Grace Day

Open Your Bible

James 3:17

You are halfway through our thematic survey of the Old Testament—keep going!

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, compliant, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without pretense.
—James 3:17

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30 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Kaitlin Schroeder says:

    I got chills reading this, so happy to hear God is speaking to you even in the midst of the darkness he’s got you, trust and fall completely in faith into him and HIS plans! You’ll look back and think WOW how great is God that he has worked all of this for good—romans 8:28

  2. Anna Cyr says:

    Needed this verse today. Love the save and share images!

  3. Traci Gendron says:

    I want to thank you all for the continued prayers for my son Tanner. It brings me to tears knowing that so many are praying for us.

    I have always loved the book of James. I feel it is direct in telling us how to live what we say we believe.

  4. Traci Gendron says:

    Rhonda your story is my story. I was so embarrassed at my 2nd marriage ending. He was a Christian, but he just walked away. After many years, God brought my unexpected husband into my life. I had no desire to be in another relationship, but God had other ideas. He is a wonderful man. And I’m so thankful.

  5. Mari V says:

    Praying for your family Ashley.

  6. Taylor says:

    Happy Saturday ladies! The weather sadly took a turn and will be raining/storming most of today at the beach so I’m not going. I feel at peace (my parents just got back from a week in Texas last night so I spent the morning catching up with my mom which was nice) and need to testify to the Lord’s provision yesterday: I got off work and was ready to embrace some solitude when my one best friend texted me that her nephews (2 and 3 months) were over. I haven’t met her newest nephew yet and it was such beautiful weather so I had a lovely time spending a few hours with my third family holding a tiny baby :). Then I went and treated myself to Chipotle for dinner and went to spend some time at the dog park with my best friend who got the colonoscopy (they were able to rule out some things but still no definitive answers), her boyfriend, and their dog. Boyfriend’s parents ended up coming to the dog park and invited us over to their house for a yummy coconut cake. The Lord provided not one but TWO unexpected opportunities for fellowship and spending time with people I love and I was tearing up driving home last night (and now too lol) that He sent exactly what I needed last night! A friend in California who I cried on the phone too Thursday night also called to check in last night which was such a blessing. God is so faithful and He makes a way in the darkness! Just feeling so much gratitude in my heart. My 92-year-old Christian patient prayed for me yesterday and told me that God wouldn’t be going to so much trouble to remove certain idols from my life if He didn’t have big plans for me. I see God moving and working in this season and I just wanted to share this little testimony with you all <3 Have a blessed weekend!

    1. Candi S. says:

      That’s awesome Taylor! God has put you on my heart lately, so I am praying you continue to feel His presence, provision and guidance as you trust in Him. ❤️

  7. Nads says:

    @IMPOSSIBLE SITUATION, I am feeling you and praying for you and healing…and for your husband.

  8. Melanie Rastrelli says:

    Sweet sisters in Christ, you are all loved and protected by the One who really and truly matters. You know who I’m talking about! God our Heavenly Father who protects us and knows our every wish, need, prayer. Trying to always trust Him with our wants and desires. It’s hard sometimes but then He knows that. After all we are created in his image. He knows all the desires of our hearts but only He knows what is best for each of us. Blessings and lotsa prayers for all of y’all this weekend. ❤️