Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Matthew 22:37

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.”
—Matthew 22:37

(23) Comments

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23 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Maura says:

    Will be praying for you Karrie, His peace and love. Indeed He meets us in the depths, the sorrows and does not leave, but fights for us. Know you are loved beyond measure by the Most High. Hugs to your heart!

  2. Maura says:

    My prayer this day is that my love for you Lord not falter, that my whole being heart, mind and soul will love you Lord as you deserve with a listening ear, obedience in action and trust in your goodness and faithfulness. That I will always remember the love you have protected me with, led me with, carried me in and filled me with. So thankful Lord God. Blessings and hugs to you my Sisters. May your weekend be full of our Jesus. Colorado was supposed to start having snow last night and have a weekend full of it, 3 to 5 feet. But, so far nothing. Now I am seeing 1 to 2 feet. We shall see.

  3. Karrie says:

    The past year has been one of my lowest years. Going thru an unexpected divorce, moving out of our family home and not working due to covid. But God has helped me get through this difficult time. I used the 5 months I was off work to develop a stronger relationship with God. He has given me hope and strength to get through each day. There were many many times I wanted to give up and still struggle but Gods strength has gotten me through each day. I pray for continued strength, guidance and I pray that God can help me find joy again. Thanks to all the ladies who comment on here daily. It helps me to understand the word when I am struggling to see the message. ❤️

  4. Jana McClure says:

    Every success stems from loving Him!

  5. Tina says:

    My heart has learnt to be still, afterall, it stood still for a long time, some time ago. To be honest everything stood still. I was functioning, but just.. I was doing, but there was no feeling..

    But God.

    He came and found me, held me, showed me HOPE, graced me, saw me, led me..
    He believed and still does believe in me..

    So, if I have to be still and know, if I have to love God who, not only saved me, but loved me back to a place of hope and joy,if with all my heart, mind and soul, I have to love God..


    So be it.


    Happy Saturday wrapped in love, hope and hugs..x❤

  6. Suzan Ledford says:

    Amen, presence over perfection!

  7. Churchmouse says:

    The Lord deserves nothing less than my all. Yet he doesn’t expect perfection. He desires relationship, knowing it will be messy at times. He just wants us to keep coming back, sitting with Him, having conversation. This might just be a good weekend to do a little more of that.

  8. Barbara Mueller says:

    I am so excited to have found SHE READS TRUTH, and join other men and women all over the world who seek to read Truth, memorize it and commit to live our lives by it! It has proven in my life to be dependable and reliable over YEARS. The more I learn it, the more exciting life becomes. As I commit to following the “narrow way” rather than succumbing to every whim or false pretext I encounter, the principles in God’s Word are proven TRUE as I test them. Try it with me! You can’t go wrong! ❤️
    You are my shelter and my shield;
    I put my hope in your word.
    —Psalm 119:114