God’s Pursuit

Open Your Bible

Jonah 1:4-10, Mark 4:41, Proverbs 16:33

Text: Jonah 1:4-10, Mark 4:41, Proverbs 16:33

This is part of a 7-day series on Jonah in the Lent 2016 reading plan. 

I can imagine him there, on the boat. Pulling the coarse blanket tighter and rolling over, sighing as he sank deeper into sleep. Perhaps the dark, warm cabin where Jonah slept creaked and groaned as the waves outside surged with increasing intensity. Meanwhile, the sailors above deck were left to scan the horizon, and anxiously glance up toward a dark, grey sky, heavy with the strength of the Lord Almighty. And as each man cried out to his own false god, the One true God was coming for Jonah.

He was running away, but God pursued him like only the Creator and Lord of the sea could: with a furious ocean tempest. Jonah tried to flee from the very presence of the Lord, believing he could hide out in an old boat heading in a new direction.

But our God is fierce and awesome in His pursuit. There was never any chance of Jonah hiding from Him. Even the inanimate dice the sailors used to cast lots pointed to Jonah as the one running from God (Jonah 1:7). All creation seemed to be shouting, “Return!” In the face of the deafening storm and sure signs, the sailors feared for their lives, and looked to Jonah with eyes of blame and hands ready to give him the heave-ho.

God uses wind and waves, pennies and dice; everything in creation stands by to obey its Creator. When we read about His greatness, we’re left in awe and wonder. But in real life, it can all be so terrifying in the moment.

God’s pursuit is relentless exactly because He is so loving. He could’ve crushed Jonah under a tremendous sea surge and found another man. Jonah had his chance, and he clearly took the coward’s way out, right? God gave him a clear-as-day instruction—something we all long for—and he ran like a frightened child in the other direction. Why didn’t God give up on Jonah?

God wanted Jonah. Goodness, isn’t that amazing?

I sometimes feel like I’m a substandard version of the person who should actually be living my life. I often worry there is someone who would be a better mother to my kids, wife to my husband, friend to my friends. And the truth is, I do fall short. But despite my imperfections and failings, I’m the right mother for my children and wife for the husband God has so graciously given me. And I’m a good friend to those He’s gifted me with in this journey.

God gives specific callings to specific people. That means God wants me for my particular calling and life. It means He has specific plans for you too. Ephesians tells us “we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).

We can’t escape God and His stormy gale of purpose. He pursues us with love that is filled with a beautiful intensity unlike anything else we have ever known.

“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.”
-Psalm 139:7-10


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120 thoughts on "God’s Pursuit"

  1. Anna says:

    Please pray for me. As a college senior I’m struggling to know what plan God has for me. Last year I felt a call to missions but as time has grown by I haven’t felt that call as much. Please pray for me that God shows me his will that I may follow it.

    1. Stacey says:

      Anna, I will definitely pray for you. I remember being in the same position as you when I was finishing up college. The thing I had felt called to no longer seemed to be the right direction. Many (many!) years later, with lots of decisions and experiences under my belt, the main takeaway for me is that my first “calling” is simply to abide in Him. And as I draw close to Him, regularly steep myself in his presence, the choices become clearer. Or at least it’s not so scary to no longer have the answers. He is pleased with us when we seek to show love – however small or large of act that is. And he will use us wherever we are. Rest in Him FIRST. And then know that sometimes you just have to make a choice, knowing that even if it doesn’t turn out like you hoped, “nothing is wasted in God’s economy.” He is always teaching us and will use even the most challenging of circumstances to help us grow in our faith and draw closer to Him.

  2. James Gurl says:

    I know this is a bit off topic, but can someone explain the meaning of Romans 3:23 to me. All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. Thanks Sisters

    1. KA says:

      I skimmed the comments and couldn’t walk away from this request. I guess because my recognition of my sin hasn’t always come so quickly. I have always been a “good girl” compared to “others” or so I have believed. Then I learned we are made after God’s own image. We were supposed to be with Him and in his presence. Now with sin we fall short of being with Him or in His presence. Even the “church good girls” :). EVERY single one of us are not as good as the scale that has been put before us…. GOD’s Perfection. So that means without recognizing our sin we will never be able to be in His presence, Heaven, eternal life. So with that recognition comes our need for a way to him, a Savior. Romans 3:23 is our first step in the right direction and it excited me that you ask about this vital verse. Recognize our sin then call on Jesus as the Savior God pursued us with. He is the way, the Truth and the Life.

    2. Girlwonder says:

      It is a natural human instinct to be sinful. No one can truthfully say that they have not sinned when they reflect on their own life. Just think of the ten commandments, and then know that God knows our thoughts also. A lingering thought is the same as acting on the sin. The following are ways most people do commit every one of the 10 commandments found in Exodus 20.

      1.You shall have no other gods before Me. -> Have you ever thought something you wanted to do was more important than God’s plan? You are your own god in that moment.
      2. You shall not make idols. ->Have you ever put an activity or work, before God?
      3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain. -> I don’t believe this one is about cussing. I do believe this is when we say we did something in God’s name, but it was really to make ourselves look good.
      4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. -> Do you always have a day that your rest, and reflect on God’s glory and all that he does all day, or for even a part of the day? I do not…
      5. Honor your father and your mother. -> So you never have said something mean to your parents, or put them down in front of your friends?
      6. You shall not murder. -> Have you ever wanted to kill someone, and that thought lingered? I honestly don’t know if I’ve had that, but some completely normal people have thoughts of killing others.
      7. You shall not commit adultery. -> Sex outside of marriage, and those lingering looks to men. Have you had that happen, or those thoughts?
      8. You shall not steal. -> I’ve accidentally stolen things before, but I still did it. Or maybe stealing credit for something…
      9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. -> Have you ever said something bad about someone that was not true. This can happen easily when we get caught up in gossip.
      10. You shall not covet. -> Have you ever been super jealous of something someone had or someone else’s significant other?

      Also there is something called “generational curses,” in which everyone comes into the earth a sinful being. He(God) visits the iniquity or the sins of the people from 3-4 generations before us. (Exodus 20:5; 34:7; Numbers 14:18; Deuteronomy 5:9)

      ****But the only one who can save us from our sin is Jesus. When we accept him our sins are remembered no more (Isaiah 43: 25). Jesus is through whom we can ask forgiveness, because he is the perfect sacrifice, and our high priest that intercedes for us (Hebrews 4:14).

    3. Laura says:

      Hello my friend. “All have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God” can be a bit confusing… I’m glad you asked! Basically we are all sinners… we have actively chosen to listen to our own desires instead of Gods desires for us. I think that means we are living in active rebellion against God (choosing our plans and wants instead of God’s). Because of our sin… we fall short of God’s glory. God’s glory means that He is absolutely perfect, sinless, and holy. He is distinctly set apart and different than us. Because of this… we fall short of his glory because of our sin. To “fall short” means to miss the mark. Suppose I take a rock and try to throw it from Dallas, Tx to Atlanta, Ga. I couldn’t do it, right? I would miss the mark every single time. In the same way, we miss the mark every single time we try to measure up to God’s glory. But God did not leave us there. The writer of Romans, Paul, goes on to explain in the book of Romans that our sin deserves death, but God sent Jesus to die for the sins that we committed so that we would not have to die. So when we believe in what Jesus did for us, we receive life instead of death. I hope that makes sense.

      1. James Gurl says:

        Thank you all for the clarity. For some reason I was struggling each time I read that verse. I appreciate the time you each took to help me open my ears and hear what I needed to hear. Felt like I was drinking coffee with each of you having our own little Bible study. May God bless each of you as you continue to be Sisters in Christ.

  3. Debbie says:

    I have to laugh at myself, I want God’s best. I really do but then there is me wanting my own way like Jonah. I am stiff necked and have a hard time with the way things get done. But God, in his mercy knows me and He still loves me and he pursues me. I feel LOVED, that God would continue to call me back from my rebellion. What love what love! Amazing love. His love is RELENTLESS.
    And I am so thankful!

  4. Churchmouse says:

    How foolish I am when I don’t surrender. How foolish to run and run and run. And then when I’m winded and my muscles burn, I collapse … into His arms. Which is exactly where He wanted me in the first place.

    1. Rochelle says:

      Love this. So, so true.

  5. LesleyRyden says:

    “God’s pursuit is relentless exactly because He is so loving.” Yes! Who doesn’t need that reminder? Thank you! We are talking about Abundant Life over on: https://awordthatmatters.wordpress.com/ Join me?

  6. Andrea says:

    It’s funny – God has been relentless in pursuing me, in drawing me back to Him, over these past weeks. I saw it and I was so much like Jonah, ignoring it and trying to go my own way. I am so thankful He doesn’t give up. And that it didn’t take a storm and being thrown overboard to finally get me to obey!

  7. Fallin Dennen says:

    What a clear picture of God’s pursuit! I am currently in a season of waiting for God’s plan for my future. After recently graduating, I am afraid of not know what is next. I have also been very discouraged, questioning why I haven’t had any clear direction. It is so good to be reminded that he is actively pursuing me and has a plan for the future. He has a particular plan and calling for my life. Thank you for that reminder today, I really needed it. What an amazing God we serve!

    1. Michelle says:

      Yes. I know the feeling. I am also a recent graduate, and the initial years post-grad have been some of the most difficult of my life. They’ve been miserable and full of uncertainties and waiting; but I also see how they’ve been so, so, so subtly sweet, as they’ve allowed me to grow my roots deeper into the good soil and water that gives life. God always proves faithful over the course of time. Praying for you, babe!

    2. Taylor says:

      I’m in the same boat as you! After coming out of grad school, I’ve been searching for that “big girl job” for six months and nothing has happened. 45 job applications and not a single door has opened. And yet, God continually provides me with little things here and there to get by. Waiting is hard and can make you question all of your life choices haha. But I’m with you, Michelle! Life happens in the waiting. The waiting is part of the journey where we can grow deeper, draw closer, and find abundant life in spite of uncertainty.

  8. Rachel Meyer says:

    Today I chose to turn back. I am not adrift. I am choosing God’s purpose and love, despite my flaws. He is enough. Thank you, Lord, for common grace and many chances to live in Your Will.