Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 3:3-4

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Never let loyalty and faithfulness leave you.
Tie them around your neck;
write them on the tablet of your heart.
Then you will find favor and high regard
with God and people.
—Proverbs 3:3–4

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34 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Edith Ting says:

    I haven’t done devotions in a while because I have been working long hours. I just got passed for a promotion and opened up the app to find this verse reminding me to focus on love and faithfulness

  2. belle ingersoll says:

    i absolutely ♡ ♡ ♡ this verse < such a powerful && truth filled verse! ✞

  3. Laura Finley says:

    Grace! Praise the Lord! Just what I needed!

  4. Susanna Schlecht says:


  5. Karen Jorgensen says:

  6. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    His truth is the only way!

  7. Kristen Hudman says:


  8. Terry Amaya says:

    Hi all. Am new here and loving the Bible study. And the fact that I can share my thoughts with my fellow Christians . I can’t wait for next week’s study

  9. Terry Amaya says:

    Hi all. Am

  10. Alayna P. says:


  11. Tina says:

    So beautifully and perfectly said dear Churchmouse! We have the truth. We know the truth, the truth lives in us..

    Praying today is a good and God blessed celebration of Tanners life, TRACI GENDRON.. God be with you all and give you peace throughout the day.❤

    Happy Saturday sisters, wrapped in love..

  12. Kelly says:

    DOROTHY – so happy for the update on Finley!

  13. Dorothy says:

    It’s a blessed day sisters, Finley, the little girl I take care of, is getting out of the hospital and going home. She still has a cough but she no longer has a fever and is able to keep food down. The Lord is good!!!
    Have a wonderful rest of your weekend sisters and be blessed.

  14. Victoria E says:

    Margaret W thank you for sharing your testimony of God’s faithfulness yesterday, I commented on it there as well. Traci I am so glad to hear about the peace that you have, I have been praying for you and your family. Martha Hix I am praying for you as well, especially with the holidays coming up. ERB I hope you are doing well. Churchmouse I am praying for you, too, my mom is immunocompromised as well.

  15. Mari V says:

    Good morning sisters and happy Saturday. It’s been a long week. Looking forward to next week when I’m only working for two days. Would appreciate prayers that I would continue to heal from my right ankle. Next week (per the doctors instructions) wants me to put a tennis shoe on and try walking around the house. It’s going to be good timing as I’m going to be doing most of the cooking. I’ll be prepping on Wednesday so that I’m not on my feet all day on Thursday. Last night I broke down in front of my daughter. It was a very sweet and tender moment as she held my hand and let me cry. I don’t cry often. It’s hard for me to cry. During the time that we lived with her dad, he would stop me from crying because he didn’t like it. His words were harsh and would tell me to stop crying. As my daughter held my hand she said, “but we’re not there anymore mom.” “Thank God“. “This was not your fault and we don’t blame you“. And we both agreed how much better and happier we are.. TODAY it’s going to be just my daughter now for a few hours. I’m looking forward to it. My mom will be gone for a few hours today and my son is on a friendship weekend at the beach with his friends. I’m so glad I get this time with my daughter.

  16. Beverly Watley says:


  17. Catherine McVey says:

    Love this Church Mouse!! Have a great weekend!

  18. Traci Gendron says:

    HOPE so well said. It is so sad how lost the world is.

    I’m struggling a bit today. Tanner passed at 9:52 last Saturday. We are having a small celebration of life here in Colorado this afternoon. Please pray that I can make it through and find peace through loved ones that will be there. Friday the 3rd we will be having a large gathering in Illinois. I’m also so scared of Covid. I’m vaccinated, but do not want to get it. Please pray for protection. Thank you

  19. hope says:

    Oh @Churchmouse, I completely agree! “TRUTH” has become subjective, with each individual defining their own truth tailored just so to fit their own desires. What a twisted philosophy that creates a self serving and twisted generation. I’ll admit, it’s an easy trap to fall into myself. I’m learning to test my thoughts and decisions in the Spirit. Am I truly looking at this through a God filter. Honestly? A lot of the time the answer is no. So, I have to cling to verses like today’s verse and verses like John 8: 31-32 and John 14:6.
    It is a journey, learning to let go of my truths and embrace the real truth in Jesus.

  20. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    “Never let loyalty and faithfulness leave you…” What a great reminder today, as we sometimes let all the business and distractions of the world interfere with our loyalty and faithfulness to God, to His church and to our brothers and sisters in Christ. He is faithful even when I am not – praise His name! His mercy endures forever!

    Have a blessed Saturday!

  21. Tiffany C says:

    Thankful for this community and these grace days.

  22. CeeGee says:

    I love this passage and I love your application to our time, CHURCHMOUSE!!! Saying again how glad I am that you are back. Prayers for you as you make the decision of whether or not to do live church. If you do, prepare yourself for the most indescribable feeling of joy! Our first time back was like revival in my heart even though we were faithful with online worship before.
    KELLY, I agree with you, too. Iron can’t sharpen iron without direct contact. Very astute observation!
    Prayers for all needs, especially TRACI and those traveling.

  23. Robin ETN says:


  24. Julie Barrett says:

    So grateful to live in His grace. And am reminded today that I too should extend Grace to others.

  25. Rhonda J. says:

    @Traci Gender, especially happy that you posted that you are at peace and that you are letting others do most of the planning of Tanner’s celebration service so you are not overwhelmed. Praise God! We will be with you, lots of hugs from us all!

  26. Kelly says:

    Good morning SHEs

    Seeing so many interactions has been a very encouraging this week.

    We so need one another. God uses all the frustration and hurt we cause and receive to make us into the holy people we are called to be. The sharp and rough edges cannot be chiseled off in isolation only from being in contact with others. If left to ourselves we do not see them.

    While this community is indeed beautiful and so supportive, we need to have a physical community that supports and challenges us in person.

    Praying for your requests.

    STRUGGLING – continuing to pray for you. Hope your heartache is ebbing.

  27. K D says:

    So very glad to see you back – have missed you and your wisdom deeply. Praying for you.

  28. K D says:

    Amen and Amen.

  29. Tess Galvin says:

    Thank you Church Mouse. So glad to “see” you here on SRT and read your encouraging words.

  30. Carol M says:

    Oh, Dear Churchmouse…I’m so thankful for your return to SRT! Your words are balm to my soul… I have missed hearing God speak through your posts… May you continue to be refreshed by His faithful Presence, and may your health be restored… ♥️

  31. Aimee D-R says:

    Heavenly Father God let me always a be faithful and true to Your Word. Forgive me when I fail. In Jesus loving name I pray, Amen

  32. Tammy Durn says:


  33. Church Mouse says:

    Scripture is timeless. Today’s verse is so appropriate for our world today. And so challenging. It seems that Truth has become elusive or disregarded. Praise God we have His Word! The Bible I hold in my hands and cherish in my heart is not affected by the cultural winds of change. And that gives me peace in this fractured world.

    1. Chris S says:

      Beautiful truth!