Grace Day

Open Your Bible

Psalm 59:16-17

Take this day as an opportunity to catch up on your reading, pray, and rest in the presence of the Lord.

But I will sing of your strength
and will joyfully proclaim
your faithful love in the morning.
For you have been a stronghold for me,
a refuge in my day of trouble.
To you, my strength, I sing praises,
because God is my stronghold—
my faithful God.
—Psalm 59:16-17


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21 thoughts on "Grace Day"

  1. Audrey Flores says:

    Yes! In preparation for my move I’ve been digging deep into the Word. And after ready today’s passage I’m reminded how much I rely on Him now. And how much more I need to rely on Him. I can’t wait to be fully submitted to Him!!

  2. Shelby says:

    Today as I read the Bible passage for this Grace day, I became moved thinking of all the blessings in which I have been given by God’s grace. Working through struggles with an ever forgiving God, HOW sometimes I wonder do I deserve such blessings and forgiveness? I’m so thankful for God granting us His son Jesus to be our Savior and to allow us redemption and an invitation into the Gates of Heaven with His blood. I feel I need to spend time more in nature, explore variety of parks or State parks (due to being financially conscious).

    I need to pray about my job (ER nurse) because I have a desire to help my patient’s but then I yearn to bring women and troubled teens closer to God and be a support base for them; I’m praying that I’ll see what options are available. I’m working so desperately on learning more of the Good Book to be knowledgeable regarding the literature and dig deeper into the verses to see symbolism and attach to other scripture which correlates.

  3. Sarah D. says:

    Been feeling really insecure lately. My skin is acting up and I’ve been thinking really negative thoughts toward myself. This morning though, I went for a run and saw this small yellow bird. It reminded me of the sparrow verse I’d heard before…so I looked it up when I got back…Mathew 10:29-31
    29 Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. 30 But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. 31 So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
    Trying to accept and believe this this morning.

    1. Mari says:

      Sarah went for a much needed run myself. Love it because it’s when I cry out to God and love how it makes me feel afterwards. Love verse 30 HE knows the numbers of hairs on my head. I matter to HIM! You Sarah matter to HIM! Have great weekend

    2. Shelby says:

      Sarah, remember that regardless you are beautiful. We are wonderfully and fearfully made, made imperfectly perfect. Which I try to remember all the time. As I remember God’s grace and blessing and with studying his Word I have been told that I appear more peaceful and I have a glow. <3

    3. Emily B. says:

      My go-to verses for moments of insecurity are Isaiah 16:29 and Romans 9:20 (where Paul quotes the Isaiah one). I hope those help you, too! You are beautiful and worthy because you’re made in the image of your Creator. :)

  4. churchmouse says:

    Our youngest daughter married her Air Force pilot yesterday. I am joyfully proclaiming God’s faithful love this morning. Her testimony is a profound one. She dated her high school sweetheart for six years. He went off to the Air Force Academy. They became engaged although there were some faith issues. She has a Jesus relationship. He had religion. Wedding plans started and she broke the engagement when the faith differences could not be reconciled. Hard hard days followed. BUT GOD… She had been a bridesmaid in a wedding. There was a groomsman. There was a bit of match making by the bride. God brought them together and redeemed all that had occurred before. My son in law is a wonderful man of faith. He had gone to the Academy also. Because of the first fellow, our daughter was aware of some of the military rigors. In the midst of that journey and that heartache, God was preparing her for this joy. God was faithful in answering her prayer for a Godly husband. True, she had to take a stand for her faith and be willing to end that first relationship. But all along, God had a purpose and a plan. The wedding yesterday was a witness to His goodness, His grace and His faithful love. Kristin and Grady are in the palm of His hand and in the center of His will. I’m one happy mama. A little tired this, the day after, but happy. God is indeed “my stronghold – my faithful God.”

    1. Bobbie says:

      I love this sweet testimony of God’s faithfulness, blessing and favor on your daughter because of her faithfulness to Him!
      God’s plan for us is always the best plan! Congratulations to the newlyweds!

    2. Susan says:

      Nothing like watching your children grow up into adulthood and follow His will in choosing Godly mates, who you as mommas, have poured years of prayer into! It is a blessing to watch the unions that God ordains and I have done this 3 times in the last 4 summers with my 3 daughter and I too am tired and joyful! God is wonderfully faithful! And now I have a beautiful granddaughter, who is the delight of my life! I pray for strength this day for you and the coming days.

    3. Mari says:

      What a wonderful testimony and Trusting HIS faithfulness. God always knows best even when there’s pain involved. My kiddos are still too young for marriage but I’ve started to pray for their future spouses.

    4. Karen From Virginia says:

      Congratulations. Great is His faithfulness! Love hearing this testimony and rejoicing with you.

    5. Cecilia says:

      Thank you for sharing the joy and esp the pain preceding it – so often people tend to gloss over the seasons of storms yet we need to hear how God is good at all times, how he is working and preparing us for the blessing to come. Congratulations! Hope you had a restful day :)

    6. lilia says:

      Oh i wish i could see pictures!!! I always look around for ur comments eventhought i dont write too often xoxo, praying for u dear!

  5. Victoria says:

    Praying for you this morning.

  6. Karen From Virginia says:

    I rest in peace this morning. It’s been a rough week of pain and grief. I had a few meltdown’s so sad as I think of my sister in life without her. And I wonder at the losses in my life and what God will do with me. I’m asking the Lord’s help that I will lean on him, rest in Him and run to Him. I’m turning to being thankful and relying on the good that’s in my life. Because there is much. God is my refuge and strength.

    1. Emily says:

      Lifted you up to the Father just now, Karen! May He bring you the type of peace and comfort that can only come from a knowledge of such deep suffering.

    2. Taylor H says:

      Karen, my heart aches for you sister! I’m reminded of John 11:35 where it simply states, “Jesus wept.” He wept for his dear friend, he wept watching the pain of those around him knowing full well he would raise Lazarus again. So, in our own pain, knowing full well the king will come, we weep too. And we pray. I pray for continued peace for you, that God would continue to show you the beauty in life and the great plans he intends to accomplish through you! I pray this weekend is a great time of rest for you and I pray, too, for people around you who are close by to be the body of Christ and to love on you during this time. I praise God that you are so willing to share with us and let us pray for and with you. Glory be to God! Sending love from Florida.

    3. Bobbie says:

      Reading your post this morning reminds me of my own journey on the “grief road.” I have called it that since I have walked it…often. I’m so sorry to read of the loss of your sister.
      Words and scripture and prayer did little to comfort me until one day I was reading in Isaiah 53. In prophesying about our Jesus, Isaiah calls him a “man of sorrows and acquainted w grief.” My Jesus knew just what I was feeling!! I took great comfort in knowing that He hurt w me. Isaiah also writes, “surely, He has bourn our grief and carried our sorrow.” Not only did He know how I felt, He carried that sorrow on Him!
      How I pray that these words will comfort you!

      Karen From Virginia, your posts always catch my eye. I’m a Virginia girl myself (though now living in the Deep South). You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
      This one thing I know, God is faithful. He has and will always be my stronghold and even in the midst of the darkest days He has been my refuge, shelter, comfort and peace.

    4. Lily says:

      Praying for you, Karen. I’m so sorry.

    5. Anonymous says:


      We were not designed to sin or experience sin. Also The Bible says that God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all. With all of that being said, your broken heart hurts God. He stands there weeping at the pain you experience. Rest in knowing, like every good Father, your pain moves God. Also, continue to praise Him. Only you can sing from the unique testimony in your life, and all of Heaven hears YOUR praises.

    6. Karen From Virginia says:

      Thank you everyone. Your kind words filled with wisdom will be a place to meditate. The Lord reveals Himself to the those who suffer. Thank you for helping me not feel alone.