Day 13

Grace Day

from the Psalms of Gratitude reading plan

Revelation 7:12

BY She Reads Truth

Text: Revelation 7:12

As we wrap up this time of thanksgiving to the Lord by reflecting on Psalms of Gratitude from His Word, let’s spend today meditating on this powerful verse from the book of Revelation.

May our prayers of thanks to God bring Him blessing and glory and honor forever and ever. Amen.

Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom
and thanksgiving and honor
and power and strength
be to our God forever and ever. Amen.
-Revelation 7:12

Post Comments (112)

112 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Bee Akin says:


  2. Samantha Alexander says:


  3. Ditimi Akene says:


  4. Bailey Braden says:


  5. Keziah Canguilan says:


  6. Kensley Goodman says:

    This study has been such a light at the end of the tunnel for me. Even when the situations around me seem to be bleak, there is always Jesus and all the wonderful things he has done to brighten my day. It allows me to reflect on the good and not the bad and I loved that.

  7. Lenna says:

    Such a great study. Giving thanks even thru our darkest times this month I believe saved me from being a victim of our circumstances. Such a wonderful reflection to keep our eyes off of ourselves and looking up.

  8. Marcy says:

    This was the second time I’ve read this devotional and the first time posting a comment. The first time I read it was over a year ago and a lot has happened in between then and now, both good and bad. The second time reading through this devotional was much more meaningful and powerful, I think that goes to show how much I’ve grown closer to God and in my faith. Hands down one of my favorites. A continuous reminder of how GREAT He is and how His steadfast love endures forever. I’m forever grateful and will continue to follow His word. Blessings to everyone. Amen

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