and read the comments from the beginning of the study. I read yours about your loss of your son. I can relate. Eighteen and a half years ago I lost my older son, I had two boys, in a drowning accident. For the first six months to year I had similar fears but one day my dad, a very God-fearing, Christian man sat me down and told me I needed to put things in God’s, Christ’s and the Holy Spirit’s hands and they will watch over Andrew, my other son. I know this may not ease the pain but maybe it will help with your fears. I’ll be praying for you.
Whom should I dread? Well, that caught my attention. I have a lot of things to sort through my head. I do my best to be very careful and even practice and pray what I’m going say before I say it. And sometimes I still doubt myself. My main thing is I don’t want to mess up for the Lord. Meaning I want to be guard with my testimony so I don’t mess up.
KC – I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Prayers
JEN BREWER – I started doing the studies on my computer. So much easier than the app. I still go and mark everything “read” in the app. I like to keep track…lol
In the book, right before the pages for todays pages, is the song “It Is Well With My Soul”. Boy, does that bring back memories. From about the sixth or seventh grade on I grew up going to a small Hispanic church near “the projects” of Kansas City, MO” with mom. Not because we lived in that area, no because they needed someone to play the piano and my mom volunteered. I made two very dear friends from those days and I believe God allowed and made that experience happen to make me who I am today. I have so many wonderful and beautiful memories of those days.
It’s going to be a glorious and fantastic day, I’m going to be with my son and d-i-l and granddogs, they live about an hour away, and celebrate my birthday.
Sisters, be blessed and celebrate this wonderful day the Lord has given us.
Years ago when I was in church choir we sang Psalm 27:1 as an anthem. Funny how when I try to memorize scripture I leave out words. When I learn it in song it stays with me for years
I listened to the She Reads Truth podcast last night and I really appreciated what their guest said about God showing up for Elijah as a whisper. That it was a good reminder for him that God is in our breath because a whisper is like a gentle breath.
I never used to listen to the podcast because I didn’t believe that I had time. I also hated folding the laundry so I decided I would listen on Friday nights when I fold the laundry. Now I get excited to fold the laundry and my husband feels cared for because the laundry is done by a happy wife instead of an overwhelmed wife.
Start with little changes. God honors that and can make a big difference in your life.
I listened to the She Reads Truth podcast last night and I really appreciated what their guest said about God showing up for Elijah as a whisper. That it was a good reminder for him that God is in our breath because a whisper is like a gentle breath.
I never used to listen to the podcast because I didn’t believe that I had time. I also hated folding the laundry so I decided I would listen on Friday nights when I fold the laundry. Now I get excited to fold the laundry and my husband feels cared for because the laundry is done by a happy wife instead of an overwhelmed l
I listened to the She Reads Truth podcast last night and I really appreciated what their guest said about God showing up for Elijah as a whisper. That it was a good reminder for him that God is in our breath because a whisper is like a gentle breath.
Psalm 27:1 has often been my go-to verse in difficult times. But my difficult times pale in comparison to what the Ukrainians and Russians are facing. I cannot even imagine. Let us earnestly pray for this situation to de-escalate. There is so much suffering in this world. My heart breaks for it all.
Happy weekend, ladies! I’ll be praying for each of you this weekend.
May I ask a favor, please? My brain is not working right since I got Covid. I work in a technical field and I am finding it difficult to do things correctly. I would appreciate your prayers. Thank you and God Bless you all.
Let there be light. Amen in Jesus mighty name
What or who do I dread? Why?
It is usually people whose personality rubs me the wrong way or a situation that involves conflict. Not that my world cannot have tensions but I do find I am an avoider to such people/scenarios.
Thinking of God as a stronghold with that I picture the Lord shielding me from harm in the midst of flying arrows.
ANGIE – praying this verse for you today and your coworker situation.
GRAMSIESUE – praying for you and Steve. Grateful for the good report you received. May you both look for the little blessings during this trial.
ABBY D – how did your coworker’s husband’s surgery go?
JULIE GANUCHEAU – any word on how Cannon Murphy is?
MAURA – how is Tigist doing?
ELIZABETH GIBSON – is your son doing better at school?
RACHEL HAUSSLER – how is your sister? How is the little one you are fostering?
MARI – how is Tammie?
LYNNE FROM AL – how is Jack?
ELAINE MORGAN – how is Stacy?
ASH H – has your SIL found a job?
LEXI B – how is your toe?
JULIE ROBERSON – how is Ashley?
SARAH D – how did your appt go?
Thank you God for this amazing sister hood of believers I learn from daily ❤️
I started this study just as I needed it. Life has been so hard the last few months, and I need these daily reminders that God is in control and I don’t have to fear. Thankful He speaks to us.
It’s amazing how God will answer a request. I just asked him to give me a specific word to meditate on before I opened this app.
I’m sorry, I don’t know where the rest of my message went. Apologies for duplicate posts. The app is buggy in that way for me so often. I also said I was reminded of Psalm 56:3–When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. Thank you Jesus for being our light and our stronghold. For always being with us. You are our greatest gift and treasure.
To meditate on who God is and therefore who I am in Him. Especially when I feel afraid/anxious. Also reminds me of Psalm 56:3–When I am afraid, I put my trust in You. Thank you, Jesus, for being our light, our stronghold. For always being with us. What a treasure, what a gift. Thank you for your word to point us back to you.
To meditate on who God is a s
This verse is one of the verses I have chosen to pray for myself daily this year,
Praying through yesterday’s requests and knowing the Lord hears each one.
TRACI GENDRON – “we forget to remember” – thank you for this.
CHURCHMOUSE – loved yesterday’s post. Many times (especially in my younger years) I was headed in the wrong direction and yes, that’s exactly where I ended up – sadly and of course to my detriment. Thankful the Lord didn’t give up on me.
RHONDA J – your grandson came to mind this morning, praying for him. And I don’t do any type of social media, but would totally want to be your friend if I did. ❤️