Jane Austen is one of my favorite authors. I could rave about her skill in pages upon pages (and I have), but one technique that is particularly captivating is her use of irony. For those who catch it, the result is a satirical critique of her characters (and, by extension, her readers) who are exposed as morally abhorrent.
The dramatic ironies in this reading are all over, and the result is the same.
The Jewish people who handed Jesus over wouldn’t enter Pilate’s headquarters to avoid becoming impure for the Passover. They sought purity while seeking innocent blood.
Later Pilate asks, “What is truth?” (John 18:38) to the One who is the source of truth, the very Word from which all reality came into being.
Then, standing in the position meant to discern and execute justice, Pilate abdicated his responsibility to the changing whims of the mob (even when clearly convinced they are wrong). He used the very power given to him to allow injustice.
Likewise soldiers crowned Jesus and dressed Him royally, mocking the “king” who thought to challenge the great Caesar’s power. They then mocked His thirst by holding up vinegar on a hyssop branch while He poured out His life for all who thirst.
Throughout these readings, we are shown a man who appeared to some of no account and to some even cursed. Yet for those with different eyes, this vile tale of political intrigue is actually the destruction of all vileness, politically or otherwise.
And yet after, “It is finished” (John 19:30), we are left in the cold tomb, waiting. Like the Israelites eating the paschal lamb, ready to flee Egypt during the Passover, there would be quite a journey ahead for Christ’s followers, whose broken body was to be their true food. The Lord had done His work; soon it would be time for His people to move.
The wilderness we are walking through since being freed from our captivity to death may sometimes appear dire. But if reading through 1 & 2 Chronicles has taught us anything, it is that we shouldn’t be fooled by appearances. While the mockers at Christ’s death had a heyday with their ironic gestures, God was weaving an even greater irony out of their actions.
In a subversion of every possible expectation, He gathered up our brokenness and, in swallowing the whole cup, declared again over all humanness: “It is good.”
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35 thoughts on "Good Friday"
“It is finished “
Praise the Father, Praise the Son, Praise the Spirit three in one…….
The gift of righteousness, paid at such a price. Thank you dear Shepard with praise and love.
Jesus is the passover lamb slain for us. He didn’t check to see who was worthy of saving and who wasn’t, He came to save us all! Praise the Lord!!
I pray that I never take for granted Christ’s gift of life. I pray that I will always remember that my freedom in him wasn’t free.
My daughter asked me what forgiveness was today and I just thought what a day to ask!
Hallelujah! This is where we find forgiveness and understanding. Thank you Jesus!!
Jesus gave his life for our sins. What a love ♥️
I am so overwhelmed on Good Friday. More so as I’ve gotten older, but it always breaks me. I almost have no words for my feelings. Except grateful, so undeserved, emotional, thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus gave. I falter…
Amen! I am listening to a great podcast (or video series on YouTube) called “The Spoken Gospel”. Each day this week there is a 20 min session. They have been so profound and have brought me to a deeper understanding of the events of this week. Have a blessed weekend ladies.
Hello my wonderful SRT Sisters… thank you for indulging me..
Here are some thoughts..
So, the hymn When I survey the wonderous Cross, by Isaac Watts, has and will always be the one that has me tearing, bordering on sobs.. I have over the years been move to the core, with the beautiful and so truth filled words, that have stirred something within me.
Today is no different, as I listen to those heart wrenching woods, I am floored and the tears roll..
I have come to believe that everything- EVERYTHING, begins and ends at the Cross.. the Wonderous Cross.
We come to the Cross, realising.. we repent at the Cross. And know forgiveness. We hand over our burdens at the Cross, hopeful our load will be lightened. We find Love, amazing, pure and true love, at the Cross. We praise at the Cross. We live and have a tomorrow, because of the Cross. We have Salvation, Redemption, Eternity.. because of the Cross, and because of the Cross, we have Hope.. everlasting Hope..
When I, Tina, survey the wondrous Cross, I am thankful, thankful that though my flaws are many, many, many, my lord Jesus loved me.. T_H_I_S M- U-C-H ( outstretched arms), and more, much much more, that He died on that Cross for me, for us. My family… my enemies.
.. see from his head, his hands, his feet,
Sorrow and love flow mingled down.
Did e’er such love and sorrow meet,
Or thorns compose so rich a crown?
Every bit of Jesus’s perfect body, was struck, hurt, and bled for me, and what I had, have, and continue to do, sinfully..
Even knowing that, Oh my God, still knowing that..
He outstretched those arms, and said, ‘This is for you.. my Tina, so one day YOU will be with me in Paradise…’ tears roll freely as those words arrive via my finger tips to this ‘page’..
What can I say.
What can I say..
All I know is this hymn, the words, truly hit home, right to my core, deep into my soul.
The Cross means everything to me..
Thank you for the Cross
Thank you.. Jesus.., thank you..❤❤
Thankful for you my peeps this Good Friday..
Blessings always..❤❤❤❤
Every time I read Scripture about Christ carrying His cross to Golgotha I think of the song by Ray Boltz called “Watch the Lamb”. They also have a video to go with it, it’s amazing, on YouTube, if you want to watch it.
Be blessed and give ALL YOUR BURDENS, WORRIES AND CARES to God, and Christ, after all isn’t that why HE DIED for us?
Happy Friday ladies! Thank you for your prayers. On the upside, the later shift has given me some time to workout in the mornings and then have time to pray more during my devotional time. Praying the Lord’s will be done. So thankful for the Easter season to remember Christ’s sacrifice. It is so amazing, and I pray I would use my life to give him glory. May I never lose the wonder of what he did for me. No one else gives the words of eternal life.
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (1 Corinthians 5:21) Oh what undeserving love has been bestowed on us. Today I will remember and reflect.
In a subversion of every possible expectation, He gathered up our brokenness and, in swallowing the whole cup, declared again over all humanness: “It is good.” – Aurora Eagen
Wow. What a line… an echo of the words He spoke over us after He created humanity in Genesis 1, as He suffers excruciatingly for us.
God outdoes all our expectations. We can not even comprehend the fullness of His kindness and glory.
What a great way to start Good Friday. The older I get the more overwhelming this day and season become because I know I am not worthy of all Jesus sacrificed. @Searching I agree that you feel both pain and happiness reading through this chapter. @Rhonda J. I too was down for the count yesterday with a bad headache! Happy Good Friday ladies and I pray it’s a wonderful weekend for all.
Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, should die for me?
It’s just unfathomable all that You endured for me, for us! It doesn’t seem fair or just! But Your chastisement brought us peace, and by Your wounds, we were made whole. Thank You, Jesus!!!
Lord God thank you for creating a direct way to you. A way with an eternal destination that is not dark and painful but full of joy and worship! I am so undeserving and yet Your love is far greater! Christ Jesus, thank you for the sacrifice you made. Thank you for suffering what I deserved on my behalf! Thank you for Friday, but thank you even more for Sunday!
This morning, even before reading, I found myself thinking about what this day commemorates, and what is is about me that made Jesus want to complete His work on that cross for me. It’s because I’m a sinner who wants to be saved and needs to be saved. But, more importantly, it’s about what Jesus is. He is compassion, He is kindness and patience and generosity and truth; He is love. And so, with all my humbled heart, from me and all of us sinners wanting to be saints and falling short, I say thank you, Jesus, our precious Lord and Savior.
Amen ❤️
“They sought purity while seeking innocent blood.” – AURORA EAGAN
What are our hearts seeking today – to have our own way or to honor our precious Lord and Savior?
Amen! Thank you Jesus! Praying for you all on this Good Friday and Easter weekend!
Your sacrifice is so overwhelming to think about, Jesus. That you consider us….me so valuable that you willingly walked to the cross. Thank you is such an inadequate response. But Thank you. Amen and Amen.
There are no words… oh, the love of Jesus…
It is finished.
Oh Amen. Your sacrifice for my eternal life. It’s almost too much to bear. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah!
Isaiah 53:5 “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”
So undeserving, yet so freely given. Jesus, may I not take your sacrifice lightly. May I always stand in awe of your mercy. Thank you, Jesus <3 It is a Good Friday, indeed. Sunday is coming.
We of course cannot foresee the future, but this is one week where we did know what was coming … the cross. Sisters, the tears started this morning before I could even get settled in my chair because I knew I would be reading about His ultimate sacrifice. My heart both hurts from reading about the pain of His sacrifice and rejoices over His love for me (and you, and you and …) that led Him there. Lord, You forgave (and continue to forgive) me, and You saved me, thank you and hallelujah!
Running Home by Cochren & Co came to mind this morning. We’ve all heard that home is where the heart is. As Christians we aren’t looking at a physical home but instead are focused on Jesus being at home in our hearts, securing our eternal life and home with Him in heaven. He is indeed King and Lord, calling us to His truth and love.
JMW ❤️ praying for you, your boss and the upcoming conversation
RHONDA J – praying the migraine is GONE, and that your grandson will feel your love and Christ’s love for him as he winds up his visit. Praying for safe travels.
DOROTHY – I look forward to the daily “closing encouragement” in your comments. Thank you.
MOLLY R – praising Him for lifting you up and encouraging you in this difficult times. ❤️
CEE GEE – thankful for the safe return ❤️
MERCY – it’s been a week, miss you ❤️
Friday was so dark but Sunday is coming. Amen. Thank you Lord for your sacrifice for my sin. ❤️
Lord, help me to stay in this day. Your bloodied and brused body hanging on a Roman cross in total humiliation is the focus on this day. With arms streched wide to fully receive the pouring out of God’s holy wrath on my behalf, You were obedient to Your mission to the end. O, what mercy I have received!
Thank you Jesus. You are my King! Friday is so dark but Sunday is coming!
It almost seems like an understatement, but THANK YOU, GOD. Thank you for loving us so much that you sent your son to atone for our transgressions because He was the only completely perfect and unblemished. Today I keep thinking about Advent, and the journey that started nine months prior when the Holy Spirit came upon Mary, God’s chosen one to carry His Son. A little babe with the debt of the world on his tiny shoulders. And on Sunday, when we celebrate his resurrection, it is like a second Advent. And in it we get to be part of the body of Christ. Thank you for your grace, mercy, and forgiveness, God. We do not deserved it, but you love us so much that you gave it to us. Jesus’ sacrifice made it possible for us to come to you directly and be known as the people of God.