Day 6

Grace Day

from the This Is the New Testament reading plan

Joel 2:13

BY She Reads Truth

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Tear your hearts,
not just your clothes,
and return to the LORD your God.
For he is gracious and compassionate,
slow to anger, abounding in faithful love,
and he relents from sending disaster.
—Joel 2:13

Post Comments (28)

28 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Melanie Rastrelli says:

    Still here but silent every day SRT Sisters. But God Tina ❤️✝️ Praying for your requests and petitions. Sending love and blessings to all of you.

  2. Donna Wolcott says:

    blessings all!

  3. Jen Brewer says:

    Thank you for the prayers and encouragement, sisters, especially Angie, Kaitlin Schroeder, LindaK, Foster Mama, Victoria E and anyone else who did or who I forgot.

    Stephanie Morgan—we live in Hendersonville, just north of Nashville.

    Angie, yes, my daughter was born last year and I joined SRT right after my son was born/end of my pregnancy with him 3.5 years ago. Time does fly!

  4. SarahJoy says:

    TINA – so well said! “His arms are wide, even wider when we fall short.” Thankful for this reminder.

    Walking through a hard season with some dear ones as they fight for their relationship. So grateful that our God is gracious and compassionate!

    You’re a good good Father!
    That’s who You are.
    And I’m loved by You.
    That’s who I am!
    – “Good good Father” by Chris Tomlin

  5. Elaine Morgan says:

    Amen! You’ve been missed, Tina! Happy God Blessed Saturday to you too!! ❤️

  6. Anne Jones says:

    Tina you said it perfectly. To know God loves us-me- this much even as I have hurt him with my sin’s …..That breaks my heart and I am overwhelmed.

  7. MARTHA HIX says:


    1. Victoria E says:

      Hi Martha how are you thinking of you

  8. Tina says:

    So very thankful we don’t have to literally do the first part of the verse.. Because of Jesus and what He has done and given to us!
    Thank you Jesus.

    Not having to come to God fearful, what a blessing! Not having to come to our Father worried for the repercussions, (wrath, fire and brimstone) for what we’ve done, (sin, wrong,)

    But God…

    Faithful, loving, wonderful, forgiving, gracious, compassionate God, His arms are so wide, and even wider when we fall short(for me that’s every day.. EVERY DAY!)

    In awe of His compassion, grace, mercy and amazingly awesome ‘second to none’love.
    Thank you Lord God, Thank you!

    Happy God Blessed Saturday ya’ll!❤

    1. Mari V says:

      Needed this WORD this morning. And Thank you Tina for such encouraging insight. Feeling tired and sad over some comments made to me yesterday BUT I know that’s not who I am.

    2. Claire B says:

      Good to “see” you Tina and “hear” your words of wisdom

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