Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Romans 8:26–27

Use today to pray, rest, and reflect on this week’s reading, giving thanks for the grace that is ours in Christ.

In the same way the Spirit also helps us in our weakness, because we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with unspoken groanings. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because he intercedes for the saints according to the will of God.
– Romans 8:26–27


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39 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Sharon W says:

    Thank You God for your gift of The Holy Spirit❣️

  2. Susan Crosby says:

    This verse speaks volumes about how God has provided for us in every way. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we just can’t speak the words necessary according to His will

  3. Mari V says:

    LOL: i’m still waking up. The song is called: Just “Say” Jesus. I am reminded of this verse almost daily

  4. Mari V says:

    Oops. It’s just like the song by 7eventh Time Down: Just Day Jesus

  5. Mari V says:

    Good morning ladies, I just love how God speaks to me to us just when we need it. It’s comforting to know them when I don’t know what to say HE does it for me. And he’s just like the song :

  6. Kate Ward says:

    I broke my ankle this weekend and am feeling mighty weak right now. This is the reminder I needed.

    1. Dorothy says:

      Prayers for you Kim. The Lord is by your side always.

  7. Kelly Chataine says:

    Sixteen days until I report to school . . . . It is well with my soul (not yet, but it will be). I am choosing to trust!

    1. Katie Morrison says:

      I’m a teacher and feel the same way! I battle with the thought that I’ll drown trying to juggle work and home life with my children and husband. But Jesus overcame the grave and has overcome the world. He’s our Dad, He’s with us.

  8. Bessie says:

    Something that has stuck with me this week is Valerie’s comment on Day 8 that ‘trust is a choice’.
    To trust is to let go. To let go of control and that is scary. We trust every day in countless ways. But God (as Tina would say) wants us to trust Him to take control over our very lives. That is hard, but oh so awesome because when we let go and trust Him we see how very sweet and loving and gentle He is with us. He holds us and whispers in our ear “I’ve got this. Let go and trust me more”. Oh for grace to trust Him more.

    1. Kelly Chataine says:

      Bessie, it really is a choice. Thanks for the reminder.

    2. Mimi says:

      Thank you so much for this! I am struggling so hard with trusting regarding one of my children. I needed your comments so badly!

    3. PamC says:

      Isn’t it wonderful? Aren’t we blessed as the Words of God are better understood & put to work in our lives as learn from each other as well. Thank you, Bessie.

    4. anon says:

      Its so hard to trust when you can’t see or even feel any hope. How can I let go and trust God when I love him (a guy) so much? How do I know that it’ll all work out for the good? will ‘guy’ be there at the other side of a long wait? does ‘guy’ love me? I pepper God with these questions as I’ve no answers and ‘guy’ cant tell the future. Is ‘guy’ the right man for me or should I be waiting for someone else? why is love so complicated? why?

    5. Dorothy says:

      to go along with what you said Bessie, a friend taught me a phrase I have never forgotten (short but sweet), Let God and let go.

  9. Churchmouse says:

    “we don’t know what to pray as we should.” So grateful for the intercession of the Holy Spirit in those instances. Sometimes there are just no words, only anguish, fear, disappointment, anger, heartache, numbness. Grateful to know that when I am speechless, He isn’t.

    1. Brandi says:

      Yes! ❤️

    2. PamC says:


    3. Mari V says:

      Good morning Churchmouse! These were exactly my thoughts this morning. These last two days I’ve had a dream that bothered me. This verse is comforting. And that song by 7th Time Down, “Just Say Jesus”

    4. Dorothy says:

      So right you are, Churchmouse.

  10. Christel says:

    I am going through something right now that I have brought on myself. I have been honest with it to my spouse but so very ashamed of what I have done. It’s embarrassing and I will have to held accountable for my actions. It’s a sickness I guess in a way you could say that I have done for the last two years. I know I have to go through this hardship because I won’t learn or heal from it. This scripture relates to me this very moment. The Holy Spirit is by my side through this hold my hand and guiding me which gives me some sense of comfort. To realize and finally put trust in God and being able to speak through prayer to him is comforting. I know he’s got my back and with me.

