Day 6

Grace Day

from the I Am: Statements of Our Savior reading plan

Isaiah 45:22

BY She Reads Truth

Use today to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

“Turn to me and be saved,
all the ends of the earth.
For I am God,
and there is no other.”
Isaiah 45:22

Post Comments (10)

10 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Amber Dickson says:

    Praying I will always remember this and that my cousin suffering from severe depression will also.

  2. Mari V says:

    I slept in yesterday. Something I rarely do. I didn’t even meet with our junior high running team to run their first run of the season. This mama was tired! And as I sat here to do my Sunday morning devotions I realized I didn’t read yesterday’s
    Grace day reading. I am thankful for God‘s grace how HE loves me and may I be patient and loving to others so that they too may know His loving grace

  3. Angie says:

    “Turn to me and be saved,
    all the ends of the earth.
    For I am God,
    and there is no other.”
    Isaiah 45:22

    God, the Father,
    sent His Son – who is God
    to earth
    for us.
    “I AM the bread of life,” (You need food, you need water – I AM your sustenance. I AM all you need.)
    “I AM the light of the world,” (I AM so you never need to walk in darkness. I AM vision. I AM clarity. I AM goodness.)
    “I AM the gate for the sheep,” (I AM your opening to lead you into every day, and I AM your closure, your safe place of rest.)
    “I AM the good shepherd.” (I AM watching over, calling, and caring for you. I AM the one that hears you when you call. I AM the one that takes you into green pastures & still waters. I AM the one who provides rest for your soul. And when, you were lost in sin, I AM the good shepherd who laid down my life for you, little lamb.)

    “Turn to me and be saved,
    all the ends of the earth.
    For I am God,
    and there is no other.”
    Isaiah 45:22

    Unworthy i am and yet, i am I AM’s.
    there is no other
    May we live out the message of I AM with our hearts, our hands, and our lips.

  4. Audrey Flores says:

    Yes! Such a good reminder to turn to Him with whatever you are carrying. Let Him save you so you in turn can become a witness to tell the world of His glory!!

  5. Amber Trimble says:

    There is no other!!

    1. Cynthia Tittle says:


  6. Kelly Chataine says:

    “For I am God”

    Thanks to Jesus Christ we have access to our Father, the One True God!

  7. Churchmouse says:

    I read Isaiah 45:22 and then am prompted to read Romans 10:14-15. Tell others, anyone about Him and perhaps they will then turn to Him. Tell. Turn. Today.

    1. Jan Brown says:


  8. Searching says:

    2 “simple” sentences of truth that would radically change our country, and indeed the world, if only believed.

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