Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Romans 8:38-39

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 
—Romans 8:38–39

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36 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Aleida Polanco says:

    Yes thank you Lord!! I was just starting to panic and feel very anxious over a really bad situation we have going on with our son. Then I open my email and went to my Bible to read Romans 8:38-39 and almost immediately felt peace even though my circumstances are still very visible and keep coming at me. Praise the Lord that He is in control and that no matter what happens, I can find comfort, strength, courage and peace in Him❤️❤️

  2. Maria J says:

    This scripture always fills me with peace.

  3. Kasey Deschaine says:


  4. Hannah Gealy says:

    Psalm 139 is another great section of scripture that reminds me of God’s love for me

  5. Jennifer Brummell says:


  6. Angela Flowers says:

    Oh how I love this verse!

  7. Tre'Shonda Sheffey says:

    I’ve read and said this verse many times but in this season it resonates differently. Thank you, Father God!

  8. Juliet Armitage says:


  9. Melissa Manzanares says:

    I’m so thankful for this promise!

  10. Leona ElaineNoe says:

    This verse is why I don’t worry. This world might end but I am with Christ.

  11. Anastasia McLeod says:

    God created everything therefore NOTHING can come between us and our God

  12. Jenna says:

    As my family walks through sickness and terminal illness, it’s good to be reminded that death and things to come cannot separate us from God’s love. Thankful that God is the anchor for our souls!

  13. Shannon Lowry says:

    Our loving Father ❤️

  14. Jennifer Lee says:

    Amen !

  15. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I’m so thankful that nothing can separate us from God’s love. I believe we are sometimes searching for the love of God, without even knowing it. Going to other things to satisfy us, when nothing can fill our desires like God. Happy Saturday ladies! I pray you all can rest and mediate with the Lord.

  16. Brandy Deruso says:

    Thank god that nothing will keep me from you!

  17. Mercy says:

    Thank you Lord that You are love, the love that will surpass through death, life, any depth or height, any circumstances, any dark power or principalities to reach us. Where would I be without your love? Where would I be? Glory to You forever and ever.

  18. Melissa Mcronney says:

    I am grateful

  19. Terany Garnett says:

    Grace day just reminds me of our Lord’s compassion for us and that he meets us to help us along this journey. Great are my afflictions but greater is glory to our Savior who is first born from the grave

  20. Traci Gendron says:

    Great reminder for me today. Happy Saturday SRT!

  21. Victoria E says:

    I am so grateful nothing can separate me from His love- not my fear or anxiety, nothing !

  22. Ana Valenzuela says:

    The Lord is my shepherd! ❤️

  23. Kristina Mari says:

    Teaching me to love***

  24. Kristina Mari says:

    Thank you God for your perfect love and teaching me to live in the process ❤️

  25. Cathalina Kung says:

    As I read this today, I have a thought I haven’t had in the past while reading. Not only can these things not separate, but God doesn’t want these things to separate us from His love?

  26. Deb Ireland says:

    So good! I can’t even comprehend the love of God. Praise the Lord!

  27. Tina says:

    I have a fear of heights and expanses of water.. specifically swimming or anything to do with deep water.

    So this verse really brings it home to me that, if, I use the height and the depth that I so fear as a mark for Gods love.. WHAT do I need to fear. And if I have nothing to fear, then
    (For) I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


    Happy Saturday! Blessings..

  28. Adriana DeBartolomeis says:

    Amen ❤️

  29. Shannon Darrow says:

    Beautiful reminder God never ceases!

  30. Jeannie Wilson says:

    What a wonderful reminder that I am so thankful for! Praise God that He will never give up on me!

  31. Kim Gillis says:

    Great week ❤️

  32. Rayana Swanson says:

    I’ve seen this scripture like 5 times this week. It’s so powerful. Thank you God ❤️

  33. LeAnn Schmitt says:

    Amen and amen. I agree, Cameron, this verse has always struck a chord deep in my soul.

  34. Betsy Engelbrecht says:

    Amen ❤️

  35. Cameron says:

    This scripture is such a beautiful promise. It resonates deep in my soul and gives me confidence in my identity as His daughter. Though I am flawed and make mistakes and am prone to wander, I know nothing can separate me from His love. Jesus, I thank you for your unconditional, never-ending love.

  36. Mea.Fraga R says:

    I wondered how I was Love, and how I want to be love someone. Thanks of all my relatives to be good to me :)