Grace Day

Open Your Bible

1 John 3:20

Use today to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows all things.
—1 John 3:20

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33 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Sarah D. says:

    He is greater than my heart. He knows it all. Every single desire, secret, feeling, thought, passion I have, He knows. He knows my heart. Praying I would trust in His plan and provision. Praying I would trust. Praying I would let go of all my worries about my future, career, salary, and success…and just follow Him one step at a time. It’s hard because I want to know it now, but I need to keep trusting. And use the resources He has set before to the best of my ability. Gonna keep praying for wisdom and guidance.

  2. Irina says:

    Ladies, what about the first part of this verse? “For if our heart condemn us….” And one verse before tells us “ we know that we are of truth, and shell assure our hearts before him” Does not it mean that we need to align out hearts with his truth to ensure that He who knows all things, is pleased with what we have in our hearts…?

  3. Mari V says:

    My God can do anything! He always comes through. Even in the mist of my life’s trials when I am overwhelmed and anxious i know deep inside HE’s got this. Churchmouse, I couldn’t say it better, “I tell my heart to just chill“

    Now just off the subject, I’m really excited this morning but at the same time dreading (only because it’s cold) LOL. A few of us staff are joining our seventh and eighth graders from our school this morning who are running 10 miles. I’m so excited for them. They are training for a half marathon in March. I haven’t a ran 10 miles in a few months so I will pace myself and enjoy the kids. Please pray for all their safety and that we will be injury free.

  4. Lea Klepees says:

    I’m really loving this study. God is so good!

  5. Sue says:

    Just like any relationship, I cannot base my relationship with God purely on how I am feeling in any given moment.

    I love how my Bible commentary puts it:

    If I am living for the Lord but not feeling like I am good enough, I need to set my heart on God’s love and remind myself that God is greater than my conscience.

    God already knows everything about me. He cares for me, He desires me, and He knows who I truly am in Christ Jesus. (Enduring Word Commentary)

    This is a wonderful thing!

    1. Melissa Dyer says:

      I love this!

      1. Chako Holland says:


    2. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Thank you for sharing this! This was very encouraging!

    3. Chako Holland says:


  6. Indiana Christina says:

    I love this verse and particularly love The Message version, which reads: “For God is greater than our worried hearts and knows more about us then we do ourselves.” It’s wonderful to think that the God of the universe, the Creator of the stars and the tiniest of matter, knows us so intimately and loves us so well. How completely amazing and baffling. Praise His name forever.

    1. Melissa Dyer says:

      Thanks for sharing the message Version. I love that!

    2. Edie Walker says:

      I love this paraphrase. God is sure great!

  7. Churchmouse says:

    Jeremiah 17:9. I have a lot of feelings and my mind may ‘heartily’ agree with them. BUT GOD knows all things. He has all wisdom. He sees the whole picture. Therefore it is best for me to turn to the Truth of His Word and listen to His still small voice. I tell my heart to just chill.

    1. Erin Mauk says:

      So true. ♥️

    2. Edie Walker says:

      I love it! Very true!

    3. Nicolette Chavez says:

      I so needed to read this this morning! Thank you for sharing ❤️

    4. Jennifer Anapol says:

      Thanks for sharing! I love how you explained this!

  8. Terrisa Stewart says:

    I started this reading plan late so I plan to catch up on the readings I missed and rest in his presence when I got for my run this morning!