Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Proverbs 2:6

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

For the LORD gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
—Proverbs 2:6

(31) Comments

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31 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Brandy Deruso says:

    Lord thank you for wisdom!

  2. Alexis Mendibles says:


  3. Mckenzd Hill says:


  4. M H says:

    Praying for all of you ladies!

  5. Terany Garnett says:

    Honestly I’m struggling right now with lust but I have prayed to learn to delight in God’s will for my life and it’s getting hard now. I sometimes wish I didn’t get the chance to have sex so I wouldn’t know this pain. I am enduring now the bad thoughts and desires, yet I can’t do it because of these Bible stories of Jesus compassion when He was tired. I am becoming stronger because I know Jesus was human too and he persevered

  6. L M says:

    Praying this early Sunday morning as I watch my youngest grandchild play.

  7. Sarah Pettengill says:

    @churchmouse my husband is AF active duty going on 13 years. We just signed on for 8 more years, taking us to retirement. I will pray for your family as they make their decisions.

  8. Erika Hardy says:

    Thank you. That’s some great ideas. I too live by myself so can do these things. It’s hard with Saturday being my only day off. I’m real involved in my church and am there for a good portion of Sunday.

  9. Elizabeth Hagan says:

    The idea of rest after the last week’s devotional has been on my heart. I am a wife and mom of three and also in a nursing program to get my BSN. There is so much life stuff going on along with school and clinical and starting a side job of CrossFit coaching. This week I have off of school and so do my kids. Praying for the wisdom to slow down and rest in God’s peace, provisions, and promises.

  10. Jennifer Anapol says:

    My precious comment was for Churchmouse:)

  11. Jennifer Anapol says:

    I will be praying for God’s wisdom and guidance for you and your family:)

  12. Ashley F says:

    Today isn’t the Sabbath. Am I missing something?

  13. Rebecca Keller says:

    Happy Sabbath everyone! I hope this day brings peace and joy to you

  14. Mercy says:

    Churchmouse, I will be praying for your daughter and son in law in this decision, especially with such a young baby, his wife will need tons of help and emotional support from her husband. My husband was in full active military too when he joined, and he was taken away to his training, we never saw him, with 2 little toddlers it was so hard, I don’t have families around. One morning, as I was walking one toddler down the stairs on one side, and holding a 1 year old on my hip, I missed a step and went tumbling down a few steps, as the result I injured my back. My church came and drove me to emergency for xray and all, I was not allowed to drive for weeks. I could not get grocery, etc. The church was our help. The doctor said it might take 6 months that I can recover, but praise God he healed my back/spinal strength only after like 1 month, I could limp and walk. My husband upon hearing this, he asked for a voluntary release from active duty, and is now in Army Reserves which he serves for a local unit. Praise God for that. Military life can “own” the husband, military always comes first, family second. Military wife can feel a lot of time like a single mom. The sacrifice is not just the soldier himself, but every member of that family as well. Praying for wisdom and knowledge in this matter for your family. May God bless you and your family always. Thank you Churchmouse for blessing me with your daily wisdom. You impacted me.

  15. Patti Bryce says:

    Jesus is so beautiful!! His leadership. His patience. His compassion. His presence. His sufficiency. His thoughtfulness. “Soften MY heart, Lord, to recognize and know and worship You as You reveal Yourself to Your children…”

  16. Mari V says:

    Churchmouse, please know that this body of SRT is praying for you and your family. You do so much for all of us and it is a privilege to pray for you and your family. We will be praying for your daughter and son-in-law. And thank you for the update on Julia. Sometimes when I see the first graders at the school I work at, I think of her. I love these little children so much. I can just imagine what a beautiful little girl Julia is. I love this age. They are so precious.

  17. Mari V says:

    @Maura I woke up early again and looked at SRT very briefly but made myself try to go back to sleep. I wish I would’ve looked at the comments more and I would’ve seen this at 3:30 AM PST. I went back to sleep.
    But I am so encouraged that you’ve taken time to pray for me. It is now 7 AM. I am so encouraged to know that someone was praying for me in the wee hours of my morning.

  18. Heidi says:

    ERIKA- that’s awesome you have a heart to want to follow His direction on the sabbath… :) Mark 2:27 is where Jesus comes against the Pharisees (again..) saying the sabbath was made for US, not us made for the sabbath. Meaning it’s not supposed to be a burden or another ritual you force yourself to follow. Like Denise said- it’s being mindful and intentional to take time giving yourself rest and engaging In worship of your Creator. For some people, “rest” occurs when they spend time with other believers socially… reading a verse and making it your “weekend verse” to memorize and apply, asking God to open your eyes to where you CAN apply it… Its being intentional. Your own personality that God gave you gets to decide what that means for you :)

  19. AnneLyn P says:

    Praying for you, Taylor. May God bless and encourage you.

  20. denise belt says:

    Erika, the Bible says to remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy, and to rest/do no work. Jewish law and Jewish tradition have a lot of set things to follow.I am not Jewish but a follower of Jesus, but I attempt to keep the commandments. This is what I do…Friday night I light a candle right before sundown and say short prayer followed by the words Shabbat Shalom. That puts my mind in Sabbath mode. I have a nice meal and on Saturday, I try to limit any excess activity,[I try to have all my housework and laundry done and try to limit my cooking during the Sabbath time] I read the Bible , work on my Bible study, try not to do any shopping. Basically just make it a day of rest and relaxation, but with a focus on God. At the end of the Sabbath, I say another short prayer. I live alone so it is a little easier for me. I know others with family have game night or watch a family movie, go for a hike or to the park. I hope this helps.

  21. Erika Hardy says:

    I’ve been wanting to Sabbath but am unsure how to start or what to even do

  22. Donna Wolcott says:

    Dear churchmouse, prayers for your family as they make this huge decision. Prayers of thanksgiving for your granddaughter .

  23. Allison Bentley says:

    Yes Jordan! Ever since the spiritual disciplines study I have been trying to find time for the Sabbath! Annie F Downs has a lot of good resources for practicing/observing a sabbath. I too am try to rest more with God and I find when I do it is so rewarding in all the other areas of my life!!

  24. Jordin Wilkins says:

    One of the reoccurring events that I have noticed in our first week of Mark is that Jesus finds time to rest. Whether that’s telling the disciples they should rest or going into a mountain to refocus and pray. I know that I tend to just go, but today I will be intentional. Today I rest and refocus. Have a great day SRT ❤️

  25. Churchmouse says:

    Our daughter and son in law need wisdom as they consider his career in the Air Force. He’s committed through 2025 but there is incentive to lengthen it to full retirement. It’s a huge decision. They have a seven week old daughter. Both are strong Christians and are seeking God’s will. They’re getting wise counsel as well. Would you join with them and me in praying for wisdom and discernment, for God’s will not theirs? Also dear SRT friends, thank you for your many prayers for our 6 year old granddaughter, Julia. She had a followup visit with her surgeon and she does not need seen again for a full year! The surgeon is cautiously optimistic that Julia won’t need further treatment “for several years.” That is a huge praise! We also know God is in control of her health and nothing is impossible with Him. Thank you again for coming alongside my family. You are a wonderful group of prayer warriors!

  26. Adela Lopez says:

    Praying for wisdom this morning from the Lord ♥️

  27. Tina says:

    TAYLOR, I ache to hear/read the heartbreak in your words.. and I’m sorry.
    Praying for you in this sad time.. for your heart and your mind to know His grace in your obiedience, but also His peace, abundant peace to cover your whole being.

    The words from Psalm 30 verse 11-12,
    You have changed my sadness into a joyful dance; you have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy. So I will not be silent; I will sing praise to you. Lord , you are my God; I will give you thanks forever.
    came to mind..
    Yes, there is darkness now, but the morning will come..

    But God..
    Keep holding fast, He walks with you sweet child, He walks with you as do we..❤

  28. Tina says:

    I have said and done some stupid stuff in my time! Boy have I!

    But God!

    For the LORD gives wisdom;
    from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
    —Proverbs 2:6

    In the same way, He showed up in my pit, my weakness, His strength. In the same way He gave and continues to give me hope, His Word is an absolute lamp for my path.
    Speak Lord, your servant, Tina, is listening..

    So be it..

    Happy Saturday SRT family wrapped in love and grateful hugs for you..❤

  29. Sumire Arai says:

    I pray about I am sinned to pray this lent. I have so many love, maybe Goodness, and I want to be read my book but it is not coming now :)

    So many apologies to you.

  30. Maura says:

    Praying for you and your family Mari V that He would multiply the blessings and you would feel the abundance of His provision. Hugs to your lovely heart. Lord I pray for your wisdom and the gift of your knowledge and understanding so that whatever we face we are dwelling on you and not the circumstance. For you are a mighty fortress may we trust you Lord God with it all.

    1. Maiya K says:
