Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Philippians 3:20-21

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

Our citizenship is in heaven, and we eagerly wait for a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform the body of our humble condition into the likeness of his glorious body, by the power that enables him to subject everything to himself.
—Philippians 3:20–21 

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28 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Lois East says:


  2. Claire B says:


  3. Melissa Mcronney says:

    Amen ❤️

  4. Becky Kortman says:

    May I seek heavenly things as I struggle in this realm.

  5. Dorothy says:

    Sisters I feel blessed since the death of my sister; I have not only gotten a new job/boss from one of my sister’s clients, I’ve also gotten a new good girlfriend and roommate. Please pray that things work out about the roommate part. It will be only for two days a week, the rest of the time I will be living at the house where I’ll be working. This won’t fully happen until July when my lease expires. Right now though I’ve been staying at Joyce’s, my new friend/boss, house during the week so I don’t have to get up as early. It is working out. My new job is going well so far but I am only doing a portion of it.

    I also need prayer because I’m supposed to be meeting with my nephew to get a letter signed saying he is willing to give me responsibility for my sister’s belongings including her business files. We were supposed to meet yesterday but at the last minute he canceled it. Please pray that he comes to this next meeting.

    Be blessed and rely on God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit NOW AND ALWAYS!!!

  6. Cee Gee says:

    AIMEE D-R: great prayer! Thank you! I felt led to hold my fingers over your prayer on my screen as I prayed this morning. I feel such a blessed connection with you all.

  7. Nancy S says:

    Eager for a pain free heavenly body.

  8. Aimee D-R says:

    Father, I lift to you the needs of these women coming to You in their knees in hope of Your answered prayers. You know the cries of our hearts and those we love. Please hear and answer. Bring miracles and testimonies that are undeniable of Your great power and presence. You are the great I Am! In Jesus name, Amen

  9. Mary Ann Graves says:


  10. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord thank you for your grace!

  11. Traci Gendron says:


  12. Heather O’Malley says:

    Praying for you, Emily!

  13. Maura says:

    Nichole T I just saw your post late yesterday. Praying your Mom is okay and she was able to get help and her leg will be okay. I am Type 1 diabetic, there have been a couple of times in my life, because of really low blood sugar that I have felt a side of my body go numb, so understand how scary that can be. Let us know that she is okay when you can. Will be Praying for you dear Anna, for safety, that you feel Jesus right there with you and His peace. That His Angel Army would surround you. Praying for you Jen Brewer for reconciliation with your sister and His peace strength in this time of separation. Praying for you Sarah Joy that you can lay down the many things and find His joy in time with your daughters and His rest and peace in letting go of what can wait and what can be given to others. Mercy praying for your husband that this new position might be God’s will for him and if not that He would send something even better to bless him. Michelle, praying His truth for Bernadette, and the grace and love of Jesus asking Him to give her eyes to see and ears to hear and a mind to know how incredible His love is for her. He is able and Abundant in His mercy and love. His grace knows no bounds. He is faithful may we be full of faith! ERB, not sure if you are reading today, but Isaiah ch 13 what stuck out to me was that God is summoning His warriors, those who rejoice in His triumph, who come from far away lands, from the ends of the heavens. just drew out parts of verse 1-3. Then the devastation and the punishment is overwhelming even to the removal of the light of the stars and the sun. and the horrible death of many. I saw that it mentioned in verse 11 His anger is with the evil in the world, arrogance of the haughty and pride of the ruthless. It is a hard chapter to read. Joy to your weekend ERB and Sisters may it bring His beauty in all you are doing.

  14. Saicha E.Crawford says:

    Praying for you Emily!

  15. Victoria E says:

    Emily- I am sorry to hear this I will pray for you

  16. Ana Valenzuela says:


  17. Cathy James says:

    Emily – praying for you! I, too, am a breast cancer survivor. You will get through this! Trust in the Lord, be strong and courageous; You got this!!!!

  18. Melissa Graves says:

    Praying, sweet Emily ❤️. Zephaniah 3:17. From one breast cancer survivor, to another.

  19. Danielle Smith says:

    Emily- I am a breast cancer survivor too and know exactly what you mean! My body doesn’t even feel like my own anymore. But praise be to God that is not where our identity is found! And one day we will have glorified and new bodies that never get sick. Praying for you!

  20. Mari V says:

    Praying for you Emily.

  21. Deb Ireland says:

    So thankful there is more than this world and all the problems we deal with here. Praying that we keep our eyes on His coming kingdom. ❤️

  22. Krissy A says:

    Praying for you

  23. Churchmouse says:

    I typically use Grace Day for lengthier prayer and so will be lifting up those requests which have been posted here. I’m also reminded on Grace Day to extend grace to myself and others. We are all flawed human beings on individual journeys. While we may think someone else should be further along, we are not yet where we should be either. This Jesus-following life has many joys and sorrows, victories and failures, twists and turns, valleys and mountains, disruptions and obstacles. We have a hard enough time walking in our own shoes let alone imagining what someone else is going through. So let’s be gracious and forgiving, for that is what we want from others also. And it is what Jesus would have us do.

  24. Jen Brewer says:

    Hey sisters—-have had a heavy heart this week as there has been some progress this week in the family conflict/miscommunication I mentioned previously that has been going on a couple months. Progress in that a bit more communication is happening yet I feel like I have lost my sister. We moved halfway across the country last summer to be close to family and raise our kids together and now the kids haven’t seen each other in months and I feel very discouraged and like I don’t know how to move forward with the parameters they have said. I realize that might not make sense but trying not to hash it all out here. I know that we all have the Spirit living inside and pray that God will work on all our hearts and minds to bring clarity, wisdom, grace in our interactions and to let the love and the peace of Christ rule in our hearts. Thank you for listening and would appreciate your prayers. Love you, sweet sisters. Always read your comments and prayer requests and pray you all have a peaceful Saturday ❤️

  25. STRUGGLING says:

    I have appreciated this study and the way focusing on God’s Kingdom gives us perspective in the midst of life’s challenges and emotions. We don’t minimize the hard things, but we declare the truth of Who God is, who we are in Him, then choose to live according to the Kingdom way despite what our eyes see right in front of us & the pain we feel. Lord, help me grow in this. My primary emotions right now are either sadness, numbness, or extreme anxiety. It’s hard to live like that. But I plan to continue reading along with the next study series. ❤

  26. Kelly says:

    Praying for your requests, Sisters.
    Lord, let those around me see that I am a citizen of Your kingdom.
    STRUGGLING – For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who gear him – Ps. 103:11

  27. SarahJoy says:

    I could use some prayers. The amount of I have taken on lately has exhausted me. Of course most on their own are not bad. However, unfortunately they add up to a load I cannot handle. Please pray that I can release myself to rest. AND let go of a few ways I have overextended myself. The lies “I can do it all” and “no one else will step up, so I better” have wrapped me up tightly. I woke up this morning, and my mind immediately went to all the household chores I need to catch up on. I’m tired, and it’s not great for my three girls all in elementary who still need me. And of course my principal asked yesterday if I’d like a full time job instead of subbing all the time. Sigh. Thanks for letting me spill.

  28. Searching says:

    Reading all of Philippians chapter 3 this morning and being reminded of Paul’s astounding conversion and transformation from murderous Pharisee to preacher and writer of many books of the New Testament. From persecutor to persecuted. Wow. Continuing to pray for each of you as I read through the comments each day, knowing that He is listening.