Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Hebrews 1:3

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of his nature, sustaining all things by his powerful word.
—Hebrews 1:3

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50 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Jennifer Loves Jesus says:

    “The Son is the radiance of his glory and the representation of his essence, and he sustains all things by his powerful word, and so when he had accomplished cleansing for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.”
    Hebrews 1:3 NET

    We pray “speak”
    Yet He has spoken
    We ask why
    Yet He has answered
    We want more
    Yet He is enough
    We cry out
    Yet He is in us
    Hold me Jesus
    Make me strong
    Help me follow
    Your loving walk
    Open my eyes
    To see Your power
    Open my heart
    To trust and obey
    We think we are falling
    Yet we are held.

    He is the “off-shining” of God. The rays of the sun. Enough to brighten and burn, yet we are not consumed by the light of God because He comes to us as a shining reflection built for our eyes. Perfectly given for us to receive. The power that holds the universe and our world together came to us so very gently. A calm assertive warrior offering love to His creation. He wants us to be His. And when we choose Him, we can walk in peaceful strength, enduring and enjoying life as it comes. We are held in the tension of the now and not yet.

    I pray for the hurting hearts. I pray for the lost and seeking. I pray for our families. I pray for our friendships. Our husbands and children. May the power of God, Our Father, Creator, use the Word given through Jesus to crack open ears to hear and eyes to see His glory. Bright enough to lead, yet gentle enough to know the mercy behind His coming. Comfort Your people Lord, inspire Your leaders, help us to follow Your call in our lives. Thank you Jesus. Amen.

  2. AZ Walker says:

    Praying Sarajoy. Thank you so much Kelly H for recommending Kelly Minter / Access More. I listened to the Samaritan woman podcast and the sermon on the mount podcast. Amen Rhonda J! ❤️

  3. Jessica Szeto says:

    So happy to have this day to rest on His word. Amen!

  4. Sarah Adams says:

    Grace Days are my favorite in this space. A time to rest in His truth. Today I caught up on yesterday’s reading. But I’m also digging into Isaiah and Jeremiah this year. Spending some extra time this morning in prayer for all you sisters, and soaking in the wonder of our Lord and the promises in Isaiah. And playing “Living Hope” by Bethel Music on repeat. ❤️ “The work is finished, the end is written, Jesus Christ, my Living Hope.”

  5. Sarah Adams says:

    SarahJoy, praying for peace and comfort for Brett’s loved ones, for your husband, and for all the lives touched by Brett’s bold faith.

  6. CeeGee says:

    I love this verse and it’s recently become a favorite of mine and I hope to memorize it!

    SARAH JOY, Prayers for you and your husband in the loss of your dear friend and prayers for Beth’s wife and kids as they face the days ahead. Prayers of safety for your husband in the trip.

    God bless you, Martha Hix, Traci Gendron, and all who have lost loved ones and friends. Prayers for healing comfort and memories.

  7. Angela Recontructing says:

    This morning I woke up with the words “You open your mouth and love falls out.” on continuous loop. May that be true for all of us today. ❤️❤️❤️

  8. Mari V says:

    @Martha Hix, continuing to pray for you and so glad your in counseling. You are loved. @SaraJoy praying with the others SRT for the loss of your husbands friend Bret. Praying also for safe travels on this long distance drive. @Kelly (NEO) my sister is doing OK, thank you for remembering her and my ankle is healing with physical therapy exercises. I won’t be able to run anytime soon but I’m moving forward.