Use this day to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.
25 But I know that my Redeemer lives,
and at the end he will stand on the dust.
26 Even after my skin has been destroyed,
yet I will see God in my flesh.
27 I will see him myself;
my eyes will look at him, and not as a stranger.
My heart longs within me.
—Job 19:25–27

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16 thoughts on "Grace Day"
This passage brought me an unexpected sense of comfort. A friend of mine is nearing her last days in a fight against cancer, and she has been on my mind a bit the past couple of days. She is in a palliative care facility now, and we are no longer able to visit her. I’m not sure how conscious she is now, but she was such a spiritual encouragement to me the last times we got to spend together. I love her very much and hope with all my heart that her spirit is at peace and ready for her meeting with the Lord in a far better place.
My heart longs to see God. See Him at the end of my path. But also see Him every day along the way. See Him in the moments and hours. See Him.
In response to Mari’s post, below is the link to view “My Redeemer Lives” by Chrystal Lewis.
Pray that my ex bf, Mario, see God’s presence in this world and feels his love. Pray that I will be strong to trust in the Lord, knowing his will is far better than mine.
I love this verse too! I remember mentioning the song “My redeemer Lives” by Chrystal Lewis. If you get a chance listen to it. I’m still trying to figure out how to post it. I’m not very techy.
Have a blessed week and my sisters.
What a wonderful 28 days. Loved this study ♥️
To have Job’s faith!! #goals
Such amazing hope in these verses!
May I shout it with every ounce of my being…I KNOW my Redeemer Lives!!!!!
I hope you can enjoy this version from Nicole C. Mullen
That my heart always longs for Jesus. Amen
This passage has spoken to me ever since we studied the book of Job! Hallelujah my Redeemer lives! Father, please help me to share that with others today and everyday.
Have a blessed weekend sisters.
Yes, same! Have been actually using that verse card as a bookmark all week!
While I anticipate seeinh Jesus face to face in the future, may I not miss seeing Him here now. His presence is evident in this world. May I be more attentive, less distracted.
Amen! I love the wording “rebellious” spirit. That’s fits a description I’ve been searching to describe mine, as well. Bless you!
He lives! Through His Holy Spirit I can do this life. My prayer is that I will allow my rebellious spirit to be more and more like Him everyday so that when He stands on the dust at last, He recognizes me. Thank you for your grace and mercy, Lord!