Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Revelation 7:12

Text: Revelation 7:12

As we wrap up this time of thanksgiving to the Lord by reflecting on Psalms of Gratitude from His Word, let’s spend today meditating on this powerful verse from the book of Revelation.

May our prayers of thanks to God bring Him blessing and glory and honor forever and ever. Amen.

Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom
and thanksgiving and honor
and power and strength
be to our God forever and ever. Amen.
-Revelation 7:12

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112 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Jessica Thomas says:

    That’s it, right there!! Amen!

  2. Susan says:

    Praying for you, Pam….

  3. Susan says:

    My granddaughter sent me this, and thought I would share…
    God bless the mother who has lost a part of herself now
    Her child is gone,and yet she knows
    She must go on somehow

    She will never be who she once was
    Before her child was taken.
    And some days she can’t help but feel
    Her heart has been forsaken.

    They say You give the hardest tasks
    To those You know are strong
    But her task is so painful,Lord
    …and one that lasts lifelong

    Please help her rise each time she falls,
    Give courage for her fears.
    To dry her endless tears

    Keep her close, within Your arms
    Each moment they’re apart
    Please give her comfort while she grieves..
    God soothe her aching heart
    Have angels hover ever near

    Lord, help each mother who has lost a child today. Help our hearts. Surround us with Your love today.

  4. PamC says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to all y’all. It’s a difficult one here as Mom passed Friday morning. I was crying in thanks & praise, as well heartbreak, as she passed because she was fighting for every breath. I was so grateful to God that her suffering ended, but so sad for myself to lose her.
    Thank you for your prayers. Rhonda, I loved your sharing of your mom. It touched me deeply.
    Praying through the requests as I catch up here. I have missed your presence on a daily basis this last couple of weeks.

  5. Lynne from Alabama says:

    Happy Mother’s Day to each of you whether you are a mother, want to be a mother, or have a mother )! That should cover everyone. I too am looking forward to Psalms of Rest. One month ago today was my last day at work and 24/7 caregiver duties have me exhausted. I pray for each of you and your needs every day! Love you sisters!

  6. Rhonda J. says:

    Good Morning She’s and Happy mother’s Day!!

    Hope you all have an amazing and blessed day. Will be thinking of our friend Traci Gendron, and others that this day brings some sorrow.

    @Lehua..I found it, sounds like a great, passionate business! It is so amazing when we know God blesses what we do for Him and to bless others! I was in the fitness field, and I definitely knew it was my calling! Then God led me to open my own little studio after a divorce and major back surgery, and a little 4 year old! It was such a fun, challenging, hard, exhauting, exhilarating road. I did finally become tired…and closed after 8 years…but still did some training a few select peeps! (I got married and moved, so it was all good!)

    Love God, love others, and be blessed!

  7. Michelle Patire says:

    Happy Mother’s Day!!! the majority of you I realize are mothers! :) May God bless your day with love and rest. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. Love you all! See you tomorrow at “Psalms of Rest!” Praying it is restorative to us all. Esp @Rhonda J, @Heidi, @Lehua & all you other Shes who feel weary or have been working so hard lately.

    I forget what I was listening to, but it wanna reminded me that in Genesis 1, the first full day Adam had on earth was God’s day of rest, after God was done creating everything. So Adam first rested in God, before he worked. That is something God reminded me of before I started being self-employed. That I was first His daughter, then His employee. Our work should flow from our resting in identity. Also, Scripture says in Genesis 1:5-
    “God called the light ‘day,’ and the darkness he called ‘night.’ And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.”
    We slept and rested before we worked! Evening then morning! The pastor on the podcast talked about how the story was given to Israel by Moses after the Exodus. They needed to remember their identity in Christ before post Egyptian slavery.

    I’ve heard this before but I thought it was a fitting reminder to share with you all. Genesis is one of my favorite books in the Bible. It’s such a beautiful picture (prior to fall) of God’s heart to be near to us. I hope these words encourage you. God wants us to be willing to work for Him, but more importantly, He first wants us to be willing to rest and enjoy Him. This is why I love my Sabbath Fridays!!!

  8. Lehua K. says:

    Thank you for the prayers, KIMBERLY Z, CEE GEE, and KATIE L! ❤️

    RHONDA J: I left a (late) reply to your question about our business on a previous day (I think it was Day 11?) so sorry for the delay, I knew it would be a more detailed answer so I didn’t respond right away and then I forgot!

    ❤️❤️ HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mothers out there, and to those who are unofficial moms in some capacity ❤️❤️

  9. Kimberly Z says:

    @Lehua K. Praying for your conversation with your dad whenever that will be. I pray it’s a weight off his shoulders as much as it will be yours.

  10. Cee Gee says:

    Oh, LEHUA K, that is so unsettling for sure. I will be praying that God will guide and give you the words for this necessary conversation and for a good and timely response from your parents. Hugs for your heart!

  11. Katie L says:

    Praying for your conversation with your parents, Lehua! That the Lord will make the timing and wording perfect and that your parents will feel honored through it. Sometimes for our parents it can be helpful to frame things in how it will help YOU/others instead of THEM. I’ve found sometimes they’re more resistant to “needing help” but are more willing to help others ❤️

  12. Lehua K. says:

    I hope you all have a blessed Mother’s Day weekend! ❤️ Praying for everyone that we can all enter this weekend restful and hopeful for the days ahead. Glad to hear some answered prayers and praying for those who are still waiting ❤️❤️

    I stayed home and worked remotely yesterday because my allergies turned into a slight sinus infection. Thankful I separated myself from work physically, because all our files on the server got deleted somehow the night before and I was a nervous wreck, until I found out we have scheduled backups. Training someone remotely was a little tricky but God is so good, it all worked out.

    Ladies, could you please pray for my parents? I’m nervous about a conversation I need to have with my dad about estate planning and preparing for the future. My mom told me the house is only under his name, and they don’t have a will or trust in place. On top of that, they’re on another island and he’s been getting increasingly more forgetful lately. They’ve had discussions about it but he keeps putting it off, and they’re in their 70s. I’m worried about many things about this, and am praying for courage to talk to him and that he will listen and understand the urgency behind it.

  13. Cee Gee says:

    KATIE L -❤

  14. Katie L says:

    Oh I am so glad to read all these answers to prayer! God is good! I love it when you ladies post song recommendations, oftentimes it reminds me of a song I haven’t heard in years and renews my heart of worship!

    A very happy Mother’s Day to you She’s – holding those in my heart who are struggling with this day. Whether you lost a mom physically or emotionally, desperately wishing to be a mom, or just overwhelmed and burnt out – may Jesus wrap around you like a big hug. Love you all!

  15. Cee Gee says:

    HEIDI – Thanks again for pulling us together here! The study and sharing has been such a blessing. Continued prayers as you finish the late work (praying that option was granted). Prayers for Kin, too.

    MICHELLE – so glad you had a good sleep!

    SEARCHING – you’re welcome! I was laughingly thinking like you (Heidi’s term) and was reminded earlier in the week of how I prayed my boys through similar days! So glad your friend is on the mend and pray your neighbors are ok.

    SHARON, JERSEY GIRL – Thankful Emily is doing better!

    RHONDA J – Continued prayers for relief from that back pain and prayers for your niece and nephew and the family and friends of the young man who passed.

    Lifting each of you in prayer!

    Ready for REST! Could not resist sharing this song as it goes so well here today!

    When the Stars Burn Down (Blessing and Honor)
    Phillips, Craig & Dean

    When the stars burn down, and the Earth wears out
    And we stand before the throne
    With the witnesses who have gone before
    We will rise and all applaud
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    When the hands of time wind fully down
    And the Earth is rolled up like a scroll
    The trumpets will call, and the world will fall
    To its knees as we go home
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Star of the morning, Light of salvation
    God of all mysteries, Lord of the universe
    Righteous King
    Star of the morning, Light of salvation
    God of all mysteries, Lord of the universe
    Righteous King
    There will come a day standing face to face
    In a moment, we will be like Him
    He will wipe our eyes dry, and take us up to His side
    And forever, we will be His
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to our God
    Singing blessing and honor and glory and power
    Forever to, ever to our God
    Oh, oh-oh-oh
    Oh, oh-oh-oh
    Oh, oh-oh-oh
    (Oh, oh-oh-oh)
    (Oh, oh-oh-oh)
    Songwriters: Jonathan Lee, Jennie Lee Riddle

  16. Rhonda J. says:

    Whoop Whoop HEIDI!! All done, yay!! So glad you have it done, and can now relax and focus on your trip and

    The Lord is my Joy and strength, thank goodness it doesn’t have to be on my own accord! I was a very happy, outgoing person in my young life and through my 20’s, 30’s …and then slowly life just gets ya. Being around people all day long, every day, raising a toddler as a single mom, struggling with the house chores by myself…it takes a toll. Somewhere along the way…I got tired. And worn. God answered a bIG prayer with bringing me my wonderful husband that waltz in and took most of those burdens away. My child has grown into an adult on his own. We have moved to our happy place in paradise. I have a wonderful church where I am connected. But yet…I am worn. I think half of it, besides just life in general, is my back pain. It is a heaviness that tires me. I am SO ready for Psalms of Rest. My heart needs to be strengthened and renewed! I’m glad tomorrow is Sunday, the first day of the week that refreshes me as I give all glory and praise to my heavenly Father!!

    Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom
    and thanksgiving and honor
    and power and strength
    be to our God forever and ever. Amen.
    -Revelation 7:12

  17. Michelle Patire says:

    Slept well last night. Thank you for prayers! Happy Saturday :) Looking forward to Psalms of Rest!! Perfect timing for you indeed, @Heidi! Congrats on finishing!!

  18. Searching says:

    Amen! Loved this study and the insights and thoughts shared by all. I kept thinking it was weird that I could not remember doing this study the first time – nothing about it seemed familiar. When I worked my way back to the earliest comments one day this past week and then checked to see when I first found SRT … that explained it because it was a few months before I started. Thank you, HEIDI, for getting us here in the midst of your busyness!

    HEIDI – so thankful the semester is behind us, oops, I mean you :) ❤️

    CEE GEE – great share yesterday! Thank you! ❤️

    RHONDA J – praying for Collin, his grief and his need for the Lord that he has not acknowledged, also for your niece, sister and others.

    KELLY (NEO) – thank you for your prayers. Also, just had an update from my friend that had the heart procedure several weeks ago – she has passed her follow up visits with flying colors, and feels like a new person! Praise the Lord!

  19. Sharon, Jersey Girl says:

    Amen! Praise be to our God who is all wise, all powerful – worthy of glory!

    Thank you for praying for my sons girlfriend, Emily – she is doing much better and expected to come home today.

    Have a blessed Saturday sisters!

  20. Kelly (NEO) says:

    Lovely study! Thanks again Heidi. See you next week in the Psalms of Rest study.

    SEARCHING – praying the Lord will open the door with your neighbors

    DOROTHY – praying for you as you are pressing through your grief. Not being motivated to do things is a very normal part of the process. Maybe your brothers can come alongside you to help in more/different ways then they already are.

  21. Jordan Ursua-Pangan says:

    thanks for sharing this song

  22. Lizzy Butterfield says:

    Psalm 139 was my favorite from this plan, maybe my current favorite chapter in the Bible. I appreciate the new perspective this plan has given me!

  23. Natasha Pink says:


  24. Hannah Houpt says:

    May my prayers of thanks to God bring Him blessing and glory and honor forever and ever. Amen.

    Throne Room by Kari Jobe contains some of the same wording from Revelation 7:12.
    “Blessing and honor and glory and power belong to you alone.” AMEN

  25. Rachel Blessum says:


  26. Alayna Akers says:

    Thank you Lord for your forgiveness and unconditional love <3

  27. Jane Riordan says:

    I loved the format of this study – a move away from the usual and a way to really get one thinking.
    More like this please.

  28. Kim Summerlin says:

    All Glory and Honor belongs to GOD! This was truly a blessing for me.

  29. Ashley Rhoades says:

    Thank you lord for your goodness

  30. Sonja Lester says:

    Thank you Lord

  31. Katie Sheldon says:

    Thank you Lord ❤️

  32. Jeannie Greenland says:

    Thank you, Lord, for your steadfast goodness and love! All you are is worthy of praise and worship!

  33. Covenant Oboigbe says:

    Thank you Lord!

  34. Gwen Jones says:

    Thank you Lord for all you’ve done and for who you are!!

  35. Cecelia Taylor says:

    Thanks you God for all you have and what you are still doing in us!

  36. Emma P says:

    Thank you Lord for all of your blessings!! I love you Father!!! To You only will I give praise!!

  37. Kelsey Hankins says:

    Thankful for this devotional and much needed time spent reflecting on the living word!

  38. Regina Starks says:

    The reading does not come up.

  39. Jordan Elani says:

    It is done!

  40. Wylie✝️ D says:

    The reading won’t appear for me.

    1. Rachel Hutto says:

      same for me…

    2. Kristen Kent says:


      1. Stefany Prine says:

        Mine isn’t coming up either.

  41. Keva Richardson says:

    To God be the glory, great things he has done!

  42. Paige LeanneMcKnight says:

    Loved this

  43. E Hong says:

    He deserves all of our praise

  44. Alison McMahon says:

    Thank you, God!

  45. Alyssa Randall says:


  46. Itoro Udo says:

    Amen! Glory to God

  47. Baylee Mullen says:


  48. Katie Fleming says:


  49. Angie Graham says:

    Thank you Jesus for You are good!!

  50. Tiffany Bristol says:

    Praise God!

  51. Brianna Bogner says:

    Thank You Lord !!!

  52. Jerecia Lee says:

    Amen! Thank you for everything.

  53. Allee Harrell says:


  54. Nicole Price says:


  55. Molly Gilbane says:

    Amen! Thank you, Lord. Be with us today, Lord. It is a big day. Give us strength and grace. I love you, Lord!

  56. Bee Akin says:


  57. Samantha Alexander says:


  58. Ditimi Akene says:


  59. Bailey Braden says:


  60. Keziah Canguilan says:


  61. Kensley Goodman says:

    This study has been such a light at the end of the tunnel for me. Even when the situations around me seem to be bleak, there is always Jesus and all the wonderful things he has done to brighten my day. It allows me to reflect on the good and not the bad and I loved that.

  62. Lenna says:

    Such a great study. Giving thanks even thru our darkest times this month I believe saved me from being a victim of our circumstances. Such a wonderful reflection to keep our eyes off of ourselves and looking up.

  63. Marcy says:

    This was the second time I’ve read this devotional and the first time posting a comment. The first time I read it was over a year ago and a lot has happened in between then and now, both good and bad. The second time reading through this devotional was much more meaningful and powerful, I think that goes to show how much I’ve grown closer to God and in my faith. Hands down one of my favorites. A continuous reminder of how GREAT He is and how His steadfast love endures forever. I’m forever grateful and will continue to follow His word. Blessings to everyone. Amen

  64. Maegs says:

    Not only does God want us to be thankful for the good times, but He wants us to be thankful for the struggles. This study caught me at a time where I needed to be thankful for the many promises and blessings God has given me in the past rather than focusing on the present. He is faithful and He will see me through to the end. Praise His name forever! Amen!

  65. Latoya Irving says:

    Completed this plan praise God great word today

  66. Bethany says:

    It’s so easy to be grateful when I stop and think about how God has blessed me. It’s very hard to be grateful when I don’t stop, I keep trying to go, thinking I can make it another day without a moment to pause in his presence and think, “oh Praise the name of the Lord our God, praise his name forever. for endless days we will sing Your praise. Oh Lord oh Lord our God.”

    1. Leavern Coles says:


  67. Sue D. says:

    Deuteronomy 32:3-4 I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God! He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he.

  68. Rachel says:

    Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength be to our God forever and ever. Amen! Rev 7:12 Thank you Jesus!

  69. Amber says:

    “May our prayers of thanks to God bring Him blessing and glory and honor forever and ever. Amen. “

  70. Brittany says:

    I pray that I never stop having an attitude of gratitude! I have so much to be thankful for and I never want your praise to stop. Thank-you Lord, thank-you! Let my life be a witness of your mercy and grace!

  71. Lindsay says:

    The Lord pours out blessing after blessing, and I am so thankful for him and his love. I pray that you keep me close to you, and continue to show me the power of your grace and glory, God. ❤️

  72. Millie says:

    Thank you Lord for all your wonderful blessings that you have kindly given me! And thank you for this time of praise we’ve had together! I love you Lird❤️

  73. Phylicia says:

    What a tremendous blessing these past 13 days have been! I feel blessed to have focused on His blessings for me. He is so amazing and it is a relief to know He has me in His arms ALWAYS!

  74. Charlie says:

    In all things praise Him. Glory and honour to him in my everyday and my ups and downs.thanks to God for the basics of my life my home my health my children my faith. So blessed

  75. Kate says:

    Wow! God is so good!

  76. Rachael says:


  77. Ashton says:

    May I always be thankful to our God! He always has me wrapped safe in the palm of his hand!

  78. Karen Moreno says:

    Thank you Jesus for your goodness! You saved me from the dark, wiped my tears off, dusted my feet ,picked me up, and said Go! You are with me everywhere I go and your grace covers me. Thank you for your amazing works and what you continue to do in and through me. I am your servant! Use me and guide me to fulfill my mission in this world. Thank you Jesus for your endless and perfect love for me!

  79. Becky says:

    Thank you for this study. Truly giving God the glory and His letting us!! Is a privilege. Praise His Holy name.

  80. Emily says:

    May our prayers of thanksgiving and our shouts of praise; our worship and our singing; bring power, blessing, honor, and glory to God our Father Almighty, and may they enlighten us with wisdom that comes from Him! Amen!

  81. Leeann says:

    Such a good lesson!

  82. Olivia Allen says:

    Absolutely loved this study and the interactive side of it! Made me pull out my journal which is great

  83. michelle of LA CA says:

    I without a doubt loved this lesson and I’ll going back on it again during my advent .
    Thank you all at SRT and the responding saints . I loved reading your testimonies and stories .
    We are not alone ………. We have one another and we especially have our Lord Jesus Christ .
    Nothing else we need ~ He is enough .

  84. Blessing.
    The Lord is more than WORTHY of ALL our praise!!

  85. Jacque says:

    I agree! Journal prompts are very helpful!

  86. NatalieB says:

    I LOVED this study! Could y’all please do more studies that ask questions and prompt us to write in our journal? I absolutely loved the interactive side. Having to be specific with myself about what I’m afraid of and what He’s done in me, being reminded of the promises he’s made to me, it just began to reignite a fire that I’ve let go dim. Thanks ladies!

    1. Brenda says:

      I agree! I really loved Journaling this study and would like to see more studies like this. Thank you SRT for taking the time for us and sharing with us!

    2. Jendayi says:

      Totally agree!

    3. Mandi says:

      YES!!!! I totally agree!!!!!

  87. Lizzieb85 says:

    The past couple of weeks I’ve been meditating on Revelation 5:12 with BSF and I’m so glad this verse has come into my life as well. Our Lord is so so so very WORTHY! Amen and Amen.

    “In a loud voice they sang: ‘Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!'” Revelation 5:12

  88. April says:

    I’m so thankful for this study and for the “She” community! These Psalms of gratitude are the first official Bible study I’ve ever really participated in. I’ve strayed away from church and the Bible and prayer since college, as my life got busier and busier with work and family obligations. Participating in this study has me opening my Bible daily, talking to God several times a day, and attending church again. I feel alive and whole- a feeling I’ve been searching for for quite some time now and looking in all the wrong places. I can’t wait to continue on this journey of spiritual growth!

    1. Lizzieb85 says:

      SO glad you’re here April!! Stay with us for Advent, it looks like it will be SO good!

    2. Rebecca says:

      April, praying for you as you dig into God’s word and are reminded of His promises!

    3. Amazing to hear. Question: where did you learn about SRT? I’m so curious :)

    4. Pam B says:

      So glad you’ve joined the community. I got plugged into SRT in January and have leaned so much this year through all the devotions we have done. Each one has been such a blessing! ☺️

  89. lissabrackett says:

    I am so grateful for this study. Circumstances have not been great for a long time & this focus on praising him & losing myself in that gratitude has helped me to refocus. The love of God endures forever. HE is my strength & song. HE has become my salvation.

  90. Jules says:

    So true Melissa, the more I praise him, the easier I find it to be joyful. And it’s easier to just make better decisions really. I love that verse.

  91. Melissa says:

    This reminded me to be thankful for all my blessings and not dwell on the negative. Daily praise of God opens my heart to His joy!

    1. Churchmouse says:

      So true!

  92. Churchmouse says:

    Oh to maintain the attitude held within this verse as we head into the Advent and Christmas season! These days can be a minefield of conflicting emotions, unrealistic and unmet expectations, triggering of past disappointments and hurts, the burden of financial strain. BUT GOD… let us strive to live out this verse by reminding ourselves of it each morning. Breathe it in deeply. Exhale it slowly and gracefully as we go about this holy season. May our witness of Him be the greatest gift we give.

    1. Lisa says:

      Thank you! So well put!

    2. Rochelle says:

      Amen! Good reminder.

  93. Bethany says:

    This was my first SRT devotional, and I don’t want it to end! The questions helped me dig into these praise-scriptures and really focus on all that God has done in my life. I’m not worthy. My cup overflows!

  94. Tina says:

    May the words of my mouth, the meditation of my heart, the actions of my day, my life, my being, be acceptable to you Lord God….
    Amen! Praise , glory, honour, wisdom, thanks giving, power, and might belong to you, our God for ever and ever! AMEN…
    Happy Saturday, y’all…be Blessed….xxx