    1. Kara says:

      Christel your confession will be part of your witness one day. I pray you will not be haunted by shame but instead have the opportunity to speak about His goodness to you in this season.

    2. Kelly Chataine says:

      God is working in you! Praise God, He is working in you!

    3. Steph Li says:

      Praying for you & your marriage!

    4. Dorothy says:

      Christel you have taken the first step by tell the Lord, your husband and yourself that you have done something wrong. Keep going and don’t falter. My prayers for you and God bless my sister.

  11. Melissa Renee says:

    It’s almost like this scripture was the answer to my prayers. I’ve been struggling internally for the past few days but couldn’t really pinpoint where my challenges are. There’s comfort in knowing that the Holy Spirit is interceding on my behalf when I don’t know how to.

  12. Dorothy says:

    I very much needed to read this scripture today. I am writing this at 4:00 in the morning afraid to go to sleep because Thursday night and early Friday morning I had three very strange dreams each ending almost in a nightmare. I was able to wake myself out of each of them before they went that far. The doctor and I are changing my medicine for my depression and she was tapering me off of one what I now think may have been to quickly. I have tried to discuss it with the nurse in the office but they didn’t quite understand the point I was trying to get across. They told me no the tapering was fine. Being a nurse I and knowing my body and mind I decided I would taper myself off of the medicine a little slower. Please pray for me and that this is the problem and that I start being able to sleep all the way through the night again. Sisters in Christ I am scared and need prayers for strength and His guidance. This verse spoke to me in that way.

    1. Jane says:

      Praying for you, Dorothy!

    2. KimN says:

      Lifting you up today Dorothy to the Great Physician. That He grant you the guidance and strength you seek. That the Spirit would give you comfort and protect your heart, soul and mind.
      I’m not that familiar with medications like you are but have you been given a new one that could be causing the nightmares? I will keep praying for resolution for you! Sending you love and hugs sister!

      1. Dorothy says:

        Kim you are right it could be the new medication, I decided to try changing the way I am decreasing this one first then if that doesn’t work I will let the doctor know and stop the new medicine. Right now I am grasping at straws.

    3. PamC says:

      Praying for you Dorothy, that the peace of God that passes all understanding in Christ Jesus will be yours today & going forward through this difficult & scary time.

  13. KN says:

    If you have just 1 minute, please pray for my younger brother and his wife. They are a young military couple and are having a VERY difficult time in their marriage and there has been thoughts of divorce. My heart breaks for them as I have been through an unwanted divorce myself and I wouldn’t wish the trauma of it on anyone. The passage for today was like a cold drink of water for my tired and thirsty soul. Knowing the Spirit is interceding for me and that I can bring my burdens to him without having the perfect words is so life bringing. I normally don’t struggle to speak to my savior but when something like this is happening it’s like you don’t even know where to begin. And yet Jesus doesn’t need me to know, because he already does. Thank you, sisters for your prayers.

    1. Dorothy says:

      Praying for them

    2. Jane says:

      Praying now that there marriage and love for each other will be restored!❤️❤️

    3. Melissa Renee says:

      Praying for them!

    4. Churchmouse says:

      Your brother and his wife, as active military, would be able to attend, at no cost, a seminar at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove on military marriage. It’s a wonderful ministry that could be very beneficial. You can check out our on their website. There are also resources available on his base if he reaches out to a chaplain or others. I’m praying they will press on to get help to resolve their issues and draw them closer to one another and to God.

    5. Kate Wells says:

      The Lord rescued my husband and I from similar battles and I pray that he would give your brother and his wife the strength to persevere thru this trial and to breathe new life into their marriage.

  14. Courtney says:

    This verse is so comforting to me. Sometimes I find myself in prayer and hoping that I’ve covered everything. Praying for myself, my husband, my daughter in so many detailed areas of our lives. But what is amazing is that God sees our hearts and knows what is best for us, even if it’s something we didn’t pray for. He has a plan and a purpose for us, as long as we seek Him and focus our eyes on Him, we have comfort that everything will fall into place in the way it should to glorify Him. Praise God for that!

    1. Dorothy says:
