Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Isaiah 9:6

Advent is a season to celebrate and contemplate. We rejoice that our Savior has come to us! We also seek unhurried moments of quiet to reflect on His wondrous light and the promise of His future return. Take time today to pause from the busyness of the season to catch up on your reading, make space for prayer, and rest in God’s presence.

For a child will be born for us,
a son will be given to us,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
He will be named
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
–Isaiah 9:6

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40 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Jennifer Spiers says:

    Father God, may we be taken in with You, not taken out. Take us and cover us with the Light and Truth of Jesus, our Beautiful Messiah. Let us pursue the path of holiness by Your gift of acquittal. We are freed from the weight. We can walk lightly with You, shining the light of hope and joy into this shadowy world. May each woman reading this be reassured of her beauty radiating from her heart because of her seeking You. May we be refreshed and renewed to show strength in the unseen humility of our love to those around us, or even just to our selves. May we walk in grace and contemplate our own calling from the Lord. Let us be peacemakers and safe harbors while receiving the endless supply of peace from Jesus. He is our best gift that flows endless excitement and strength to our heart. With Him all things are possible. Endure. Enjoy. He gives us what we need to do all the things. May we hold fast and be who God our Father created us to be right here. Right now. Amen.

  2. Rhonda J. says:

    Joy to the World, and JOY to you she’s! And peace.

    No it is not easy, life is hard, life is complexing and tricky, and wonderful too. Like I said before, I wish I could have had a relationship with Jesus in my young adult life. Yes, I was a Christian, but I was a little mystified at the phrase “relationship with Jesus.” I only knew that to be a good Christian meant believing in God and being a good person.

    Building a relationship took reading the bible, studying and meditating on the word, and praying without ceasing. He is not a great god up there to have a lukewarm understanding with, on-call when needed, He is THE God, that sent His SON to show us how to be in a relationship with, and then ascended leaving the Holy Spirit IN US to be with us through everything if only we and be born again to live for Him.

    Happy Saturday to you all! We leave tomorrow(my son and I) to go see my sister and the girls, Anniston (and her baby), and Savanah, that you so graciously prayed for this past year!! Her son is there too visiting with my first great-niece which we haven’t seen. Please pray for safe travels.

  3. Churchmouse says:

    Isaiah 9:6. Good news! Not fake news. May we rest in His grace and love today.

  4. Elizabeth Oster says:

    I’m so thankful for the moments of quietness this devotion allows. Thank you.

  5. Susan Alexander says:

    The music from Handel’s Messiah always goes through my head when I read these verses. I love how the music swells:And His Name shall be call-ed WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, the MightY GOD the everlasting FATHER, the PRINCE ofPEACE. The EVERLASTING FATHER. THE. PRINCE. OF. PEACE!

  6. Jessi says:

    Praying for the families and friends of the Oxford school shooting and Kentucky tornado victims, and the missionaries still missing in Mexico and feeling grateful for all that God has given me.

  7. Robin Lagrama says:


  8. Melissa Mcronney says:
