Grace Day

Open Your Bible

John 12:26

Take this day to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

“If anyone serves me, he must follow me.”
—John 12:26

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48 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Katie Schisler says:

    Mari, I’m with you. My mother lives with us and she needs a lot of help. Because she is kind of isolated and has so many health issues she become self absorbed. I’m not saying your mother is like this. But for me it gets exhausting to work all day, raise a family, and come home with immediate requests. It challenges me. Serving is hard and sometimes I just want to ignore it so I can have one less thing to deal with. Tina’s insight helped me. Don’t focus on the laundry list I have to get done each day, take time to strip away the trapping of this world and sit at the feet of Jesus. Most likely it will lead me to getting up and serving.

  2. Jamie Varvel says:

    I love that this devotional plan still provides a short verse on the “day off.” Something simple to reflect on for a busy Saturday. I’ve read plans in other apps that just say “no reading today.”

  3. Katie Schisler says:

    Thank you, Tina! Well said and thought out.

  4. Maiya K says:

    Beautifully written/broken down Tina. Thank you so much!

  5. Brandi Smith says:


  6. Angela Sutherland says:

    Such a “simple” verse, but it’s deep! It’s a reminder to me that, it’s not enough to just do things “in the name of Jesus”, but I need to be backing service up with a lifestyle that follows the example of Jesus! When I’m living in step with Him, true service will follow, from a heart poured out in love. There is so much truth to unpack from this small portion of scripture..a great word to meditate on today.

  7. Jennifer Ficklen says:

    Thank you Tina!!

  8. Jennifer Ficklen says:
