Day 6

Grace Day

from the Psalms of Rest reading plan

Matthew 11:28

BY She Reads Truth

Use today to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
—Matthew 11:28

Post Comments (87)

87 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Courtney McFee says:

    Rest is hard…Lord thank you for grace. And the reminder that I don’t need to strive for it.

  2. Jemma Wright says:

    Pray that everyone here will learn to know God

  3. Autumn Jameson says:

    I always find myself struggling to pray when I get busy with doctors. I often feel overwhelmed and unworthy since I am chronically ill. This devotional has been a nice reminder that seasons of rest are needed, and that our season of rest will end on God’s time not our own.

  4. Katherine Elizabeth says:

    It’s easy to leave God out of our schedule when we are tired or overwhelmed but we should not do this, instead when we are tired and overwhelmed this is the perfect time to run to God in prayer so he can look after us and give us the strength we need!

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