Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Psalm 33:11

Use this day to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

The counsel of the LORD stands forever,
the plans of his heart from generation to generation.
—Psalm 33:11

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46 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. K D says:

    God’s counsel is forever. What a rich truth that is.

  2. Amy Quam says:

    Love Psalm 33. Definitely one to come back to time and time again! Verses 20-22 (MSG) stood out to me today:

    We’re depending on God;
    he’s everything we need.
    What’s more, our hearts brim with joy
    since we’ve taken for our own his holy name.
    Love us, God, with all you’ve got —
    that’s what we’re depending on.


  3. Traci Gendron says:

    I was awake most of the night. I was reliving my past way of life. I felt so undeserving in the night. Like a fraud. Yet I believe I’m forgiven. We have a forgiving father who is faithful in His word. I’m enjoying the study of God’s promises. It came at the perfect time. I’m standing firm on Joshua 1:5 – I will not leave you or abandon you.

    1. Danielle McCutcheon says:

      I do this often too. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone. ❤️

  4. Mari V says:


  5. Mari V says:

    I trust His Word! He’s got us!He does not change his mind.

  6. Martha says:


  7. Claire Berkeley-Hitt says:

    Good Morning, Ladies,

    LAURA, I pray that yes indeed you will forgive yourself for your error. Indeed, we are prone to make them. I am glad you’ve already been able to give your apologies where needed. I know I carry my mistakes heavily and constantly have to remind myself to LAY IT DOWN. God’s got it, Praise Him! Our readings this week, while filled with the promises, also tell us who we are to be and I know I look at those lists and at my life and see where I and my family are falling short. It can be so discouraging. You are not in anyway alone; I fear I am not very Christ-like at all! And some of our sisters in life seem to exhibit Him so well! I pray for God’s voice in my life daily and that the Holy Spirit would guide my actions, my tongue, my manner always.

    I love Psalm 33:11. I had one of those days yesterday where each time I sat down to study, I was needed. So I finished last night at 9 PCT and found I did not have much to add to the conversation. But among all the excitement over Jer 29:11, I had actually written down Psalm 33:11 in my journal as the Big Reminder so to speak. My goodness, to have the counsel of God has been the greatest thing I have ever received. And assuming that indeed Jer 29:11 isn’t exactly “to” us, I think Psalm 33 verse does reveal that God’s guidance, wisdom, love, intention is ours, “all generations”, and because I know that going to send me to places that are good, not evil. Assuming I listen.

  8. Chris Swan says:

    I’m always a week behind on the podcast— but they are so good!!