Grace Day

Open Your Bible

John 1:14

Advent is a season to celebrate and contemplate. We rejoice that our Savior has come to us! We also seek unhurried moments of quiet to reflect on His wondrous light and the promise of His future return. Take time today to pause from the busyness of the season to catch up on your reading, make space for prayer, and rest in God’s presence.

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. 
—John 1:14

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57 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Brianna Curran says:

    @pam notes? I would love any extra notes!

  2. Brianna Curran says:

    Notes? I love an extra notes!

  3. Brianna Curran says:


  4. Sarah Morrison says:

    The beginning of Jesus was long before his conception it was in the beginning and all life and light comes through HIM

  5. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord thank God for you

  6. Lindsey M says:


  7. Kim Parsons says:


  8. Flor Slezak says:

    I have 5 under 9. I feel you, girl! It is hard. I go through seasons and try to find a rhythm. But our Father cares for us even in our busy hectic days. Just talk to him throughout the day. He’s a person and is with us all day. Just like you would anyone else visiting. Yes, it would be wonderful to have that quiet time, just the two of you, with some coffee in hand and Bible wide open uninterrupted- but our babies will be little only for a while. And He understands. So just talk to him all day, at all times, wherever you are. Until He gives you that alone time we all desire with Him. I even prayed for that (I have a newborn so I wake up at 5:30am now for my “quiet time” – never did with my last 4!!) be encouraged! ❤️

  9. Elicia Trello says:

    Taking time to catch up on readings on my giant bean bag and a warm blanket!

  10. Robin Thelen says:

    Heather, this is such a profound, beautiful thought. Thank you for the reminder, as I sit with a sleeping baby in my arms ❤️. How deep His love for us!

  11. Rachel McKib says:

    My favorite Christmas verse!

  12. Stacey Edwards says:

    Not a Bible but a couple really good books that just lit a fire in me for studying and learning more about stories in the bible were the Bad Girls of the Bible series by Liz Curtis Higgs.

  13. Kayla Duckworth says:


  14. Caren Perry says:


  15. Heather Stalnaker says:

    Liszt – I understand how hard it can feel to make time for prayer. I’ve been there with kids and time and exhaustion over the years myself. But I was recently reminded – if one of my precious kiddos falls asleep in my arms while we’re spending time together, would I be upset? No! I would treasure those times and love the security they feel with me. In the same way, our Father loves knowing how safe and comforted we feel when we are with Him. ❤️

  16. Angela Greenwood says:

    Time for prayer. If it’s just a minute or several hours it’s precious time to spend with my creator.

  17. Amanda Tucker says:

    This was a reminder I really needed.

  18. Karen Solís Segura says:


  19. Kelly says:

    Pam C – new Bible out in the New Living Translation (easy to read). It is called the Filament Bible. It is laid out in a single column and easy to read font. Them there is a companion app that has a boatload of study extras that you can access with your phone or tablet. Runs 50-80 dollars depending on cover quality.

  20. Foster Mama says:

    Praying for ALL. Truly.
    So emotional today but, really trying to trust. ❤️

  21. Alayna P. says:


  22. Breanna Smith says:

    Hi Cynthia! Praying blessing, peace, and rest over you in your work and your time at home. The Lord gave me a picture of you walking down the hospital hallway, feeling overwhelmed and tired, yet His light was illuminating the space around you as you went. The beautiful thing about Jesus’ sacrifice is that He has done the heavy lifting! He has made His light shine in and through you. It is finished! Keep your eyes fixed on His, and he will give you what you need to run the race well. (My husband and a couple dear friends are nurses, so I have a special place in my heart for your work. Thank you!)

  23. Kamie Cismoski says:

    Newbie here. This is my first SRT study and just got the book/app today. Feel like the note about busyness was meant for me. Have been so busy trying to stay afloat at work that I’ve forgotten to connect with God. So looking forward to moving into this Advent season and connecting with God and you all!

  24. Cynthia Matlock says:

    I am really struggling today as are many in health care. It is overwhelming to watch the numbers rise and hear them calling the codes that mean this awful virus has claimed another life. We have worked long hours with insufficient staff for more than a year now. I would prefer to slow down and enjoy this time of year but my work day is several hours longer than it should be. I am really finding it hard to “ be the light” when things are so very dark right now.

  25. Amy Bishop says:

    I am actually playing catch up because I have had the absolute worst migraines ever this week.
    In Genesis 1:1-5 I find it amazing that when I looked up the word light in the Strong’s concordance, it is the Hebrew word ore, which one of the meanings for is happiness. So, God as the very first thing He created was happiness.

  26. Rhonda J. says:

    Happy Saturday! I just wanted to say Thank you and keep those prayers coming for my marriage! I am so shocked and fulfilled to see an undeniable difference in my husband (and myself)! He literally said he fills “something” stirring in him. I didn’t want to say I had been praying for that for a while, but with you guys, my sisters, joining in on my behalf is bringing about this change I know. Yes, counseling would be good, but I wanted Jesus to work with us and in his heart. May the light shine bright on us all, and say ” people must know!” from The Chosen Christmas!! Go see it if you haven’t, the theater magnifies the impact!

  27. Wendy Orozco says:

    Rest day it is.

  28. PamC says:

    Oh& Sarah Adams thank you for the notes on 1 Peter 2:2-10. I loved it! And SRT that was a great “extra” study on Light. Thank you.

