Use today to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.
“Now this is his command: that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another as he commanded us.”
—1 John 3:23
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28 thoughts on "Grace Day"
Rebekah C., thank you for your insight. I have had several Judases in my life, and their betrayal has hurt me deeply. They have done me some good before stabbing me in the back, but your post has reminded me that they have also helped me to share in the sufferings of my savior. ❤️
To love is a command-not optional. Which also means that it will not be easy or even ‘natural’.
Wow this is an incredible take. Thank you for providing these thought provoking questions for me this Sunday x
What does it mean to love one another?
Every time I read this epistle, I am reminded that if I believe Christ is real, and I believe my fellow Christians believe He is real, then I need to include them. My family has all of a sudden been expanded beyond my immediate blood relatives, and that there are many more who need to be adopted into the family.
What does that look like?
Does that mean I only spend time with the people who think and act like me? Or those I prefer?
If I’m to follow the world’s example, of those unsaved, then I need to not go any further than my tribe. The people who think, look and act like me. If they act in a manner that I think is wrong, then they are not a part of my tribe and I need to spend less time with them.
But let’s look at Christ.
He had several disciples, and they were not all the same. There were some fishermen, tax collectors, a bunch of ex prostitutes, rich guys, poor people, band wagoners, so many others and a thief who looked pious but betrayed Him.
Does your friend group look the same? Outwardly? Are they all the same inwardly?
Do you know what’s going on below the surface of the ones that have their stuff together?
I have been friends to the people at church that no one wants to hang out with when it’s not a Sunday.
I have been the person no one wants to hang around when it’s not a Sunday.
You know them.
They’re socially awkward.
They say the wrong thing at the wrong time, or the right thing at the wrong time.
They smell funny
They watch the wrong kind of entertainment
They’re a little too into Jesus.
They’re not into Jesus enough
They’re desperate.
They might stab you in the back
It’s that last one isn’t it?
If we are to truly be a follower of Jesus and act like Him, we have to let the Judas’ into our lives.
If we trust God and God’s provision for us, then Judas won’t hurt us in the long run. If we follow the story, there is death and resurrection and forgiveness offered.
I can’t help but think how powerful a ministry Judas would have had if he chose to believe in the forgiveness offered to him from Christ. If he believed God, we might be reading Judas’ letters alongside Paul’s. But Judas made the choice and believed there was no forgiveness for what he had done to Jesus and hung himself.
We don’t have the cross without Judas. He is an integral part of the story.
Why do we think that we are above Christ to not suffer as He did? Are we above letting a Judas into our lives? Do we not believe that God can show redemption through us? Are we not called to represent Christ in our lives? Are we willing to go to the cross in our lives? Do we believe that God can resurrect our own lives if necessary?
Are you willing to allow someone who might be a Judas into your life?
This is beautiful, Diana. Such a wonderful and refreshing attitude. Thank you for the challenge.
Wonderful Diana.
It always comes back to faith, hope, and love.
Real life application continues to be a conviction the Spirit is bringing to me daily. As I consider today’s verse, my mind has gone to the current COVID-19 struggle we are all facing. How do we love one another in this? Through social media I have encountered diverse opinions on whether the “stay-at-home” orders are good or not. I admit it’s hard to grasp the multitude of ways the situation is affecting people. On one hand, social distancing seems to be helping reduce the number of people getting sick all at once and overwhelming the healthcare system. Yet on the other hand with so many job losses, there are people who are in need of basic things. This is a dilemma for all of us. Some are reacting to the president’s and governors’ decisions with a lot of grumbling and anger. Are the governing officials responding as they should? I’m confident to say they are not perfect in their responses, just like all of us, even those who are in Christ, we have not been made perfect in the practical way of life.
Because this is heavy on my heart, I’m praying today in the instruction Paul gave to Timothy: “I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-4).
May the Lord grant the governing authorities wisdom in the very hard decisions they are having to make. I pray he brings many of them into saving faith as they realize this is over their heads, breaking pride and bringing them to their knees in prayer. I also pray for those who are professing Christians yet are showing a kind of “know-it-all” pride in their grumbling about the decisions being made right now. May when Christians speak about injustice in our government, we do so with a prayerful humble mind and attitude. I plead for a wholehearted trust and devotion to Christ in my own being as I humble myself under his mighty hand, casting all anxieties upon him. I pray these things for you, my dear SRT sisters!
How am I doing with this two-fold command? If I say I believe in Jesus as the son of God and as the Christ, then worry and fear need not be in my vocabulary. If I say I love others then my rhetoric and my actions should reflect that love. With the stress inherent with this pandemic, both my faith and loving others has been revealed and challenged. I pray that on the other side of this crisis, both emerge strengthened and deepened. May my Father God be pleased.
Yes. Yes.
Yes and amen.
❤️ Me too.
On Grace Day, I like to read the whole chapter the day’s verse comes from and this morning, the first part of verse 1 … It was like I had never read it before. Overwhelmed with thankfulness to be loved by him and to be a child of God!
“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!” 1 John 3:1 (NKJV)
That’s a really good idea to go back and reread the whole chapter. I’m going to start doing that. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing this idea. I’ve often wondered how I could dig deeper on Grace day!
Yes I completely agree! Good idea :)
That’s a great idea! And for a good reason! Thanks for sharing!
That’s a great idea!! Going to try that today!
Good idea thank you