Grace Day

Open Your Bible

John 10:27-28

Use this day to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

“My sheep hear my voice, I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one will snatch them out of my hand.”
—John 10:27-28

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19 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Natasha R says:

    Such wonderful visuals, thanks Kate!

  2. Christian says:

    Praying for you Dorothy.

  3. Krystle says:

    Dorothy, I’m praying for you and your family! ❤️


    Tamar I went To Jerusalem but I didn’t read any books. I enjoyed my tour guide’s knowledge.
    SRT sisters I ask for prayers me and my family this weekend because it is the anniversary of my older son’s death. Sixteen years ago today my older son, his best friend, and my younger son decided to try to swim across a creek that was way out of its banks. My older son drowned. It was the day after his 18th birthday.

    1. Marvelous Jose says:

      Lord Heavenly Father, I lift up Dorothy and her family in your hands right now, and God I ask that in the season, may you fill them with your peace. Father you know them and see their pain that they’re experiencing of the loss of Dorothy’s older son. Jesus surround them, let them know you are with them in this very moment of their life. Give them the peace that is not like this world, a peace that is completely above this earth. Give them strength to carry through this hard time. I ask for your presence in their home right now, In Jesus Name, Amen. Dorothy I’m sorry for loss and my hope and prayer is that you’d continue to lean on Him in this season. The Lord shall comfort you right now with an everlasting and a never ending love.

  5. Melissa Graves says:


  6. Melissa Graves says:

    Not only does he call us “Mine”, it is an eternal relationship. No one can snatch us from Him. And He, being the Good Shepherd, will never leave or forsake us. (Heb. 13:5). Forever blessed. Forever grateful ❤️

  7. Tamar N says:

    Hello friends – has anyone here gone to Jerusalem before? I am going with my Armenian Orthodox Church in January. Just wondering if any of you had advice on books (other than the Bible! :)!) that I should read beforehand to further enrich my experience. :)

  8. Mari V says:

    Thank you ALL who are praying. Churchmouse and Amy not sure if you saw I responded to you on Day 10. Thank you as your words meant a lot to me.

  9. Mari V says:

    This morning I focus more at the end of verse 28. “No one will snatch them out of hand.” Last night my daughter and I said our goodbyes to my son. He and his best friend moved down here to attend one of the best Christian colleges. They’ve been best buddies since birth. I AM blessed! It was a sweet moment ending with a beautiful communion service. I’m am trusting my son into God’s hands OUR Creator and Maker of all. My son and his friend belong to Jesus and NO ONE will snatch them out of HIS hands! PLEASE pray as my daughter and I will travel (driving) back alone. We are going to take our time. I’m sure there will lots of tears along the way.

  10. Pam Karlberg says:

    The Lord used this verse and much of John 10 to bring me to Him over 40 years ago. I knew I needed a shepherd and His love. What really hit me then was the permanence or belonging to Him. What a wonderful truth for us to lean on this weekend. No one can snatch us from Him. While I my heart may wander at times, I have found that the Shepherd always pulls me back. How faithful He is to us!

  11. Aimee D says:

    Lord You are my Shepherd. Let me have the wisdom to hear and heed your voice always.

  12. Susan Merritt says:

    As I meditate on this verse the word “hear” stands out. Am I unplugging from all the distractions to be able to hear the Master speak to me? One thing I have been doing lately is taking walks without earplugs or my phone. I like to leave my walks open to be able to communicate with God. I let him know that I am listening so I can hear His voice. What are some other things you guys do to listen to the Lord?

    1. Mari V says:

      I’ve done the same and go on runs without music. However because I go on a trail and I run alone I do take my phone with me. The best time is in the mornings because the world hasn’t woken up and all I can hear is nature and the birds chirping and of course I’m talking to my Jesus

    2. Audren Phalen says:

      A lot of times I’ll take a drive in nature and maybe get coffee. It helps me breathe and remember to whom I belong!

  13. NanaK says:

    “My sheep know my voice…” Because I spend time listening to Him…
    “I know them…” Because I am in relationship with Him…
    “And they follow me…” Because I know that He has a plan for me…
    “I give them eternal life…” Because He is my LORD and Savior…
    “And they will never perish…” Because He has covered all my sins with His precious blood…
    “No one will snatch them out of my hand…” Because He is my protector and He loves and cares for me.
    There is no greater joy and comfort than being in an ongoing relationship with the great Shepherd!

  14. Shawn Parks says:

    This verse has been on my heart all week! This promise has encouraged me, guided me, redirected me, and strengthened me. I am a beloved sheep in the flock of the Good Shepherd. He cares for me and I recognize His voice. When I wander out of earshot of His voice, He rescues me and I am tucked in His arms as He carries me to safety. The Lord is my Shepherd and I am His precious sheep.

  15. Churchmouse says:

    I am worthy of a personal pronoun to Jesus. He calls me Mine. I am His. Forever.

    Resting and rejoicing in that this grace day.

    1. Josie Smith says:

      Yes. Love your words. “I am worthy of a personal pronoun.” That’s hard to believe sometimes. Thanks for the reminder. ❤️