  29. PamC says:

    Hello on Grace Day sisters. I need some help please. My college age neice has asked for “an easy to read Bible that could potentially be interactive (kind of like the John study book on the SRT website) but with all the Bible stories in it.” I asked about the YouVersion app but she finds it difficult to navigate. Some background here…this family doesn’t go to church. My sister would say she’s saved but we walk our faith out very differently. Her three children (twin girls & a son a year older) did not grow up in church. They, specifically their brother, has lost 3 friends to suicide over the last 5 years or so. This last one has hit the family hard just happened a couple of weeks ago now. The young man was only 20. That they are looking to God gives me such hope. I don’t want to blow it and push. This young lady has a tendency to shut down & withdraw if you try to question & draw out an understanding of her feelings. Communication is not a strong point. I’m looking 1st for prayer, but 2nd for a recommendation for a Bible? Interactive to me is pick up the book & read it… I had the Message at that age. I loved it and still go to it when I struggle to understand a more literal translation. Thank you all for your prayers & help.
    Love & hugs on this Saturday. Praying for all the requests from N.CA

  30. Victoria E says:

    Deb and Donna I love the Jesus calling devotional. It calms my heart and speaks to me in such a powerful way! I usually read it during my midday prayer break. Sarah Adam’s thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day sisters!

  31. Allie McCandless says:

    I need the rest after a busy week. ❤️

  32. Rose George says:

    I need grace and truth like I need air today.

  33. Mari V says:

    Good morning everyone! I’m enjoying this unhurried morning.

  34. Carol Taylor says:

    I have to respond and say as I was reading, this verse you mentioned came to mind, then I went to the comments and there it was ☺️ He speaks to us all the time when we pause and listen !

  35. Susan Reagon says:

    Me too

  36. Esmeralda Fonseca says:

    Amen ❤️

  37. Tammy Sahadak says:

    May we all reflect His light as we go about our day. Grace and peace.

  38. Ashley Griffin says:


  39. Donna Wolcott says:

    Deb, I read that book each morning also and just read that message. Sisters wishing you all a weekend filled with peace and His light!

  40. Jody Lynn says:

    Have a Blessed day sisters!! ❤️⭐️❤️

  41. CeeGee says:

    I had this thought yesterday and Grace Day seems like the best time to share it: The ‘hush of Christmas’ speaks louder than a thousand voices. Kind of the reason behind my yearly ritual to sit silently on Christmas Eve to celebrate and ponder my gift to myself.

  42. Deb says:

    Wanted to share a portion of today’s devotion in my Jesus Calling, I felt it was a beautiful verse and reminder on this Grace day as we spend time in meditation and prayer.
    Isaiah 55:8-9, “MY THOUGHTS are not your thoughts. Neither are your ways MY ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways and thoughts higher than yours.”
    Remember who I AM when you spend time with ME. Marvel at the wonder of being able to commune with the KING of the universe any time, any place. Never take this amazing privilege for granted..

  43. Krysta Matt says:

    ❤️❤️❤️ love that extra in the book and thank you for sharing this section of 1 Peter. Such a beautiful reminder this morning!

  44. Sarah Nunneley says:

    “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light..!” – Isaiah 9:2

  45. Jennifer Martin says:


  46. Miri am says:

    So much in need for a reminder to rest IN HIM today ❤

  47. Sarah Adams says:

    This morning’s Grace day brought me to 1 Peter 2. I was wanting to dig in more to the “Light in Scripture” extra for those of you following along with the physical study. “The theme of light appears continually in Scripture, from the beginning in Genesis where God speaks light into existence to the final chapters of Revelation, where Jesus, the Lamb, is the light of the eternal city… As we celebrate Jesus Christ as the true Light of the World this Advent, note the different ways light is used throughout the Old and New Testament.” The SRT team identified many places in Scripture relating to light. One that stood out to me was “Believers are called into God’s marvelous light” (1 Pt 2:9). I encourage you, sisters, to let 1 Peter 2:2-10 root in your hearts this morning. “Like newborn infants, desire the pure milk of the word, so that you may grow up into your salvation, if you have tasted that the Lord is good. As you come to him, a living stone—rejected by people but chosen and honored by God—you yourselves, as living stones, a spiritual house, are being built to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. … But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his possession, so that you may proclaim the praises of the one who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” ❤️

  48. Paige Lopez says:


  49. K D says:

    So very thankful that the Word became flesh to dwell among us.

  50. Deborah Bassoff says:


  51. Shalane Baker says:

    Amen. Another reminder to just slow down this time of year; enjoy all of the blessings God has given me and focus on Him.

  52. Sarah Motsinger says:

    Love this.

  53. Churchmouse says:

    So grateful for scheduled Grace Days. Not only do I use them for reflecting over what we’ve studied but I also use the extra time to pray for all the prayer requests. Reflection and prayer fill this “unhurried moment of quiet” which is so needed to keep my focus on Christ during this extra busy season.

  54. Kelly says:

    For all those whose entries post when you hit “return” or “enter” does your device auto fill your name and email address? Try typing uour post with those fields blank to see whether that will allow you to hit “return” and not post before you are ready

  55. Kelly says:

    Jesus – full of grace and truth. May I open my heart up more to You, Lord so that You can pour more grace and truth into it.

    Praying for the many requests for peace in the midst of anxiety, depression, and loss. While this community is so supportive, I pray each of you are in physical community with at least one other believer who will help you carry your burdens. Someone who can shine Light into your darkness or help your own flame become stronger. “a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench” – Isaiah 42:3.

  56. Lucy Goodwin says:


  57. Leshonah Benavente says:

    I love how we have a Grace Day. It’s such a simple reminder to be still, talk with God, and most importantly to just listen to His voice ♥️