Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 42:1

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“This is my servant; I strengthen him,
this is my chosen one; I delight in him.
I have put my Spirit on him;
he will bring justice to the nations.”
—Isaiah 42:1

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35 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    I love you Jesus I worship and adore you!

  2. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    The only power greater than death is life. “In Him was life, and the life was the light of humankind.” May our physical cries for life be lifted by the Light, Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah. The Name above every other name. He has overcome the darkness, may we be filled with His Light. May we bring His life to the people around us. May we remember that the darker things seem in our physical world, the brighter the Light will shine with the Spirit if we will uncover it from the heaviness of our despair, doubts, and fear. May we stand strong on the unmoving lampstand of the Word, shining with the Truth and the Life. Praying The Word of life will be spoken over all those who need to hear hope. Ring in their ears Lord, ring in ours, ring through us.

  3. Ruby Everett says:

    Sarah D, I am reading through the Bible with the Bible Recap also. Almost finished with the Old Testament. I love it especially that it’s in chronological order. I actually got the recap book to reference. Congratulations on your completing it!

  4. Abbie Monjure says:

    We all need a little grace now and then!

  5. Melissa Mcronney says:


  6. Victoria E says:

    Kristin Taylor praying for you and your family. God is in control. Angie praying for your travels and your mom’s surgery. Taylor, praying for you as well, keep reaching out to God! GramsieSue, continuing to pray for you. ERB, Traci Gendron, Martha Hix you have been on my mind recently, I pray all is well.

  7. Mary Warren says:

    I am so sorry that posted multiple times. I am new and unsure what I did to post so many times. I am so sorry!! Happy to be here with you all

  8. Mary Warren says:

    Kristin I am praying for you. Grammiesue

    I can’t see your post but I’m praying for you as well.

  9. Mary Warren says:

    Kristin I am praying for you.

  10. PamC says:

    Sarah D, congratulations on finishing the Bible. That is a wonderful accomplishment. I wish you success on verse memorization. I struggle with it.
    Donna Walcott, Taylor and all of you in the path of this “blizzard bomb” (I think that’s what Weather Channel called it) be safe. Y’all are in my prayers today.
    Angie safe travels today and prayers for your mom’s surgery on Monday.
    Kristen Taylor I’m so glad the Lord led you here for us to pray over you. We are with you in prayer, covering you in love & support as you travel this road.
    I’m praying as I read the requests.
    Have a blessed weekend all y’all. Hugs & love

  11. Sarah D. says:

    Praying for you all on this chilly yet sunny Saturday!!
    Rhonda J, my mom shared with me the Focus on the Family episode about Corrie Ten Boom, I still need to listen to it! Amazing how even in the most evil and darkest times, faith in our Lord Jesus Christ still carries us through. It strengthens my faith!!
    So awesome news, I finished reading the whole Bible with the Bible Recap the other day!!! It was so so good, I feel like I have an ignited and deeper love for Scripture. I think back to when I first joined SRT, because this is the place where I’ve learned to be in God’s Word everyday. It was shared by a mutual friend, and I’m so glad God used that to draw me to his word and to himself. In the struggles of middle and high school, he was with me. To the decisions and late nights of college, he was with me. And to now, as I continue transitioning as a post grad, he is with me. His word never changed and he has never failed. Who else is like our God?? Nothing and no one comes close. It’s only God’s grace that I have grown in this discipline and made it a habit everyday to read his Word, and man, his word does not disappoint!! It may be hard to understand in places, but praise God we have our lives here and in eternity to continue learning about Him!!
    I think I’m going to try dedicating the extra time I made to do the Bible Recap to memorizing Scripture instead. I’ve wanted to get better at that and have God’s Word in my heart and mind. Just have to see which verses to pick!! Love you all, have a great Saturday!!

  12. Donna Wolcott says:

    Prayers for all who requested and for those silently on hearts. May God’s peace and comfort be felt.️

    Coming from a full on blizzard RI

  13. Cathalina Kung says:

    Kristin, praying for healing as you draw closer to Jesus. Praying He guides your steps and provides the clarity you need in the coming days. Cling to Him and allow Him to change you from the inside out.

  14. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    Sometimes the chapters get harder
    The pages we turn bring more tears
    Our Suffering Servant was strengthened
    He showed us how to face our fears
    Our Father in Heaven knows the story
    His affections are written in promises
    The Spirit was placed upon Him
    In Him there are no lasting misses
    Love letters written through history
    Ancient paths to freedom revealed
    As we turn our hearts to the signature
    By His beautiful scars we are healed
    Journey this world waking wisdom
    Stay close the The Word that is true
    He will bring justice to our nations
    His hands will make all things new
    Losses and heartbreaks collected
    Shadows seem to blot out our way
    But within the darkness we have the Light
    My eyes see the hope come what may.

    Behold my servant, whom I uphold,
    my chosen, in whom my soul delights;
    I have put my Spirit upon him;
    he will bring forth justice to the nations. – Isaiah 42:1

  15. Rachel says:

    GRAMSIESUE for some reason I can’t see your post, either, but from other’s comments I gather the news was not what we hoped. Will continue to pray for wisdom for you and your husband as you advocate for his care and for his providers to have supernatural insight into the treatment that will be most effective.

    VICTORIA E, I love your heart to help and serve and pray that you are able to offer clarity and wisdom from your incredibly valuable expertise.

    TAYLOR I don’t know any of the circumstances, but when I read that the guy told you he was taking someone else out, I felt the urge to trot over (it’s not far – I’m just in Colorado ;)) and give him what for. Praying for your heart.

    Praying for the other needs/requests, as well. Happy weekend – hope it’s filled with rest and rejuvenation!

  16. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    One day – “He WILL bring justice to the nations.” We may not see it in our lifetime, but Jesus will bring justice – that is a promise we can count on!

    @Kristin Taylor – I am so sorry to hear of your heartache. I pray that God will heal and restore your broken marriage and give you all grace and peace while you wait. The first step you’ve already done – admitting & confessing your part! Praying for your children that God would minister to and mend their broken hearts.

    @Rhonda J. Thank you so much for mentioning the movie on Prime. I’ve been working my way through reading “The Hiding Place” and have almost finished. It is so awe-inspiring! It makes my faith so small compared to Corrie’s and her family’s.

    @Dorothy – thank you for the other Corrie Ten Boom book recommendation!

    @Grammie Sue – I missed what your request was – but I’m praying for you, God knows what it is!

    @Taylor – don’t get discouraged – God is in control! If it’s meant to be, it will happen – in God’s perfect timing! Praying for you!

    @ Angie – safe travels (hope the weather is good where you are!) and prayers for your mom.

    A blessed Saturday to you all! Stay warm, stay safe. ❤️

  17. Abby D says:

    @ANGIE – praying for safe travels today and for your mom’s surgery on Monday. @GRAMMIESUE – continue to pray for your situation, may God surround you and your husband with others who will lift you up, support you, and provide for you wherever it is needed. @KRISTIN TAYLOR – praying for healing in your situation. Focus on the Family is an amazing resource for counseling, books and podcasts on relationships and marriage – and fees are often “donate what you can”.

  18. Rhonda J. says:

    Oh Thank you @ Dorthy! I have not seen that! I love to fill my time up with things that really matter for my heart and mind, eternal things, rather than the things of this world! I LOVE your EXCITEMENT in your post!! It is amazing that we have the very WORD to guide us and have the past, present, and future in our hands! The very person of God and Jesus- the Holy Spirit IN US!! It just revs me up as well and brings me JOY!!
    I feel like not only are we true sisters in Christ, but such friends from reading each others posts for years!! This is an AMAZING community!! And that’s my 3rd post today! I come back to SRT all day, and end my night with it and HRT! It’s great that we have Nolan over there leaving comments now, I can’t help but comment and encourage him as a He’s!

  19. Dorothy says:

    Rhonda J., I read “Hiding Place” and saw the movie many years ago. Corrie Ten Boom has several other books out — one of which I would recommend you read next, “In My Father’s House” it’s about her childhood years.

  20. Veronica Kuhn says:

    Praying for you Kristin Taylor

  21. Jo says:

    KRISTEN I am praying for you I too have been married over 27 years and know how easy it is to become complacent when emotionally safe after all that time. As I have drawn closer to God He has changed me little by little and my husband has seen that and it has encouraged him too. I pray that will be the same for you, and you both will allow God to bring His healing balm to your union x

  22. Dorothy says:

    I don’t remember who it was but someone said something about how SRT should do a study on the book of Isaiah, well during the summer — when we were doing “This is the Old Testament” and “This is the New Testament” ERB and Maura did their own study of Isaiah and it was a good one. You might want to look at their comments under those two studies.
    BUT GOD!!! BUT JESUS!!! BUT THE HOLY SPIRIT!!! I want to show my love, admiration, caring, obedience and faith for and in YOU…
    Be blessed and let others know how much you love the Lord sisters and have a great weekend.
    Sorry got a little carried away.

  23. Amanda Thomas says:

    I’m praying for you, Kristin.

  24. Nancy Singleton says:

    My post was Kristin Taylor.

  25. Taylor says:

    Good morning She’s! Thank you all so much for your prayers and encouragement. The anxiety is still there (it was worse last night because the guy I went on a date with shared with me on Wednesday he was going on a date with another girl last night). I also reached out to my friends last night who helped me repeat positive statements to myself “I am loved. I am secure. I am safe. God is in control of my life.” Just trying to lay all these feelings down at the feet of Jesus. I did yesterday’s devotion this morning and feeling grateful for the reminder that Jesus is our ultimate Comforter and only source of TRUE PEACE. It is a blizzardy day in Delaware so I’m glad I spent the morning in the Word :) Praying for you all! <3

  26. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    KRISTEN TAYLOR praying ❤️ you have already shown humility in your post, keep leaning in and repenting, healing will come. I’ve been on a journey for the past two years to face some of my shadows so I can be a better partner, mother and friend as well. There will be hard days but healing is already yours and waiting for you on the other side.

  27. Rhonda J. says:

    Hi Kristen Taylor, welcome!

    I love your honesty, and saying that you need work! Most seem to point out all the things wrong with their partner! That is some good humbleness
    you have. I know what it’s like to be blindsided and a spouse walkout. It is the point I was brought to my knees. My life seemed to crumble all at once. Before that, God was up there, but that’s all, just the one I would pray to at church and when in need, and I knew He was my future home, but I did not know I needed Him in my life to walk with me daily and refine me, sanctify me, and lead me. I pray you have some good Godly friends in your life to lean on. I pray your husband will be open to working on the marriage. And I pray for your kids.

  28. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    GRAMMIESUE lifting you and your husband up in prayer today! ANGIE praying for safe travels and a successful upcoming surgery. Thankful for this amazing community of women. I am learning so much about how to love other like Jesus through watching you all care for each other in these posts ❤️

  29. Shaena Elizabeth says:

    GRAMMIESUE lifting you and your husband up in prayer today!

  30. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Saturday!

    Last night I watched The Hiding Place, the movie with Corrie Ten Boom. I had read the book a few years ago, but never watched the movie, which is on Prime. Wow, so touching- her life. What made me tune in was I listened to some of her story on Focus on the Family yesterday. Oh to have faith like that when you are in the midst of evil and pure suffering. I always kinda laugh when people think we have it bad. Sometimes I think Covid has maybe made people a little more aware of how lucky we were beforehand. (not that I’m making light of the sickness and death of covid by all means) but it usually takes some time in a valley to make us appreciate the normal landscape. One of the rememberable bits in the movie was when the sister said God doesn’t make mistakes, even with the fleas. They kept the Gestapo out of the barracks. Anyway, I would recommend finding it while it’s still on Prime and watching, and there is also a documentary that is good too on Prime. If you don’t know the story, Corrie Ten Boom made it out alive, her sister and father and other family did not. But she traveled the world until in her 80’s to talk about her experience and how her faith got her through and even allowed her to forgive the very one who turned in her family, and later on, a soldier that she knew from the camp. Wow. Can we do that? Have faith no matter what comes our way. When we are shamed, tortured, and at our end? Can we share our faith in our Savior in these times? Can we forgive those that are against us?

    Pray for yourselves and for the other Christians.

    Where there is no vision the people perish.
    And we all know that we live in a time now that there is a great darkness
    and fog over the whole world. The great joy is when we have the Word of God, we can see the things as it were from God’s point of view.

    Look around and be distressed.

    Look within and be depressed.

    Look at Jesus… and be at rest. Corrie Ten Boom

  31. Kristin Taylor says:

    Hi. New here. Can I ask for prayer? Been married to my high school sweetheart for 27 years and he moved out last week. I didn’t see it coming at all but now I’m learning and seeing how I have not been a good partner to him. Everything in me wants to feel sorry for myself but what’s true is I have a lot of hard changes to make. We have three kids who are hurting and I want to be strong and humble and encouraging to them. Asking God to protect their hearts and bring healing to my family.

  32. Jody Lynn says:

    ANGIE – Prayers for your safe travels today; and for a successful surgery for your mom ❤️ Happy Saturday everyone! It’s a snowy day in CT… great day to light a fire, have some coffee, watch movies and play games with the family, and be in the Word!!

  33. Munchkin says:

    @Paige Farmer You have been on my heart and I just wanted to see how you are doing. Praying for you.

  34. Kelly (NEO) says:

    O Heavenly Father, how this world needs Your justice! May I as Your representative exhibit Your justice and mercy to those around me. May Your Church be known for displaying biblical justice over man-centered justice.

    ANGIE – safe travels today. Praying for your mom’s surgery to go smoothly.

    Praying for the other requests too❣

  35. SEARCHING says:

    GRAMSIESUE – my heart hurts with yours, continuing to PRAY for healing, wisdom, guidance, comfort, strength, the meeting of any and all needs and that our Almighty God would be glorified. Love you, sister! ❤️